September 10th, 2024 Livestream Special Guests: Mark

September 10th, 2024 Livestream

Special Guests: Mark

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over oh hi Mark do I sit here yeah you want to close to mik yeah there we go perfect hey how's it going good congrats mood seems to be great down there good- I haven't heard anything throughout the entire stream and then like at when we launched I heard like the countdown yeah, super exciting no it's amazing super cool it's did you see any stats like the view counts and stuff, no so it's like I think on total it was like over 80,000 people watching wait what at Peak yeah across both platforms so I think the entire category of like what the [ __ ] so that and that's counting the so category on on assuming that people are watching other people's streams damn all right yeah and that's actually hi everyone I felt like I've been streaming for like there maybe 50 people here or something like that actually higher than the oror current user total damn all right cool well glad that you all tuned in for this [ __ ] exciting times yeah but what's the general feel for 1.0 that cuz- I don't know- I feel like it didn't hit me until like when I pushed live on trailer yeah and I saw the reactions to to to it- I felt like for me the Dismal of the early X is really and I still remember the first time that I saw that draft I'm pointing to lus now cuz he made that trailer, but that really hit me then as well and now it kind of hit me again cuz I you don't really feel like like we've also done like 10 updates for this game so it feels kind of like same old [ __ ] m in a way but, I mean it's still not really real life thing but we've also worked on it for such a long time yeah but I think the game is like in a better state has ever been we spent so much time Buck fixing I think we fixed like over a th bucks between yeah update 8 and now yeah, that's actually confirmed number I think we had in the patch not or in like the press release as well and that's even only the books that we actually kept track of so and there's still going to be B in there like I still see [ __ ] sometimes and I'm like yeah but that, I mean it should play better than it's ever played we got all the new content that's that's the general Vibe I've gotten when I've been playing is that like it just feels polished like it feels so much more polished and- I feel like we've had a pretty good level of polish for being in ear laxes you know like I always felt like we we've tried to, always, not put out stuff that's like broken and like stuff has been unfinished but you know it's we want it to be unfinished in a state where it's playable and good and like yeah you can see the intent yeah it's supposed to be representative of the what we want right exactly and sometimes that's also kind of nip Us in the butt cuz you kind of you want to try things but you want to still deliver quality mhm cuz sometimes when you want to try things out you kind of need to just try it in a shitty way so we always test internally of course but yeah I think we've been lucky at that as well that we never really had to go back to something that we worked on a lot to like actually change it or remove it this only happened like a handful of times yeah but it's super exciting and, should we talk some about the the new stuff that we we talked we talked about the new stuff you already talked about yeah we talked about it like definitely everything that we reveal like everything that I've revealed we talked about it on the YouTube yeah okay we've revealed everything like oh yeah oh everything yeah Y what do you mean did I forget something cuz like there might have been okay there might have been a few small things but I think that's sort of up to to people to discover on themselves and and bring it up, but- I don't think I've missed anything- I did miss the thing that I just wrote in the patch notes with the how you can place signals on Rails Forever Wait what that's that was in the patch notes wait is that new is wait is it not I don't know well I didn't even know that was it man we we changed so much [ __ ] between like the last time like I actually forgot what was in this update yeah right cuz apparently the blueprint dismantle thing was also not in 1.0 like you can dismantle the entire blueprint was that on an update 8 oh was an update a wasn't it right that might have snuck in the patch notes but I'm pretty sure that's an update a I'm pretty sure that was an update cuz I think we talked we like didn't we just reveal that at some point as well yeah yeah man I don't even remember I'm sorry yeah it's been such a because we we actually worked on this update since like update 7even I think so I think when it comes to like the alien power augmentor and stuff like that like development for that was started around the same time that we worked on blueprints yeah so that's how long is that ago that's a long time ago too long so like I mentioned before I lost track yeah and then we also had like closed beta in between and stuff and then we've slowly been like stopping development right so it's just been fixing fixing fixing yeah cuz we're not allowed to touch any more, things at some point yeah so I'm just going to address sorry- I have seen you chat I just been trying to wait for for the team to get back to me and give me like new some how to fix it so we did see the the issue with the on Steam and it's been corrected now now so you should be able to get the download again going potentially, there was some issue with the build that we pushed on Steam and it should only affect steam so, for once you epic people are in the in the clear or not in clear you you get the upper hand, but it has been corrected so so wait for the download to happen again refresh your steam client and whatnot, and apparently you can also rename the executable because the executable is a bit different in in 1.0, it you might get like the I'm not sure if that was just our internal build so if that actually happens for people live where you get like to pick like the old version versus the 1.0 version when you start steam oh I don't actually know yeah that's happened okay so I'm just going to say that in case it happened to people but it shouldn't been the case but but I'm just going to say this, sometimes when we've played, 1.0 it'll you'll get like a little popup in Steam that says like which version would you want to play do you want to play Early Access or do you want to play 1.0 and there's only one version so you need to pick like the 1.0 version, and then you can set it to be all always this option every time you B the game so like there's something with executable name but we've, we we've solved that, another really important thing by the way chat if you if you've installed mods, you need to uninstall them, either with the mod manager or by removing the the folders I can't quite remember because I even sometimes when people delete the mods they still load, so if you're getting crashes that has anything with mods in the name of the crash report or anything like that that's because of mods you need to completely disable them mods do not work in 1.0 so, we need to, let the modding people, solve that before we can, before we can play with mods again it's unfortunately, yeah that's a quick recap maybe we can can can one of the moderators in in each, chat just P pin a message saying that so people know, we have we have resolved that issue and and it's going to be pushed out again anyways 1.0 Good Times yeah there's like I said there's a lot of stuff that's for a long time like it feels like hasn't been in the game for forever hard keep track as well because there's a lot of small things and a little small fixes and stuff yeah small changes so it's really hard to keep track also with the patch notes they were like so long so we have to kind of condense everything to like overarching topics yeah cuz I heard there were 50 pages of patch like bullet points when just I have no clue we tried the only version that I've seen is like the really boil down version where you kind of just came over a lot of things CU if you really go for every single little point it's, it's way too much yeah yeah because there was a really long development track right and even even the things like the straight belt thing yeah is kind of like that's like a side thing I think it was actually Nick who at some point just came with that like he had done it and everyone was like yeah might just push it it's like a side development thing almost and that's actually often what happen is like some of the best stuff in these updates, is like the things we kind of do on the side not like planing in in the content stuff Echo we have we had good quality audio up this point it might be it might be that like I'm not sure if the echo is because of the between the two mics or yeah it might be, or it just like reverted back now both wait what my God interesting what time is it it's 20 pass video is pixelated now what's going on stream is just breaking down people are is it because we're uploading the no it's not they're just trolling yeah is it double or all wait what is the problem what's going on that I'm doing it live hello hello hello sounds fine to me do you guys have like two streams on at the same time or something cuz I don't hear anything all right anyways fixed okay I didn't do anything so if it's fixed then it wasn't broken okay I just want to say, maybe everyone had two streams open at the same time, anyways yeah good times I'm not I'm sure it's kind of like stumped yeah yeah, it's been a long day as well console it's it's now we can finally talk about this CU this has been a pain in the ass to keep secret yeah, and everyone got the leak at one at a time no they didn't but it's fine it's fine never got leak no no no no ech is it c m no no no no no don't be silly I'll just I'll just do is this my mic yes we'll just do this, partly broken weird all right we won't I guess we can talk about everything regarding that now yeah we can talk about that because that's been going off for a long time as well so that's like a side development track we actually got other people working on that they're like specialized in it yep, they're really good at it but it's been like a hassle as well with like even just the the control scheme and stuff like translating it well to controller so eing now that it's just more I'm pretty sure it's like cuz I'm pretty sure it's just, mic placement but yeah like I said it's it's been actually maybe I can [ __ ] scoot this anymore I can just s and hold it, I think it's that my mic is picking up so I'm just going to increase the expander, yeah what were you saying about yeah it's like a super long process I'm actually not the best person to talk about it because I've not, worked a lot directly with the with the whole console port and everything yeah, mostly because I've been busying with like the 1.0 and stuff but we have a lot of our developers have been busy like on the side and stuff cuz we have like an Outsource, Studio mhm we've been working on it really hard for a long time now actually, and yeah the whole controller support and everything that's like a tricky thing that's why it's like always been like a a bit all over the place with satisfaction controlers Sports is we have so many like inputs and stuff all over the place like the whole hot bar just for building is the whole screen is filled right with buttons and the the the the controller doesn't even have that many buttons no so they have have to had to do some smart solutions to actually make that work and I'll make it fit and everything but have we we haven't removed any like functionality right no I don't think so I think it's I actually wouldn't be able to say what with complete confidence I think we can probably talk more about that later yeah and and probably talk more with like people like Pontas who actively worked on that from like the UI side to like get that all working correctly yeah but from what I've seen they've tried their hardest to make it all work and I'll keep it there but some things might be a lot of like might be a bit harder to access and stuff but some things actually are probably, even be nicer on Console of course like it's just a bit of a give or take always when you want to do that cool, I think we're going to start rounding off soon, here because the are they the beer is cool oh my goodness, but just to reemphasize again is that like if you are running into issues with downloading the game, please restart steam either restart steam some people also say that you can rename the executable but you don't you shouldn't need need to do that, just restart Ste steam or epic I mean it should be fine on Epic CU you but restart steam so that the game will refresh again or re-upload, so so that like you can get a fresh download again, and should be fixed we did push like some there was some issue with the build that we pushed, but we have resolved it since and, yeah and and if not we'll we'll keep working on this guys so like don't worry about it we'll we'll get it running soon enough, or maybe we hang out for just a bit so I can just get comfort yeah they are but we can't really yeah yeah yeah show them, you can show them, but people can't see it because they can't yeah camera's on me, I've had to mute mute your mic for now just you know poter nice, and also want to mention this too because when when it comes to Dedicated servers, this is also a thing that usually happens when we update the game is a lot of people don't see the update for dedicated servers immediately so in some cases it takes a little bit longer for the dedicated servers to like roll out on Steam but you can download an instantly if you use the steam command, so, just bear that in mind, if you rename the executable it fixes it so so a quick and dirty fix apparently is to rename the executable what do you rename it to just Dan just Tommy Factory game I don't know we'll hang we'll hang out a little bit longer just so I can we can give you live dooby dooby doop live live information okay yeah- I've have gotten confirmation that the bills have been corrected on Steam so you need to restart the the executive, the client steam client and it should be fine just delete steam that's that's that's the way you should do it yeah yeah yeah restart works now yeah cool start seeing some vos. exe yes I started seeing some people running into the fix now it should be fine, and it may take some I'm not sure how the the steam back end works so it may take some time for for everyone but if you if you get the new patch that's coming out now the this is the day one patch the literally minute one patch it should fix it so we have we have uploaded everything correctly now on Steam so it should be fine or if not you can also rename the executable apparently so yeah when's the coffee stain, I already lost the comment the coffee stain, downloader yeah let's let's start let's make our own steam think they're so cool we'll make our own works I'm getting conflicting messages here fixed maybe some for some we we'll get there 1.01 out now people were asking about this like when's 1.1 coming out yeah now instantly it seems like things are getting back in there I'll fix it myself all right fix after restarting steam all right cool things are things it looks yeah it looks like we're finally getting there 1.1 let's go 1.01 let's go all right it seems like things are are rolling off so we're going to close off the stream call it a day yeah call it a it's been a long I don't feel like my I don't feel like yesterday ended for me I've been just been working I went to bed working, that was my my time anyways thank you so much everyone for tuning in to the release stream it's been so much fun to, to be able to do these like do the content that we make and be able to set this this stream up this stream was a little bit of a an extra thing that we don't usually do, but, yeah I'm glad that, we we got we got here eventually and like I said before if you're having issues with the build right now on Steam, either restart the client and refresh so you get a new download because there is a new patch the L first minute patch wouldn't be a proper Cofe release unless we had one little bit of a hiccup but it should be fine so so, either restart stream you can also apparently rename the executable, that should also solve it and, yeah hope hope you'll have fun with 1.0 I can't see I can't wait to see what you make with this I can't wait to see if if like the community highlights are going to be very different in the future, based on like the stuff that you make and like what kind of new meta is going to emerge from the game you know if there's power Towers they going to be a different format going to be power I don't know that's the thing right I don't know so I can't even come up with it that's kind of what I'm excited how they're going bre game, so thank you so much for everyone for tuning in, and we'll see each other very soon remember that we stream every Tuesday on Twitch at 4m. C which is an hour be well at one and a half hours before at this moment, so some of you us people might not be able to join in as much but, yeah do check us out on Twitch and, yeah any final thoughts no all right nothing all right cool thanks so much everyone for tuning in hope you all have fun with 1.0 and