November 27th, 2020 Video
Q&A: Why do we upgrade the engine?
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<ref name="yt-0kmDHBWf640,65.79906666666666,154.401842">[ YouTube - November 27th, 2020 Video - Q&A: Why do we upgrade the engine?]</ref>
upgrade the engine well if you look at these patch notes that's a lot of patch notes I'd hate to be the person who writes them I'm sure they've got some means of automating it but still there's proofreading I don't know a nightmare that's a lot right and this is just one update, and we are updating from 4.22.3 up to 4.25 so we are going up three versions of the engine so take what you just saw or multiply that by three and that's how many changes have happened in, within this gap that we're taking now this is a little scary because, things change sometimes you have to go in and make a lot of changes to the code yourself to make it compatible with the with how they want things done in the new version of the engine we also modify the engine ourselves to make satisfactory so we have to see if our modifications are compatible with their modifications as well, so then that takes a lot of testing and hopefully everything will work and then when it goes to experimental you guys will let us know if it doesn't yeah engine upgrades are a big deal they're a really big task they're scary and we've got to do it because, first of all sometimes the engine upgrades give us, some new tools that make things easier for us to work new tools that make things look or work better so you can get things that look better or you know better performance sometimes the performance is just free the engine is just better now and now the game's quicker sometimes they give us access to certain things or they've changed the way that they do things that if we can take if we are able to take advantage of that in our game we will get those performances too now this is a misconception