May 14th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: If you were back in Alpha, what would you change going forward?

May 14th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: If you were back in Alpha, what would you change going forward?

This question has 2 related videos
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if you were back in Alpha what would you change going forward everything my God what would I change actually what would I change I would like I don't know health bars maybe you wouldn't have health bars I would have health bars for enemies for enemies they have health bars you just can't see them or is that what you mean yeah okay so you would do oh yeah I want enemies to show health bars and then I think I want like I something with a real time asset of the game doesn't quite work so I would like it to be more like turn-based, and then you know I'd want more weapons and it wouldn't be guns and maybe it would be third person and you would create your character and and it should be on like massively online as well and like there should be quests and then wait a second did you just make Final Fantasy 14 oh [ __ ] sorry my bad hear me out guns combined into swords, -huh that's now that's now you're now you're talking that's original yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah