June 20th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Given the positive response to Lumen, are you contemplating supporting it officially?

June 20th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Given the positive response to Lumen, are you contemplating supporting it officially?


This question was possibly duplicated with a more recent answer: July 9th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Full support for Lumen at 1.0? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmzmXymg6Zg

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-0Yh_2IU6o8Q">[https://youtu.be/0Yh_2IU6o8Q YouTube - June 20th, 2023 Livestream - Q&A: Given the positive response to Lumen, are you contemplating supporting it officially?]</ref>



given the positive Community response to Lumen are you guys contemplating tuning it further and supporting it officially or will you remain it remained an unsupported feature forever I mean I think it's I think it's unreasonable to say it'll remain it will definitely remain unsupported forever you never know what can happen right like who knows but right now as of the sentiment right now it is that we we don't think we can can commit to it and the reason for that is just because if we commit to it and say we support it then we have a responsibility for it to perform to a certain level and Visually just when we tune lighting for how things look right like that would have to be at a certain level as well and that's a whole bunch of work and and that's before even whether or not we can even make it perform to a certain level like you all know that we're constantly pushing, the envelope when it comes to optimization for the game without Lumen okay, so so that's why like where I don't think we're we're super Keen to officially support it because like if we could do it I'm sure we would but it's it's just it doesn't really seem like that's like a good focus of our time because we're not even sure hey we're not sure if we can even achieve it even if we had like infinite time and then B we don't have infinite time so we have and we have to make the rest of the game, so yeah that's that's basically it so it's great to see the positive response personally the thing that I'm really surprised by is like how well it runs for some people that that was a really pleasant surprise yeah, and I'm sure like I'm sure the team might poke and prod it here and there and do some simple things, but like, but but that's different to committing to official support and and and and committing to the responsibility that comes with that yeah