May 7th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: What would Snutt & Mikael add to the game / change if you were the Game Director?

May 7th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: What would Snutt & Mikael add to the game / change if you were the Game Director?

This question has 2 related videos
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-0LWSAeziJkg">[ YouTube - May 7th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: What would Snutt & Mikael add to the game / change if you were the Game Director?]</ref>



what would you add to the game change if you were the game director, I would what would you do Mikel Dungeons and raids Dungeons and raids there you have it we need loot, I actually don't know what I would change what would I change, cuz like most of my gripes with the game are getting resolved in 1.0, all the stuff that I was missing I don't have any clear design answer per se but like my biggest issue with the game still especially when I was getting into it but even a bit now to this day is the fact that when you like when you like when you either when you enter new tiers or just when you like hit a wall at least with my small brain in your Construction in your planning the uphill battle the uphill battle to like what's it get the ball rolling for the project to take off or to continue is, I don't know I would like some smoo Anders I like in terms of, how would you solve that though I don't know I don't know I'm telling you I'm super Sol problem yeah it's it's just like life you know when you're like I always get this, when I do big projects in my game yeah and I'm like all right cool I automated, computers mhm which is a re relatively big thing I know there are bigger things but like when you get to that point of the game where you're automating supercomputers and like computers like it's it can be overwhelming when you finish a project that big you're like oh boy all right now I need to do the next big thing like that that is really draining yeah yeah, because it's like you know how many hours it took to finish that Pro like automated computers and now like well that's just one part though, so I agree that that can be whoops I didn't mean to close that one if anything please increase increase Zoo foundations to 50 I wonder cuz like I set that to 10 no wait zubing wasn't 10 because of that I was thinking of mass metal never mind ignore