September 17th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: Why can only 6 Assemblers fit into the Mk.1 Blueprint Designer in 1.0?

September 17th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: Why can only 6 Assemblers fit into the Mk.1 Blueprint Designer in 1.0?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-0Hg_D75SqJQ">[ YouTube - September 17th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: Why can only 6 Assemblers fit into the Mk.1 Blueprint Designer in 1.0?]</ref>



why can only six assemblers fit into the Mark 1 blueprint in u8 you could fit 24 really can you only fit six now what was that can only fix six six assemblers six assemblers in the mark one could you I don't think you could six assembl they're four they're four by they're fourx four so yeah it's I can only fit three but maybe there I including the I don't know maybe, but no worries cuz we got the mark 2 blueprint designer so we should be good anyways so you just use the mark 2 blint ler should good we should good should be good Jesus