February 7th, 2023 Livestream Intro / State of Dev

February 7th, 2023 Livestream

Intro / State of Dev

00:00 Muted (Part 1)
02:23 Muted (Part 2)
04:48 Intro
06:06 Q&A: Did you play Crisis Core?
06:20 Getting back on-track
07:03 State of Dev starts
07:20 QA Site updates
09:41 Q&A: Is Gnutt no longer the site expert?
10:15 Community FYI: Try using flash
11:36 TikTok
12:58 Humble Bundle keys
15:29 Update 8
18:47 Outro

Note: Jace's game doesn't currently work on Kongregate because they're using an emulator that doesn't support AS3 https://www.kongregate.com/games/jemballs/protect-your-crappy-castle-from-even-crappier-monsters


This question has 2 related topics
Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt-05yuCDfceu4">[https://youtu.be/05yuCDfceu4 YouTube - February 7th, 2023 Livestream - Intro / State of Dev]</ref>




thank you hello everyone welcome to the weekly devstream oh boy oh wait I had the stream open that's why I was confused I was hearing myself talk I oh God I still have it open somewhere oh no here we go shut up snoot there oh thank God ah I thought it was going I had Jay's muted that's [ __ ] oh yeah maybe you are no wait no you're not your meeting is moving yeah cannot hear Chase what is this what is this [ __ ] no no y'all are lying I'm gonna listen in say something funny oh wait oh you might you might actually what the

[ __ ]

am I muted now snoot is muted this is stop reading chat this is thank you you're really low you're super low for some reason on the meter oh wait maybe it's because wait I can't hear anything there we go I can't hear anything I fixed it okay for some reason your, your audio was reset in my end fixed yep okay I still don't hear anything from any video on the internet have you tried, turning it off and on again I guess I don't need to right now so it's probably fine yeah but that's concerning yeah yeah all right


hello everybody and welcome to the weekly workout stream we're live yes we just went live oh boy how's everybody doing they're just muted what the [ __ ] am I muted [ __ ]


oh my sister's dude now I can hear things did you mute your entire computer I think so do you know I don't know how I did that but wait could you not here you talked back to me though yeah I could hear you though yeah weird oh my God wait okay so dude wait wait- I can't hear Chad right now oh my God no is my audio too loud oh no I can't what is this oh [ __ ] I think it's okay Chad type one in chat if you can hear me chat can you hear can you hear me now hello I can't hear Chad anymore what happened can you check your mic chat check your keyboard try caps lock see if that works should I try writing one in caps and see if that works chat restart voice meter restart voice meter cut can you all restart voice meter oh holy

[ __ ]

or I can some people are coming in loud and clear now okay like Pinoy boy and human imperfect but others I can't hear [ __ ] like fight us I can't hear Fighters at all or Cardoza I'm just gonna gone out of sulfur if Alexa Alexa play despacito how long do you think until they realize this was pre-recorded we should do an entire stream just be pre-recorded wait is April Fool's on a Tuesday I think it's on a Saturday it's on a Saturday God damn it that would have been a good April fools though dude like an entire stream that's pre-recorded yeah yes yes yes yes yes yes


, -huh I would live there I would live there holy [ __ ], yeah anyways welcome welcome everybody to the weekend I feel like we could really use some helps in it what do you mean I don't know one of these days maybe we just need some help one of these days yeah yeah but until then we're just gonna have to manage dude I guess so somehow all right well it is what it is yeah so, welcome to, this [ __ ] show, we're we're muted half the time and the other half we don't know what we're doing just [ __ ] hanging out doing nothing productive we could have been working on the we could have spent we could have been fixing bugs yeah we could have spent two hours working on the game but instead here we are here we are I mean it's four hours when you multiply the two of us together exactly and in programming time that's two hours yes yes it is two hours playing Final Fantasy seven exactly exactly man I want to play the original one again yeah I'm gonna lull at Jason's hoodie yeah Good hoodie Jason


my hoodie's better than yours I guess so yours is more visible I guess that's right yeah they didn't call me Jace visible Varley for nothing yeah did you play Crisis Core or the yeah yeah I did yeah yeah I didn't play yeah I didn't play the original I watched the movie somebody played it on YouTube and I watched that and it's it's like I've forgotten so much about that game yeah anyways, what are we doing today we're, we're gonna be hanging out today on stream as usual we're going to be talking about what's going on with the game and development with the game we have a pretty beefy Community highlights this week oh I love beef yes and, and then we'll answer questions we didn't really have a Time much time for Q a last time so, we'll see if we can manage to drag it out as much as we can so we don't have any q a this week either but, got out of it, but anyways yeah so, yeah let's just dive straight into it I guess super excited there we go, updated yeah whatever yeah whatever, do you want to start off we actually have some stuff to do yeah we actually do have some stuff to talk about you want to take it off, sure I want to talk about the QA side do you mind if I talk about the QA site, go for it Jace I'll just sit in this corner over here and, think about it thanks yeah get out of here all right whatever, so QA site if you didn't know questions on satisfactorygame.com that's where you can leave your bug reports feedback and suggestions, there and we check it and so recently I made a video talking about the QA site and how we prioritize bugs a coffee stain if you haven't seen that video yet I'll link it in just a moment if snoot was here maybe he could do it but you know what never mind I'll do it I gotcha I got you no no never mind still all right no actually actually I already have it so it's fine, and there we are so you can check that out and, so we said that we were going to do some work on it if you've been watching the the QA site since then you'll notice that nothing's happened yet until today, so today, producer Burke and I and and and and and an associate looked at the QA site looked at the QA site and we were, going through and just trying to update some of the most the the highly rated posts, sorry it took so long to start on the front facing side of things but behind the scenes our QA people have actually been working on identifying what bugs we need, what features we need, to improve the site and things like that so the ball is rolling behind the scenes just not as much in the front of the scene so far until today we're starting that ball now, and it's been interesting to you know we went through and we updated a bunch of the top rated posts as best as we could but we realized that actually we can't really update some of these posts because we need new statuses to add to it things like a like a under consideration or an acknowledge status so we can say yeah this this feedback we've we've seen it we've acknowledged it it's under consideration but we don't know what's happening with it yet so we you know there's a lot of things that we want to Mark like that but we don't have that status yet and unfortunately, we we in this the way that the site is set up right now we can't easily add that just yet we we sort of need to get someone on board to help us out with the site in general and when that happens we can start, adding extra statuses to the site, and and then we can update more posts but we're going to keep working on the site anyway and updating what we can update as the days go on, and we're gonna keep working towards improving getting the improvements that the site needs so that we can keep providing better feedback to y'all and to help us track stuff a little better okay so just wanted to give you guys a little update on the QA site that you know I didn't make that that video and then we just dropped it and and ran away, yeah it's good no, no longer the site expert good I don't think ever was the site expert for that we had a different person working on it, occasionally jumped in and be like [ __ ] trying to fix it but it didn't work on it I made it good is one of our it people he's one of those people who, if you if you need to answer you know question answered go to him before Google yeah yeah if he doesn't know it then you can go to Google and try your life yeah but only after yeah so that's the situation on the QA side very nice so yeah I tried using flash Jesus flash what if what if we just made the entire website and Flash can you no you can't have flash anymore it's not supported anywhere no I don't think it's supported yeah, maybe, what was, Microsoft's version, lights light lights ray light silver light light silver light silver light yes got it yeah I did figure it out before I read chat, yeah I miss I miss flash I had so many good memories of flash like some of the earliest Game Dev I did was with with flash as well, one of my games is called protect your crappy monster from even crappier no protect your crappy Castle from even crappier monsters I think that's still in congregate so, you can look that up and give it a give it a thumbs up if you don't mind one thing I definitely don't miss it was using Adobe Flash, that program was a pain in the ass to use holy [ __ ] I was a kid it was super fun I preferred RPG Maker also very funny I have more fun with RPG Maker yeah but, but yeah so so, yeah short long story short short story long curious side is is, where things are happening in behind the scenes essentially and a little bit more yes, another thing that's happening behind the scenes maybe not so much behind the scenes is that we've sort of we've had a tick tock account for a long time and we haven't really done anything with it and, when I got back from vacation I felt like you know what I'm gonna start posting on it and, Tick Tock is nuts dude we already got like in the last video we almost have like half a million views which is kind of nutty to me yeah, yeah we have a tick tock account if you guys are into that [ __ ], we're gonna be posting quite regular there what's the account it's called satisfactory game at satisfactory game okay hold on follow him now follow now or else what else what exactly so, yeah just want to say that, and one other thing about are you bringing those over to Reels yes yes okay so we also have Instagram by the way and the Instagram is different it's coffee Studio yeah yeah with underscores right yeah all right so it's, Instagram coffee stain studios Okay so you can check us out on Instagram there as well so and we have it's kind of funny we have like yes we have more follow-ups on Tick Tock now and we've had the tick tock account for like a week nice bring it up, next thing I want to talk about is the Humble Bundle Fiasco oh yeah I can talk about the Humble Bundle yeah let's go so someone slid into my DMs or our DMS the satisfactory account over the weekend I think it was like Friday evening or something and they were like, actually that's their voice actually, I bought the game and, humbles out of stock with keys, so are you gonna make me have to buy the game again like and I'm thinking, this person they're just fishing for a key this is ridiculous what do you mean ran out of keys don't have to go cut cut down some trees to get more keys or something like that I took care of Simon years ago okay like there's plenty of keys what are you talking about and then I checked the website and believe it or not they ran out of keys and I'm thinking what the hell happened like either a lot of y'all were like buying our game, which would be cool or we didn't stalk them for a long time and there was like 20 left or something and and then they were gone I have no idea what the situation was, but it's unfortunate that it, coincided with the weekend, so it was hard to, get that bull rolling but we have restocked tumble with satisfactory Keys, and I think the sale may have just ended or is about to end soon something like that let me just check real quick I think it ended, this afternoon no two more hours two more hours left 40 off yeah 40 off it's the biggest sale we've had so far I think or like yeah it is Discount here it is so far so do check out, if you haven't got it or if you have friends who want it, buy it for them or get them buy it there's two hours left, and the keys are there, if you bought the game while the keys were gone you still have it the keys just weren't there for you at the time but they should be in your download page now okay so yeah go get it now make sure to buy the Epic version too then you wouldn't this wouldn't have been a problem have we ever run out of Epic keys on Humble Bundle I wonder I don't think that that's ever happened so it must have been the, the, Superior version for sure because of that anyways I love this Jace is facing out at the moment he's talking to him sorry yeah I was talking about that sorry yeah so there you have it, do we have anything else yes we have one more thing and it's, one more thing one more thing let's go so, just because I got a couple of questions about this recently we kind of talked about this last week too I guess just general state of Dev is also like we are working on update eight if you didn't know, I've seen a lot of people asking when is update eight the answer to that question is we don't know at this time we we roughly know but it's too soon to say because if we say at any time frame now and we realized in like two weeks oh are then feels bad because then we have to like say like oh we can't do it though sorry everyone and then everyone gets really mad like really mad you know they DM me and Jace personally and they say you guys I'm gonna think about you guys stinky poo face I'm gonna print out a picture of you guys and I'm gonna put her on my dartboard and then like really rude you know, so that's why we don't do that but, we are working on update we are working on stuff that's going to go into another eight, the only thing we've confirmed so far that is going to go into update is like stuff that we didn't have time to finish in update seven we worked a little bit on that and but things might move around even then because I remember it was saying like in update seven or in update six that like we're gonna work more on creatures for update seven but then it ended up being like we didn't have time for that for update seven either so things move around a lot but we have been working on on a lot of stuff that, that is going to go into update 8. update is going to be a small update and I know that whenever you say that people was like no we would say it's going to be small but it's always this is legit small update don't just want to no attempt don't think you calm down okay yeah I don't know but I mean it is yeah small exactly I mean every time we say it's a small update ends up not being one pumping a small update, I don't know but yeah we'll sort of see how it goes yeah see how it goes yeah so we are working on them and but the thing that I want to get to was that I've gotten a couple of questions from people asking like when are you going to start patching the game again because you guys are back from holiday right well the the way that kind of works for us is that we sort of tend to focus on like these updates and when we release an update that's like when we start hammering down bugs and stuff and like a lot of fixes coming in the update and, while we're working on fixes they tend to like go into these major updates that we release and then once they're updated out and it's on experimental we start fixing issues as they cannot go come and then we're releasing our access and we're currently in that phase where like we're kind of in hardcore development mode, where pushing updates live right now doesn't really make sense, we're really prioritizing getting as much work done on the update at the end of the you know yeah yeah the end of the tunnel there because the more we try and manage live stuff the that that's overall it's inefficient, and so right now we're we're we're really prioritizing update eight so we're just going to focus on that yeah there might be like a couple of patches with like translation updates and stuff like that it kind of depends on if we have translations to add but yeah for the most part most of the books is bug fixes will come in the next update which is I don't know, yeah so yeah good times no no new no news as of last week, so if you're joining this stream just like I just want to know when update is coming that no new news yeah yeah come back next week so we can say it again I guess but we look forward to being able to tell you as soon as we can yeah okay so yeah yeah cool that state of Dev everyone glad you could join us all right just stand the stream then leave yeah yeah go away now yeah now is when the fun begins