September 5th, 2023 Livestream Q&A: Can we get Building Modes for Belts?

September 5th, 2023 Livestream

Q&A: Can we get Building Modes for Belts?

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is there a chance we can get building modes for belts like there are for pipes just like 90 degrees 45 degrees this is what I sort of what I talked about before where like it would be nice if they're like even buttons or something that you could like hold and it would snap more stronger and stuff like that, so let us know please let us know on the QI side so we can look into this ability to reverse belts would be dope I don't know how much work that would be actually I wonder if that would be easy to do because I also missed that that's like the only thing you can like flip right now is is the belts like it would be nice well it makes sense when you like Snapped into something right you can't reverse them because they're a snap to a Direction but it would be nice if if they're not snapped because I do that sometimes where I'm just pulling Pi I'm just pulling conveyor belts and I realize like wait am I pulling the wrong way or the right way wait Wait I messed up so that would be nice if we could just press R and it would swipe swap