May 7th, 2024 Livestream Q&A: What does Mikael think could be better in the game for new players?

May 7th, 2024 Livestream

Q&A: What does Mikael think could be better in the game for new players?

Suggested Wiki Reference Code <ref name="yt--c7DJQaN8Cw">[ YouTube - May 7th, 2024 Livestream - Q&A: What does Mikael think could be better in the game for new players?]</ref>



Mel what is the thing you missed in the game as the new player what could be better for new players oh a hard mode like a a turbo hard mode of the package game in the hub what oh in the package game yeah yeah yeah yeah know the game the regular game doesn't need a hard mode it's hard enough as it it honestly I would say I would like a means to so when you reach the when you reach the point for the first time when you get your Blade Runners starting a new save and not having them if you play like U from scratch is awful a way to increase my movement speed or like movement somehow way faster way earlier in the game would be nice yeah but you don't know that until you get them yeah but once you do you won't unknow it and if you I mean it's the same thing with the [ __ ] hover pack dude like as soon as you get the hover pack like I can't play the game without hover pack, I have to say it's pretty funny to play with M because like you do some Derpy [ __ ] sometimes that's like oh this is yeah this is this is what you would do as a new player I'm learning I'm still learning yeah