Satisfactory Clips Archive - Frequently Asked Questions


July 9th, 2024 Livestream

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will the kill border at Paradise Al be moved as promised as far as I know it's been moved uh I haven't actually confirmed this but as far as I know it's been moved um so we'll see

This question may have been asked previously at least 8 other times, as recently as July 2024 and as early as March 2023.

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full support for Lumen 1.0 so um I'm not entirely sure that will be the case it's definitely better um when I've tried it when I've played the game with Lumen on I really feel that that the lighting is better and we did do some tweaks with it when we launched update 8 um but uh I think there are some things that we probably won't do we probably won't have Hardware rate tracing for Lumen uh for 1.0 we probably won't make uh any additional features that exists for Lumin in mind um but I think it works pretty well it's just I think it would still be like considered experimental or whatever like it will be available but it won't be too the game won't be tuned for that Cu uh we spend a lot of time tuning the lighting for the game without luminum mind um so um yeah probably it will probably look a bit tiny bit better than it does now but don't expect too many changes really with lumen

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as May 2023.

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will we be able to build larger blueprints in 1.0 uh probably not it's we like the 4x4 or like the what is it wait is it 4x4 or 5x5 no it's 4x4 right people want 5x5 but um I've I've yeah it's 4x4 I've gone on like I've explained this multiple times I feel like um I'm sure there are uh many examples of me explaining this but essentially we really like the the constraint that it gives you um we enjoy like the modularity that you have to think about it and I think like a lot of people who are opposed the size the current size I don't think you guys have realized I'm shaming you all by the way it's you're dumb that's what it is no that's not at all the case uh I just think that like I think people should give it more of a chance before they completely like say that like oh it's not good um because I think there are people that like definitely didn't like it at first and then they gave it a shot and like understood the modularity behind it and I think people like understand what we went with um more so um and and I think we like that uh the way it is right now so this might but that's not to say that we won't change it in the future maybe like this might be a thing where maybe 1.1 we decide no yeah okay whatever once 1.0 is and maybe people still find that like um the uh it is necessary to have bigger blueprints I don't know we'll see like there are definitely some constraints that we need to fix that like right now only work because it is 4x4 but I I digress

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as April 2023 and as early as November 2022.

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are we ever going to get a new map DLC I don't know that could be cool but um currently no plans for that so we'll see

This question may have been asked previously at least 19 other times, as recently as May 2024 and as early as May 2020.

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will we have vertical Splitters or mergers

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as August 2022 and as early as September 2021.

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will there be golf in the game no

This question may have been asked previously at least 19 other times, as recently as February 2024 and as early as November 2021.

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brain will names be shown in photo mode also hi or hey uh yeah how about that I think the every time we talk about that or at least every time I bring it up people are always like yeah but we should improve photo mode and we want to spend more time on that and then it turns into a whole thing we're like yeah but what if we like we can't just change one thing in photo mod we need to change this this this and this as well and it turns is like all right this this turned into a can of worms so right now no you can't

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as December 2020.

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will there be any new tier zero tututorial content uh there'll be some very minor changes but for the most part it's the same

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as January 2023 and as early as August 2020.

July 2nd, 2024 Livestream

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will train way points be added to the game not in 1.0 but maybe in the future

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as December 2023 and as early as September 2023.

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uh over the past year there's been several instances where it's been communicated that the dev team wants to do more with GES anything on this for 1.0 who knows who knows um guess we'll have to find out in 1.0 won't we

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as December 2023 and as early as April 2021.

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uh can you tell us more about achievements will they be aligned with a normal playthrough Milestones or more like crazy specific things um they will be I think there'll be a mix of like stuff that you need to do to progress throughout the game I think there will be a couple of like you know um I wouldn't say skill related things but there might be a few that like you need to I don't know I actually don't remember what the the list is but it might be stuff like produce this many blah you know make x amount of pipes or whatever or like pull x amount of conveyor belt maybe I actually don't remember what the full list is and there's a couple of meme achievements probably as well um but I can't tell you about the achievements because I don't know the achievements at the moment

This question may have been asked previously at least 25 other times, as recently as June 2024 and as early as August 2018.

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uh what about official mod support you mentioned this won't be on your list for 1.0 but do you still plan to actually Implement that at some point I don't know uh we'll see we we've had a really good um like I don't know I don't I don't know if I call it collaboration but I guess we have been collaborating a lot with the the mods but like the mo we love the community we think they're doing great we don't want to um put any wrenches in what they do um and you know if they can Thrive with what they do currently uh then you know maybe it's better time better spend for us to do other things uh but that's not to say that we wouldn't want to do an official monster support um but there just hasn't been there just hasn't been a decision uh regarding that yet um and I think like at this point official mod support would just be like the fact that we go uh one step forward like one step further than we already have where we actually make sure that any future releases or whatever works with the current modding community and like that kind of stuff um so I don't know I don't know we'll see I'm kind of excited to see what we decide to do in in terms of mod support uh in the future and like how we support the mods like modding community

This question may have been asked previously at least 19 other times, as recently as December 2022 and as early as June 2018.

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uh is rain returning at 1.0 I don't think it is sadly um so the situation is or was or is that uh when we added rain to update six I think it was um I believe we received like a solution for rain from another Studio or something like that I don't quite I don't quite know the story here um but we got like some solution that we adapted to our game and that solution broke when we updated the game engine to update uh Unreal Engine 5 um and we are at the point where we would need to completely reimplement rain from scratch essentially um and that's not really been a priority for 1.0 because there's been so many other things you know we'd rather optimize the game and make it run well for uh everyone rather than like trying to get rain to work for everyone uh but it might we might bring it back later uh I think it's something that we really enjoyed the rain and we thought it was cool it didn't add anything to the game obviously other than like atmosphere um but it's not impossible that we bring it back but it's not priority for 1.0 so it will be after that in uh if we bring it back

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as May 2024 and as early as August 2023.

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will there be an experimental version of 1.0 so there will be not an that was almost English there will not be an experimental version for 1.0 we're going to go straight for EA we're coming for you baby we're coming straight at you um this is why we're sort of like being a little bit extra careful with the release and whatnot because we want to make sure that the game actually is good and ready um I think I think so so like the experimental periods are so useful for us um because we get to we get like a proper sign off on things I don't know I talked about this a bit earlier but like the thing with when you release a game versus when you're testing it yourself is that you can never uh compete in terms of like time and resources that you know everyone will get when they play the game versus you testing it yourself right like when 25 or whatever when when like I think okay let's just say the 25,000 people playing the game for like8 hours during a weekend will is like more hours in terms of testing compared to like us testing it oursel for like several months for like two people full-time so like or however uh many people do it in QA so like we can never compete with that um so so there are always like things that we get confirmation on when we release but the last couple of releases we've had we've been like surprised over how well we are are aware of the state of the game not surprised I guess it's like comes with it but the last couple of releases like update 6 seven and 8 whenever we release an experimental we always release with like the knowledge that like these things are not good like these are things are broken and obviously Community finds a couple of things that we didn't discover ourselves um but usually those things are pretty like they don't happen to a lot of people they're pretty obscure books but they're bugs nonetheless um but but the last couple of updates we've been pretty happy to to be able to like figure out like okay these things are broken and we think these are the things that people are going to complain about the most and usually we're right um about these things and one thing we noticed during the close beta was that we got a lot of feedback that was like uh I wouldn't say all over the place but it was we get a lot of random feedback from like that varies a lot from people to people and that's a usually a really good indicator that you know there's no big problem right now in the game that that everyone runs into there's like small issues that people run into here and here and there and some issues are more important for others uh than you know than others um so like and that's also a really good indicator that we're in a pretty good State because if people complain about very seemingly mundane things and for them they might be a big deal and for us it may be like oh that's pretty easy to fix that's usually a good indicator that like the game is in a good state uh and it's a good releasable state so like even during close beta when the game was technically unstable uh that was sort of our experimental period even then the game was pretty good um so um we're we're pretty confident that we will be able to to deliver without this experimental period uh and you know even if there are major bugs or whatever obviously we'll fix them as soon as we possibly can um but we're pretty optimistic we're pretty optimistic

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as August 2020.

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um there was one thing I wanted to talk about here yeah here it is so one question here is is ultrawide support uh also known as maintaining y- AIS fov aspect ratio in the menu uh is that going to be back in 1.0 so that was broken in update 8 and I have now confirmed I got this question last week as well but I have now gotten confirmation that this has indeed been fixed for 1.0 so so the option to maintain y fov uh and also the option to like scale equipment um I think there are two separate settings those two will work in 1.0 again and they've been fixed so everyone playing an ultra wide should be able to play 1.0 again uh just as well as they did before update when we broke it so happy to confirm that at least

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2024 and as early as October 2023.

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uh here's this is not exactly the question but I'm just going to answer this question because I get it a lot is is whether or not we'll have we'll get a like Mac or Linux release for satisfactory after 1.0 so we currently haven't looked too much into this um we will do this we will evaluate this after 1.0 is out I believe um yeah that's that's basically it

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2021 and as early as May 2021.

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uh will quantum computers and super Precision oscillators be craftable in 1.0 who knows very I don't know maybe they will be they've been in the game for a while huh sure would be something you could make produce them yourself

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as February 2024 and as early as August 2021.

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will there be planes at any time I I aren't drones kind of planes kind of they've got Wings surely that count for something right

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as July 2022 and as early as March 2021.

June 25th, 2024 Livestream

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you said that continuing a game in 1.0 will miss story triggers would we miss all later story triggers too or only have missing context from previous ones um um I can't um how do I um either restart or don't I'm gonna say honestly you wouldn't miss later story triggers but like I can't talk too much about it without like revealing sort of how they work um so uh you won't miss later ters but you might not depending on your save file you might not be able to trigger all of them but you it's possible I guess technically or like theoretically um but I don't think yeah don't be a weird just restart Al that four baby uh the game is not that big right right

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2024 and as early as February 2024.

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uh how long do you think you'll be working on satisfactory after 1.0 is there some kind of list potential things that cof you want to add but don't make for 1.0 so we do actually yeah we have a bunch of stuff that actually there's a bunch of stuff that we've semifinished but we don't want to risk putting it in into 1.0 uh because stuff can break and and whatnot and yeah it's really important for us that 1.0 is is like good stable release that there it's like quality wise it's there because we're leaving our laxis and we really want to like leave the game off for 1.0 in a good state so we've had feature free for a long time so like we've been focusing on just like for the last weeks we've just been doing bug fixing um and if there's any work that goes into any new features they are sort of handled separately so but I don't know how long we think we'll be working for satis actually after 1.0 it's kind of hard to say cuz it kind of depends on like the reception of the game on release and it's a bit like reception on like whatever we do make after 1.0 so whether that's like a you know 1.1 or if it's DLC or whatever we make uh it kind of depends on that so we'll see and like also depending on like what the team wants to make and you know yeah which direction we go there blah blah blah uh so yes

This question may have been asked previously at least 29 other times, as recently as March 2024 and as early as June 2018.

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uh will satisfactory devlog stream still go on after 1.0 if there is still development for satisfactory then yes we will still do that um I don't see a reason why not uh I think in ter like if we're still developing satisfactory then you guys will still get news on satisfactory

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as May 2024 and as early as February 2024.

May 28th, 2024 Livestream

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when will we be able to make uh chainsa other things that we currently cannot automate so we don't have plans to make it so you can automate equipment um equipment is always going to be handcrafted um so stuff like the chainsaw well that's half true because you can automate the the what's it called the little drilled portable miners I don't know if they count as equipment um but yeah so so but like equipment that you use personally like the chainsaw and the I'm actually think I don't know if we can automate parachutes can you in the game I don't think you can I think I think I've uh haven't I seen parachutes on belts at some point you can always put everything on belts but that doesn't mean that you can automate everything oh yeah those so might so so [ __ ] me I guess like but there there there are C okay so yeah there are certain things that we've said like internally that like these don't make sense to automate because you don't really need a volume of them you don't really need a volume of chainsaws you need a volume of like um uh man my my head right now is like black powder you need like volume of black powder powder uh for instance so so that's that what we're that's what we're going with uh that's not to say that will always be the case we might change our minds but that's sort of what we always thought and we haven't really seen too much interest in people automating everything everything so as like as long as it's not something in the name that you guys feel is annoying that you can't automate um then waitan check it on the qite if you want to see some something specifically

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as April 2023 and as early as April 2022.

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so uh you said you wanted to look over the announcement map changes in the press kit uh have you had time to do this is still up to date so we're going to probably update it with some new information uh but not so much about the biomes cuz the current version we have are mostly for like biomes and like the map itself um that actually is up to date so like what's going to happen is when we drop 1.0 it's going to be all uh green I think I can't remember which color we used to denote that it was done I think green is yeah I think it's green

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as November 2023 and as early as September 2023.

May 14th, 2024 Livestream

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have the games from game Jam 24 been released yet nope unfortunately not and at this point they will not be released until after 1.0 is for the sole reason that two of them two games out of five there we go still lack uh certain crucial not content but aspects mainly credits for uh some content used in those games and uh the devs simply have no time to cram that in right in the middle of um this Dev storm of 1.0 uh and we'd rather just release all five games at once it still makes sense to us to do that uh because otherwise it just feels like the other two will be completely just you know left in the dark and just never see the daylight you

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as May 2024 and as early as February 2024.

Q&A: If I have Early Access, will I get 1.0 for free?

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as February 2024 and as early as May 2021.

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um now this is the hard in question right here uh will the bonking when sprinting into glass walls come back yo I need to make a note of that actually and that needs to happen uh sprinting into glass Bonk sound needs to come back cuz I don't think that's uh currently back yet but it will I promise you it will

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as January 2024 and as early as June 2023.

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are there any plans to officially support steam deck so that ties into the controller support thing we need to have controller support to be able to fully support steam deck yeah we don't know we if we can do that but we're looking into it we'll see but uh I don't know it's it's a huge undertaking it's it's way it was a lot more than we thought it was

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as October 2022 and as early as November 2021.

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the fire uh fireworks Rockets display bug fixed in 1.0 I do you mean like that they're big cuz if if no there that hasn't been fixed

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as December 2023 and as early as January 2022.

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fix for fully overclocked Mark 3 miners yes fix

This question may have been asked previously at least 31 other times, as recently as February 2024 and as early as March 2021.

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new Easter eggs 1.0 why don't you look yeah do it do it you cowards what what's what's stopping you oh wait I'm sure there will be I I haven't actually found any but I've heard there are new

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2024 and as early as October 2023.

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will the passenger seat and Explorer come back in 1.0 hell no no no no don't be silly


This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as December 2023 and as early as September 2022.

Q&A: You said end-game will be changed, will Recipes be easier or harder?

This question may have been asked previously at least 8 other times, as recently as March 2024 and as early as December 2022.

May 7th, 2024 Livestream

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uh you guys recently announced changes to notes locations can you confirm if nodes will be aligned with a world grid for 1.0 I can actually confirm that it will not be aligned to the world of grid for 1.0 um I can tell you that um we have announced that some notes are going to move actually um we're going to make like a fullon video on this topic uh like where they moved who has moved there's also a couple of new noes in 1.0 as well um but there will be a more detailed video on that later so stay tuned for that um I hope to make like a video with like a bunch of condensed information for people that like want to plan for 1.0 so that like you can prep your your factory saves a little bit um so yeah stay tuned for that that will be on the YouTube channel at some point

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as February 2024 and as early as September 2023.

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in the optimization video you mentioned the switch of sun system from CPU to GPU will that result in an adjustment for hardware specs especially GPU wise I don't think so um oh satisfactory will require you to run at least a GTX 4 4080 at least mhm I have a 1080 how do hell do I manage to play the game uh no I don't think so uh we do need to uh set the specs for dedicated servers for Hardware which we haven't done yet but uh as far as I know we haven't changed any I think the only issue is like that is confusing but I don't know how do we solve that never ending

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as April 2024 and as early as February 2024.

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elevator mod is so good and fits so well with the Thematic would you guys ever considering adding elevators to the game uh I don't know maybe but I think uh back back when we added hyper tubes that was sort of supposed to solve both problems so like when we were looking at it uh we wanted elevators to be vertical but also horizontal and that's why we added hyper tubes um but who knows who knows after 1.0 who knows oh jeez

This question may have been asked previously at least 28 other times, as recently as November 2023 and as early as December 2019.

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a while back we had all the Munitions update will there ever be more threat factors in satisfactory uh I don't think so cuz I think we sort of realized when doing that update specifically that like it didn't really add too much so uh it wasn't like we need to go down way like we need to go down the well way deeper to make it meaningful and then it just becomes like a well we just made satisfactory with Tower Defense and that's not what we wanted to do so yeah we just wanted like the M thing was to add variety and the variety also also came with you know Automation and stuff like that and we feel like we're good in that part

This question may have been asked previously at least 29 other times, as recently as February 2024 and as early as June 2018.

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does covering pipes and belts with walls and Foundations improve FPS performance uh it's it's a hard one to answer but I don't think it does because uh it's like if you're covering it up and you want to go with uh occlusion calling then it's like yeah but we also need to run the system that checks whether it should do austion calling so like if it's faster to do Ren the if it's faster to render the pipes rather than like running the logic to check if it should render everything then it's like which one do I use like so there's no CL clear-cut answer on that question unfortunately it depends and it's really difficult to uh give advice there just build however you want man

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as November 2022 and as early as September 2020.

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will we ever be able to directly attach Splitters and mergers to the inputs and outputs of machines I don't think we will but I don't know if we're hard set on that but I don't think so um that's actually an incredible change I would like to see yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as June 2021 and as early as November 2020.

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one $1 to Total flush DLC you know it's happening there like if there's anything I yeah you know what happening 100% $1 flush DLC and then a $100 plunger DLC I'll see tomor yeah you can only flush once and then you need to use the plunger

This question may have been asked previously at least 36 other times, as recently as March 2024 and as early as June 2020.

April 23rd, 2024 Livestream

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how long do you anticipate the beta to run for uh Secrets uh not that long it's pretty short mhm

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as April 2024 and as early as March 2024.

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how is the state of De development of the dedicated server will it be ready for 1.0 on release I think so I I think um if anything out of the closed beta dedicated server is probably the thing that needs the most work but it's in a pretty good State honestly um we've mostly been testing on Windows though so I guess the issues that are are lingering are mostly Linux based um so like I'm pretty confident that dedicated servers for Windows will be pretty good um it's it's looking pretty good mhm

This question may have been asked previously at least 18 other times, as recently as March 2024 and as early as February 2023.

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have you also considered adding VR to the game and support for it so no we have never considered that actually there's no one at cing that's like interested in VR so like it's really hard for us to be like it could be cool to add VR but like we don't have anyone that's interested in it uh which makes it really hard to to bring it up and like no one wants to do it then we used to have a VR computer at the office that was set up and then uh that one got really dusty and eventually rip yeah and eventually just like I think we just threw that stuff out honestly like in the move when we moved office that ended up in a box that just never opened um so that's that's our hard take our very based take on VR at cof I guess is that we're just not into it but there are mods people have okay so people have always showed videos of them making mods to satisfactory with VR but I've never seen anyone release one so probably not a lot more work than than even mod M makers can afford yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 23 other times, as recently as February 2024 and as early as August 2018.

April 2nd, 2024 Livestream

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uh what are the chances of a sequel to satisfactor in the future considering the same sales number I don't think we would make a sequel I think we would make more on this game which we sort of plan to do uh I don't think a sequel makes sense this kind of game but it has a perfect title for it satisfactory three yeah perfect no satisfactory uh holy oh my God I got I I physically got exhausted when you said that no welcome to my world H Chad is still counting by the way making like funny things satisfact three satis satis satisfactory s like we're going to need to end the stream early today huh hey guys it's bad time satis satis Factory oh my God six isfactory I like as well ver five did yeah did it skip five I can't see five anywhere that is fortnite s s five no five is weird satisfactor you don't have you don't have the eye sound in that sa is crack oh what the hell my goodness anyway

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as August 2023 and as early as January 2020.

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should we create a new save for version 1.0 or should we make some preparations beforehand it's always good to back up your save files I'll say that much always back up your save files um but your save will work it will load and everything but it might be good to back it up anyways just in case something weird happens

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as February 2024 and as early as September 2020.

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will the refinery spam be addressed uh there's still a lot of Refinery stuff in 1.0 sadly sadly to a certain degree yes it has been addressed but there's still a lot of refiner work needed so you you won't get away from it unfortunately

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as February 2023 and as early as August 2020.

March 19th, 2024 Livestream

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will we ever get a third person mode I don't no we won't because we've actively decided uh not to do it um it would be nice I guess it could be nice bonus thing but uh the amount of work that would go into like supporting two different modes um we could we could spend that time on other

This question may have been asked previously at least 13 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as February 2019.

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uh are floating factories canonically fix it Tech or just suspension of disbelief it's whatever you want it's whatever you whatever your head tells you alien planets just make your own gravity uh sure

This question may have been asked previously at least 14 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as August 2020.

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will we eventually be able to travel via drone who knows who knows who knows

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as May 2022 and as early as May 2021.

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motorcycles who knows maybe tomorrow what if 1.0 has motorcycles what who knows

This question may have been asked previously at least 13 other times, as recently as March 2024 and as early as February 2020.

March 12th, 2024 Livestream

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rce Bridge review stream when good question I wonder if we should save that for the 1.0 release stream maybe that could be a fun little thing like take all the bridges that we've had on community highlights and just like do a one big big review together with uh real Civ engineer uh I should probably reach out to him and ask him if he's interested in that uh I think that could be really fun

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as January 2023 and as early as December 2022.

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will the swimming mechanic be updated to include proper diving for example no the swimming mechanic will not change uh it will be pretty much the same

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as June 2022 and as early as February 2019.

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what is what is to be done with the talking crystals why do we need to pick them up that's something that you're going to have to figure out in 1.0 it will make hella sense uh in 1.0 or maybe not who knows

This question may have been asked previously at least 22 other times, as recently as February 2024 and as early as December 2019.

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will you change the price after 1.0 or will it be the same so I'm I'll be fully honest here this is something that we're going back and forth a little bit about I kind of want to hear you guys's input on this because um I don't think we've seen too many games in early AES Do It um so I don't know how like established it is that games do that um so uh I guess I guess like asking people here that join the Stream here you guys might be a bit more hardcore um but right now we don't have any plans to change it uh we will see we might change our minds if we do intend to change the price for 1.0 we will sort of communicate that I think early um so you guys know um we we probably we will definitely not not do it like last second and like just you'll see like if you haven't heard from us about it the price is not going to change on like day uh we want like communicate that if we do something like that uh but we'll see what happens um and just to be super Crystal about as well if you have the game currently in EA you don't pay anything extra going into 1.0 oh yeah if you um if you own the game now you own the game at 1.0 yeah yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as August 2018.

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any plans to add a conveyor wall hole like the pipe wall Hole uh who knows cool could be cool please upvote that in the QA site if you haven't already

This question may have been asked previously at least 9 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as December 2021.

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any talk of curb foundations doesn't the finicky method people are using raise concerns uh it doesn't raise concerns in the regard like you people are doing it uh we have considered it and uh yeah yeah that's all I'm going to say for now

This question may have been asked previously at least 13 other times, as recently as March 2024 and as early as November 2020.

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will the uh will will there ever be the double offline player bug be eliminated or just be seen in high so like yeah we do want to fix that I don't know how we're going to fix that right now MH um and we haven't really figured out how to fix it yet but we definitely want to fix that bug because it's super annoying we get tons of uh at least we used to tons of uh people reaching out are like yo I got a second player like what do I do like it's super confusing it's not clear what's going on so uh we do want to solve that bug at some point uh and if not solve that bug like figure out a way to like deal with it in the game sort of in some in some capacity

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as December 2023 and as early as November 2023.

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will Powers shards SL slugs be craftable in 1.0 that's a really good question oh who knows but when are you but when are you ever going to run out of slugs realistically there's like


um I saw this recently there's like 900 slugs total on the map or something like that and I think out of those like 300 are purple H and and then you can get it from the logo yeah I I still haven't run out of power slugs how about a power slug breeding system sounds kinky M yeah this stream is power this stream is sponsored by power shards maybe that's why I'm turbo bright today it's way too much power overclocked I've overclocked your yeah exactly yeah man look at you getting all the references you getting you becoming a little girl Community manager get all the ins and outs yeah I'm growing I'm growing from a little baby boy yeah they grow up so fast I can walk on two feet now not only it's like it's a shot of me going like they grow up so fast and it's like another shot on my back and there's just like a messes of conveyor belts



everywhere yeah it actually feels kind of nice though like as well for following along in discussions like when people are just quickly on the go like ranting about um just all these little things about making I don't know like rotors can be annoying screws obviously we have those and then oil is my current big enemy and like being able to relate is actually fun on a whole new level getting into it's a good journey yes yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as April 2021.

March 5th, 2024 Livestream

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now that your feature complete can you tell us if fixmas or any other seasonal events will have make it in a regular basis I mean fixmas is always going to be there because fixmas is automated um but there are no other new seasonal events I can tell you that much actually should add that to my thing

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as December 2023 and as early as November 2022.

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How likely is farming for post 1.0 an answer of maybe is acceptable if the answer is never then I can stop asking questions about the lizo I mean no comments like I I don't know what to tell you chances are always there

This question may have been asked previously at least 26 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as March 2020.

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uh will the pause menu actually pause the game and playing solo I don't think so because um it is it is on our backlog but it is a surprising amount of work to get that to work um and I don't think we're super excited to do that uh so we're just going to let it in you can still pause in the console by the way so like if you do need to like actually pause the game you can do that now if you use the console um but there's no way to do it easily for us

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as June 2023 and as early as December 2021.

February 20th, 2024 Livestream

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can we please get some more music tracks for the boom box I think we can I think uh wait I can't remember if we've added more for 1.0 but it's it's possible I think the issue is always music licensing uh because like we've we've used all the M the all we've used all the music that we have licensing rights to like within cof stain so like uh it's It's Tricky it's music lies is tricky as hell however all right I do need a dumping site for all of my singing practice your that was a threat Everyone by the way if you don't behave will add music to the

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as April 2023 and as early as September 2022.

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could you add a way to skip night or day or would that ruin the lore uh this is a question that we've gotten many times throughout the years and and the answer is uh probably not we we've actually discussed this a lot internally if we were going to add like sliders or whatever to be able to set the time but we feel like we feel like the the need for people to do that kind of disappeared when we added lights to the game because people stopped complaining about that also we we've done a lot of passes on like the lighting in the game to make it more clear when it's night and stuff like that um so so no I don't think we will do that we do want people to experience the work that we've done adding nights and stuff there are mods where you can circumvent this of course but uh for the vanilla game we probably won't add anything like that

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as September 2023 and as early as May 2020.

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do we get new types of Foundations in 1.0 from a material point of view but also from a GE geometrical point of view uh we'll see I guess like I mentioned before like I can't really answer questions of like what's in a 1.0 because that's that's something we're going to unveil you sneaky little shits trying to make me leak

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as December 2022 and as early as October 2022.

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will Sam ore and the artifacts be included in one. release yes they will yes they will they will no longer say working progress on them they will say in progress

This question may have been asked previously at least 8 other times, as recently as November 2023 and as early as March 2021.

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with uh 1.0 coming will a Mac OS version be released good question I actually don't think that will come for 1.0 that would probably be after 1.0 I think for 1.0 we need to focus on PC first and foremost and then after that we can consider uh doing any other uh releasing on Linux and mac and that kind of stuff like the real question is iOS Android hello yes

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as June 2022 and as early as March 2019.

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what's with the samour that you'll find out in 1.0 can I say that no no okay fine fine it's it's something pretty dope samour will be removed from 1.0 that's pretty oh imagine you do that I just like [ __ ] you guys we're just like we've been teasing this for years now we're just not going to have it the Mercer the mer speres and the Summers slop they do nothing but Gamers like Collectibles don't they Collectibles of nothing cuz we're going to absolutely nothing yeah Sam equals something absolutely meaningless oh my God they cracked the code [ __ ] oh my God that's so funny actually that's that's true they actually did oh no

This question may have been asked previously at least 29 other times, as recently as September 2023 and as early as March 2019.

February 13th, 2024 Livestream

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are there going to be any more destructible items on the map like those floating balloon things over crater legs so as far as I know the floating balloon things they're not destructible right now and I haven't been for a while I think we changed that and uh destructible ballons and as far as I know we probably won't make them destructible um to my knowledge at the moment but it might change for 1.0 but and this might be a late late decision sort of but as far as I know right now they probably will not be you won't be able to destroy those they they're like part of um um the silhouette of the landscape and I think when it comes to like destructible stuff this is just me guessing cuz I actually don't know this is the the sentiment uh this is my personal opinion on it but like I feel like when it comes to destroying you know the the folage that you can destroy on the map we still want to sort of maintain like the silhouette and like the the like so you can still identify you know where which biome you're in and still have like the quality of the biome so if you can just remove all the plants and trees and stuff like that it's just going to be like the landscape and that might not always be like


super visually interesting you know what I mean like so so main so like if you just wanted to erase everything on the map like then we wouldn't have spent so much time making the map the way it is like it's part of the game that you'd have to deal with the landscape and like the fact you have to deal with like all the stuff that's going on so I think we've just made the decision that like we don't want you to be able to destroy those balloon trees in the same manner like we don't want to destroy the destroy the Titan Fall the Titan forest trees you know like they're part of they're part of the map um and they're part of the the the like one of the challenges with satisfactory is building with the environment in mind and if you don't want to do that just build up above everything so uh as far as I know we probably won't make them destructible um but there'll be more info on this I think uh if if there's any info to give on this later MH

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as August 2023 and as early as October 2022.

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will blueprints be clown synced in 1.0 good question um we've actually talked a little about this internally um we're considering it but we also need to um be careful about it m potentially we'll see we're scared that like we'll mess up the because we have clouding for so long now and like we haven't touched that part of the build for so long so we're just scared of like diving into that again and potentially messing it up for people um that's the main reason why blueprints weren't cloud syn is because we were just worried that adding another like element to the whole Cloud syncing thing would potentially break the existing one because the blueprint system is is kind of different compared to the safe F cuz like they are session bound but at the same time they are like disconnected from the save file so like it's a weird um they live in a weird space right now um so uh it's one of those systems where like it works maybe we shouldn't touch it kind of thing especially for 1.0 cuz like it might open up a Floodgate Of other issues you know what I mean but uh I we've discussed it internally and we're going to look into it properly

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as May 2023 and as early as December 2022.

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uh will the map get bigger no the map will not get bigger

This question may have been asked previously at least 12 other times, as recently as April 2023 and as early as December 2019.

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will you continue Dev highlight videos before 1.0 the the dev highlight videos were sort of jce thing so uh I I wouldn't want to make them in the way Jace did it cuz um that was sort of his his thing and uh he had full like I don't know what you call it like artistic um like he was he was The Mastermind behind those type of videos uh I have other types of videos that are maybe a bit similar uh in that vein but they probably won't be like fullon like same sort of deal uh like developer highlight type videos but we're definitely going to try and highlight uh devs uh in other ways or in some manner they might be more the way that I'm seeing it more like potentially it's like maybe we'll do it more on a topic so like we'll talk about a certain topic and then highlight the people worked on that topic sort of um

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as June 2023 and as early as September 2021.

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boats no no aquatic is the official stance bro

This question may have been asked previously at least 17 other times, as recently as August 2023 and as early as August 2020.

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uh news about Hardware based Lumen uh nope no no news and we're not going to probably not going to do it I think honestly there are more important things to look into right now um but you never know but I don't think so it's not really on our radar especially not since Lumen isn't officially supported in satisfactory it's like a full thing that we just added so uh it's not worth the time at the moment uh isn't enabling the option for Hardware Lum a literal checkbox in a real engine seems like minimal work for a massive upgrade in visuals uh no it is not and very rarely is it just a checkbox uh especially this late into development if you if you have a blank project and maybe but this is not the case for us it's the same thing with DSS a lot of people like it's just a checkbox just just turn it on doesn't quite work that way nothing ever works like just out of the box it just works as a fantasy

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as February 2024 and as early as November 2023.

February 6th, 2024 Livestream

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can we change the fuel for chainsaw I thought you couldn't update oh no I'm thinking of jetpacks yeah I don't know actually maybe you can't I haven't tried that hm

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as December 2023 and as early as November 2021.

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any plans for Linux support um don't know honestly we I we'll figure that out when we get to it let us finish the game first

This question may have been asked previously at least 10 other times, as recently as June 2023 and as early as March 2019.

January 30th, 2024 Livestream

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uh will we get first person vehicles I don't think so honestly but who knows please uplo about that in a Qi site m

This question may have been asked previously at least 8 other times, as recently as December 2023 and as early as August 2020.

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okay did you enjoy having about a month of your life without thinking about whether or not uh lizard dogos have AO c yeah it was the best time of my life honestly not a day went by about it what the hell not a day went by when I wasn't like oh thank God I don't have to go live on Twitch and talk about the uh lizard Doo Anatomy situation oh it was so good I'd rather have a fever that talk about the L Doo situation H have you thought about the Roman Empire today though what is the deal with that cuz like when when I heard about that Meme and I heard how many think about it I was like what the actual [ __ ] dude do you think about the Roman Empire like twice a day yeah actually yeah you don't what the [ __ ] there's so many more important things to think about such as whether or not lizard doos are uh how they digest food you do have a ADHD shut up answer this question I love when people are trying to like hide the fact that their question is about but holes for lizard Doos uh people are getting really sneaky about it


um sorry I'm just giggling over the butthole mentiones in the Q&A it's not funny guys it's kind of funny it's a little bit funny it's um what the oh this is another lizard dog Quest God damn it I got fooled I thought this was a sincere question but it wasn't I hate that I like start reading a question and like I'm like five sentence and in and then suddenly it's like oh this is another Li Dogo but hole joke how we Gathering up here how many do we have now what was that how many do we have now how many Liz with Bol speaking of that's the question that people wants to know Mel yeah how many any thoughts any thoughts on this psychedelic rock band butthole surface see I'm raing tonight so I might just cue them up and uh are they are they a thing they are now let me butt Surfers oh they are what the yo 85,000 monthly listeners heck yeah that's added to the game I am raiding to I am raing DSR Tonight Show all what do we have here

This question may have been asked previously at least 11 other times, as recently as December 2023 and as early as August 2023.

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do you think satisfactory could ever grow to having multiple planets with rocket transportations between are there any technical limits for this uh yeah implementing another planet that's the limitation uh do you know do you know how time we spent implementing this planet uh yeah if you can't get Hannah to make a new biome I don't think a new planet is feasible I'm going to call Hannah right now and tell her like just make another planet how hard can it be um so no the the well like like I don't think you can expect something like that in in satisfactory at least not in 1.0 like this is maybe something that you know could be DLC territory if we make like another map or something like that uh not sure if that's something we want to do or not but I think that's the only route we can take when it comes to this because we spent so much time working on this planet we're still not finished with it there's like I don't know how many hours we spend working on this planet um and it's really detailed so like us if we ever make another biome or another another planet I mean we'd want to make it as detailed cuz otherwise it would feel weird um and uh then we need to spend another five years working on this game I me yeah if you guys are fine with this game being in Early Access for another five years then let's go all right let's go why not

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as August 2023 and as early as May 2021.

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how many uh beautiful souls are in the cof team right now I just wanted to know how many people need to thank each night before going to bed uh we are I've been trying to nail this number since the game Jam I just yeah keep thinking I forget some we're in between 25 and 30 people or something like that we've had a pretty yeah we've had a pretty like is same amount of people um working on satisfaction like yeah coffee staying where we work like there's a bunch of people working in the building that are also not not just working on satisfactory they're also working on other things that are going on in the coffee stain ether if you will um because like for instance we have like a financing group at Cain that do like financing for all our studos and they work at cof stains but like um and they technically work on satisfactory I guess but they I think I mean for the game Jam the the five teams alone made up 30 people and we still had people not game jamming so I think we're close to like 40 aren't we yeah no no no no not 40 definitely not 40 30 and then you and uh Dylan were not parti that's wow call calling us out huh yeah no there were more people that weren't part of the gameing yeah and then a that's another four people that's 36 and then 38 yeah know yeah getting there getting there h

This question may have been asked previously at least 19 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as February 2019.

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uh new skins you mean like new skins um oh Oh you mean the game oh uh almost almost leaked that I'm a I'm a lizard person uh new skins would be cool I think uh something we wanted to add a while ago was like being able to customize your character to some extent but I don't know if uh I don't know what the deal is with that anymore it's kind of isn't it weird to like customize your character when it's your first person I think there are games that do that yeah I played the Far Cry 5 and they had that but like you never you see your hands but like you never see your character unless you die I guess so it's like mirrors we need to add mirrors to the game then yes yes I on it I'm going to I'm coding it right now you better be if if surface equals mirror then look back

This question may have been asked previously at least 28 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as February 2019.

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would love to see a two power connection point on the manufacturer smelters and so on it would make a lot uh of a lot less of a power spaghetti because you can put the power cables in the series instead of parallel so that's not going to happen because we we've act because we're evil we've actually decided actively not decided not to do that because we feel like that's part of the log Logistics problem that you need to solve there are some people that I figured out how to work around though um where uh and I'm not going to tell you how to do it but if I were to tell you how to do it it it doesn't involve beams and it's not like you can place beams like across the buildings and then put like wall mounts next to them so you sort of serialize them um but that's illegal no one's allowed to do that so don't do that actually that's a really bad advice yeah yeah I I I shame anyone who does it or run her to the ground that's also a pretty good good one I feel like running under the ground makes it like more of a hassle when you need to like adjust on the fly but you can do that too had to around but that's this is this is part of the game right this is part of the game cuz like you're already you're already discussing like how to solve this problem and like oh there's so many different solution to this problem you know and that's sort of a satisfactory is all about so if we remove that I feel like we'd loss there'd be a loss in like this type of uh you know this type of problem solving cuz like satisfa problem solving is all I do in life please I want to play fun game no no no no no no no no no satisfactory is your second job like nobody goes to play satisfactory because like I knew it yeah this is for people that don't have you know like anything to do on their off time they just like they get want to like when they get home from work they just want to work more that's that's it's a second job that's what's playing satisfactor is like why would we take that away from people this game isn't supposed to be fun exactly that's that's essentially that's that's a really good review actually I worry for all of it's like that's that sounds like a steam review where it's like you get a positive review and it's like this game isn't fun but it's not supposed to be and like so 10 out of 10 it is adequately not fun enough I also want to mention real quick I want to [ __ ] brag here when uh when Starfield um did the thing where they would comment on negative reviews and that was picked up uh oh yeah by media I was like oh that would be funny for us to do as well like but give them like shitty responses to and then I realized I already done that and there was already an article on the fact that I had done that so like I think I think bits added me on Twitter when they made that article I was like oh [ __ ] I actually wanted to do this but I apparently already done it so I'm not very original I guess so that's that's a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy right there lightning does strike twice yeah in this case for sure boom

This question may have been asked previously at least 8 other times, as recently as September 2023 and as early as January 2021.

December 12th, 2023 Livestream

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do coffee stain hire remote or encourage people to apply and get a work permit whoops I managed to remove the


question where did it go it's just gone did I actually professional by the way yeah welcome to the stream buddy this is you're you're supposed to clear this up clean this up for me caring to do don't I you have a lot of work to do yeah yeah yeah tonight uh do St hi promote or encourage people to apply and get a work permit SL sponsor a work permit so cing for the most part like 90 9% are working at the studio at the office in quet uh we encourage people to that apply to come here um I think uh so so I personally don't think that there's an issue with like having remote working remotely I think there are definitely places that can like sort of make that work and you can definitely make games remotely uh that being said it hasn't worked that well for cof stain in the past um and it's possible that we could you know work it out and figure out ways to be better at working remotely and and all that kind of stuff uh there's a couple of people at cof that do work remotely but the majority of people like including this guy um so a couple of weer people work remotely but the majority of people work at the studio uh and that's just because we just found like during Co we we had it was really rough working on the game um we still you know got things done and like we were you know efficient and all this stuff but it was it was a lot more work uh to be able to keep up the efficiency that we had before especially for our producers um and and that kind of stuff so like we we do encourage people to apply if they apply to us to like you know come to K and move here and we'll help out with a ton of that stuff like I think in the past we've helped people with uh accommodation and you know helping out with all the Visa related things um and all that kind of shenanigans it's never been an issue like once people are on board sort of like we've never had like where people need to leave or whatever because of Visa reasons or whatever we always manage to resolve that stuff um so we do help out with that stuff um so yeah essentially that

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2021 and as early as December 2020.

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uh undo when probably I'm going to be honest probably never cuz the undo having an undo feature is is a lot of work but it's it's possible I guess um I I kind of miss it sometimes when I play when like I play something like I just want to undo this not have to rebuild it and like that um it's it's something we should have probably thought of before when we started working on the game cuz it is like if we do have an undo it's involved in so many aspects of the building in the game so uh yeah probably not

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as February 2022 and as early as February 2019.

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snow confirmed we already have some in the game we have the the snow um dispensers so we we've already we already have it y'all oh it's a flashbang you can you can stop asking about it now it's already confirmed dispenser oh you're a dispenser I didn't see the uh the little thing four what does four mean the snow defenser could be a bit stronger uh not going to lie the snow dispenser is really perform like not it's not like most of the stuff in fixas is not optimized by the way y'all uh I think that's that's an important piece of trivia to know so especially the snow dispenser

This question may have been asked previously at least 18 other times, as recently as November 2023 and as early as February 2019.

December 5th, 2023 Livestream

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um you're going to add logic gates to the game I think it would be cool to build computers and there'll be videos like playing satisfactory and satisfactory so we probably won't add logic gates to the game we've had a lot of discussions back and forth about that a couple of times we've also prototyped this actually a while back and we feel that it's a bit too overwhelming for this game like in terms of what satisfactory is satisfactory is intended to be sort of a chill um like the game is complex by itself by just the Everything by itself and if we feel like if we wanted to add logic gates it should be an optional thing for the game mostly because like most players that play the game shouldn't feel like they need to use uh logic gates um and if we're adding something that's optional to the game then you know this a warrant you know the um warrant the the time that takes to implement something like that so I don't think we will it's not impossible though maybe we'll add some level of logic to it where like maybe you know one reasonable place I think where it makes sense is to have like logic gates for for um um like if you have the trains and you want to have some specific Logics so like when it unloads and loads you know that kind of stuff I think that's more in tune with the game because that's extending sort of giving you tools to extend sort of what is already in the game U but when it comes to like adding logic you know generic logic solutions and and you know where you can essentially build a computer inside satisfactory I don't think that's going to happen there's a really cool mod that's called fixing networks that I highly recommend that does this so if you're interested in that kind of stuff you do need to do like a little bit of program here and there um but uh yeah that's essentially the plan for that or not CL I guess

This question may have been asked previously at least 9 other times, as recently as November 2023 and as early as September 2020.

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uh any plans for more tiers before 1.0 I don't know who knows nobody knows tears I think a lot of people are often ask about like stuff with tear we like are we going to get more tear and whatnot uh I I mean we can still we don't have to add more tear uh to the game to make more content you know like we can still put stuff in the tiers uh I don't know if we will make more tiers honestly cuz we have a lot of tiers in the game already and I think if we add more tiers it's just going to be like confusing maybe potentially but that's just my opinion what do I know I'm just a stupid Community manager uh so I'm just saying

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as April 2023 and as early as July 2021.

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uh do we get vertical nudging to correct up and down


um it depends like maybe I I think uh we're open for the suggestion to have vertical nudging um but it has to make sense from a user experience standpoint um and uh I think there a lot of edge cases that people don't realize where vertical nudging is kind of tricky there are already a couple of edge cases that don't really work with nudging as it is right now um so yes it's the same thing like with rotation and nudging is same same thing there like if we can make it work with the user experience wise and get it figure out how to do it um cuz you can rotate some stuff while you're nudging no wait not that you're nudging um yeah I don't know we're going to investigate that I I guess I can me I can mention that we're going to investigate vertical nudging uh at some point but no promises right now okay that's all I'm going to say uh request vertical nudging wall mounted SS don't appear to have the existing limited support for vertical ning yeah it's the same thing with


um um stuff on beams vertical luning is kind of broken on them as well there are a couple of cases where it's kind of weird

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as November 2023 and as early as September 2023.

A transcript is available

any consideration of adding a map editor so um no because that is a huge undertaking and uh maybe like first of all the way the map is made in the game is not made in such a way where you can create the map without using Unreal Engine so that's one thing uh I think Tech technically we could you could create another map as a mod for satisfactory um but no one's done that and I'm assuming the reason why no one's done that is because it's too much work to get it to work um now now I'm sad thanks n it's what I live for disappointing people uh it is a huge undertaking and uh just making the map as it is for us is a huge undertaking and like most games where they have map editors what they do is they make a map editor and they make the tools for it and then they create the game using the map editor most people don't you do the back do it the other way around there is a mod map is there what's what's on it cuz I've seen one I've seen mod maps but they're just like nothing it's just a plane and like that's it what's the name of the uh what's the name of the mod all mines map uh let's see here look at that new map new terrain know all alien artifacts thank God that's pretty cool I need to check that out actually I'm kind of curious this is like the only this is like the only mod I've seen it's a new map put a ton of time into it oh I can imagine cuz we know how long it takes to make a MTH it is uh no walk in the park I need to I need to check this out actually when was this made August wait is this an American time or October cool I need to check that out actually I'm I'm really curious now curious curious um even as a snow area really has anyone made like a I need to I need to Google this on YouTube and see if anyone made like a playthrough or something using it no need to see it picture is not enough in the mod manager I need to I need to experience this cool thanks for letting me know linkit so this is the I'll post the L mod here too this is the one people are referring to I think correct me if I'm wrong oh oh I'm so sorry people that struggle are on The Struggle Bus we had to disable links on our twitch because the Bots got us

This question may have been asked previously at least 16 other times, as recently as June 2023 and as early as February 2019.

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is a game more CPU or GPU intensive it kind of depends on a lot of factors I we would argue that a game is still pretty CPU intense um some people might not agree with that but when we do our internal profiling that's what we find typically that the game is pretty CPU intense

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2021 and as early as May 2020.

November 21st, 2023 Livestream

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I may have missed something do you plan to add something like smart mergers where you can select which income Port have priority uh no plans for that at the moment so we haven't done so you haven't missed anything because we haven't said anything about that uh and I don't know if we have plans to do that or not but you can upload it on the QA side if you want to uh if you want to see that specifically you it's a free world you know we can always we can always you're always allowed to go to the Q side unless you've been banned from the Q side of course because for whatever reason but why would you be banned from the QI site uh we're all we're all decent people

This question may have been asked previously at least 13 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as September 2020.

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uh when are beacons going to be removed or updated it's weird to build it's weird to build them but not be able to use them as before um so tldr for those who don't know beacons like the physical beacons in the game they use like the equipment piece uh is has been deprecated from the game uh you can still craft them in the um the workshop but they've sort of been replaced by the new uh system that we have on the map which is like you can place markers on the map and and the beacons will transform into markers if you try and place them the only reason why beacons are still in the game are because of it's because of a alt recipe for Uranium peel rods I think God it's been so long since I talked about this and um that recipe I don't know when we'll switch that out but the the removal of beacons will happen when we switch that recipe out essentially um but I don't have like an ETA on when that will happen

This question may have been asked previously at least 10 other times, as recently as September 2023 and as early as January 2023.

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will smart or programmable splitter ever get the option to change affect the output example changing 780 to 710 um I I like if okay I don't think we will but if we do it would be like a late game sort of thing right like it would be one of the last like things you can unlock in the game because a huge aspect of the game is that like the whole balancing and ratio and figuring that stuff out like that's huge part of the game and like solving that like logistical problem um you can sort of work around it with like setting factors and stuff like that but we feel like the belts have a much bigger effect when it comes to L Logistics handling and and if we make the gim like too streamlined then um a big chunk of the challenge is sort of gone but but we do see that people want this and uh you know it's not let like we we're not like super stubborn we're stubborn in certain aspects but we have changed our minds in a couple occasions you know know like we've added stuff that people requested and then we were like uh maybe not but then we changed our minds and I think this might be one of those things for it's possible we sh we might add something like this uh maybe we'll add it to like the pro programmable splitter for instance um because I don't think there's too much of a difference between the smart splitter and the program splitter and like move it back and you get it later or something like that but I don't know this is just like me guessing but if you want to see that please upload the Q site and let us know um but as far as I know we probably won't do anything like that so I'm sorry I led you all on it's like this hypothetical train that I just put you guys on and then be like but it's got It's not going anywhere

This question may have been asked previously at least 15 other times, as recently as April 2023 and as early as January 2020.

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uh does it bother you to answer the same uh Question Time After Time by the way how about vertical nudging no it actually isn't uh it actually isn't annoying or anything like that uh it doesn't bother me either because the thing is like a lot of people it would bother me if it was the same person asking over and over again but that's not really the case in a lot of these times like there's there's so many people that show show up and and come and go um like every stream I can see I don't know you guys can see that but I think like every stream there's always a bunch of new uh firsttime Chatters uh there's a lot of them so like I think a lot of for our stream a lot of people tend to tune in and tune out a lot um and it's not not really realistic to like expect that like everyone knows everything we've said um and it's just sort of something you have to accept as a community manager or like anyone in communication really is like there's no no there's no way to reach everyone in any communication aspect um and you just sort of and like trying to get around that and be like no but we have to figure out way to reach everyone and like you know be as clear as possible like then you're just sort of creating issues through yourself you sort of need to like expect that like okay all not not everyone's going to see everything all info so we really have to like take all the meses we can to make sure that like we can work around that as much as possible and having to answer the same question over and over again um it's kind of part of that like if that if that's something that bothers someone then they probably shouldn't be in that position you know what I mean um as to Vertical nudging I don't think it's going to happen honestly like I I think um I spoke to some of the people designing nudging and there are like no easy there are a couple of there are a lot of edge cases where vertical nudging wouldn't work and like we couldn't apply it in as like a general case uh especially not for like buildings stuff like that technically one thing that someone pointed out is technically we do have vertical nuding because if you place a power connector on a wall then it's vertical nudging so we already have it so I'm going to mark that question is answered uh We've implemented it and uh we're good to go all right fantastic next question

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as February 2021.

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uh will fixmas 2023 happen the same as it did in 2021 and 22 yes that's the plan and it's looking good as of now uh we only have like we're going to have this week in like a couple of days before we we but I I think we're pretty good actually on fixes for for fixman so we should be good

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as November 2023 and as early as August 2023.

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any possibility for a splitter merger that has two inputs and two outputs uh for sending one conveyor through another uh no I don't think so uh we tried that we tested that we prototyped that a while a like from this like the very first iteration of satisfactory and it felt weird like it felt better to just have like one solution fits all kind of thing um and it doesn't it didn't jive with the like it caused a lot of issues essentially that's what I'm trying to say and we didn't feel like fixing it

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as June 2022.

November 7th, 2023 Livestream

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is there any plan to be able to sync fluids no there's no plan at the moment to sync fluid it's a design game design decision game I don't know why I said like that um no it's it's very it's a very conscious decision that you if you want to sing fluids you first have to uh either package them or convert them to something else and then package it it's like part of the whole thing with because otherwise handling byproducts would be too easy um and like we do want byproducts to an issue that you need to deal with uh so it would sort of break that

This question may have been asked previously at least 13 other times, as recently as August 2023 and as early as August 2020.

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uh what's going on with the asphalt foundations this single line in the middle is disadvantaged didn't we fix that hold up am I mistaken checking the patch notes I thought we fixed that yeah it's still visible but it's it's less visible but it's still there I don't know what's up with that I was under the impression that we fixed it but apparently we didn't um I think you can understand that like out of the things that we're focusing on right now uh that might not be the highest priority uh I know that people are like annoyed by it and it's probably annoying um you know out of all the things that are going on right now um that is not the highest priority for us at the moment but we are aware now and now I am aware we'll probably we'll probably look into it further down line if anything um so yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as October 2023.

October 31st, 2023 Livestream

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how is the update onreal Engine 5 transition overall did it bring what it was expected how was the UI uh dev's communication would you recommend other Studios to make that transition oh boy I don't know if we we haven't fully recovered from it yet I think um we have had a discussion with epic in regards to the changes that we have made um and like what it was like for us and and what we like so we've given them feedback on it overall um I don't know if I'm in a good position to give like everyone at the Studio's opinion on it because I actually don't know everyone at at the Studio's opinion um I only know like a couple of people's uh Choice like views on it um so like update okay so I'll give just G so here's my opinion on it this is this is my view on it I don't know so disclaimer here I don't know if this actually reflects on how everyone feels like Cain in regards to this this is just my personal uh opinion on it okay my hot take okay so I think the I think we we now are starting to see sort of the the benefits of it it's taken us more than a year actually we started in like January to do the the migration uh a little bit earlier than that we started doing a little bit of a check-in but it's taken a long us a long time to do the migration and there's been a lot of work that's gone into obviously the migration itself but also like you know implementing stuff that already worked before then um there were a lot of things that we actually always wanted to rework like the vehicle system for instance we always wanted to fix the vehicle system and that would entail us rewriting things anyways so like it came with a bunch of musts in terms of of work that got that were tied to like our Tech Deck per se that we could have you know pushed and maybe potentially never do um so like in that regard it's pretty good that like we did do the update um that we actually you know had to implement some things again uh that's not to say that I think there are issues with the current version as well like there were things um that worked before that don't work now um but I mean we'll probably get around to fixing some of that stuff um and and like I said I I'm I like now we're starting to see sort of the benefits of some of the crates um but it's like if epic hadn't put out the the next couple of updates to Unreal Engine like one and two um the migration would not have been worth it I think so like we definitely needed to go to this version at least uh to get the benefits out of it you know like we don't I don't feel like Unreal Engine was for in our use case was in production ready until 5.2 um due to the issues that we saw people having um and I guess like a lot of stuff is like we wouldn't know until we put on experimental anyways and at that point we're already so deep that it would be like such a sunk cost fallacy and that was the big risk of doing this it was a huge risk doing the migration and I think we were a little bit optimistic actually about the migration uh I think I think we I don't think we anticipated we anticipated a lot of issues but we got even more issues than we anticipated getting and and we anticipated not knowing how many issues we were going to get and we got even more than that so like I think it was a little bit optimistic for us to to make that call and and I think I don't think enough people were involved in that decision um potentially um but I think things are going to work out um it's definitely given us a lot of tools to utilize now to improve the game and do things with the game that we didn't think we were going to be able to do um but like as to like how I would recommend other Studios to make that transition I it's so hard because it really depends on the game on the game that you're making um I think in satisfactory case it made sense doing it but I think there are a lot of games where it doesn't make sense to do it um we have made a lot of engine modifications and I think if games if a lot of other games have made a lot of engine modifications like the more engine modifications you make the less uh recommended I think this upgrade would be for them um I think it makes more sense to like make a game from scratch in five than to migrate in certain and uh there are certain games that have made semi migrations for it but I don't know it's it's been one of the toughest calls for us to to make um and I think it's going to pan out but that's my opinion I think if I think definitely think if you ask some people at the studio they might disagree with me completely actually I feel like it was a it was not the best call but um we're here now and I think that's what matters most

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as June 2023 and as early as June 2023.

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the fixa event does not seem to be working have you forgotten to add it uh just no shot no we're no just no just no no no no no it's a nice idea but we never have time we never have like we barely have time for this update

This question may have been asked previously at least 10 other times, as recently as September 2023 and as early as October 2020.

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uh will we get drones that we can D ride and drive I don't think that's going to happen sadly we don't want to do aerial Transportation uh at the moment

This question may have been asked previously at least 9 other times, as recently as August 2023 and as early as November 2020.

October 17th, 2023 Livestream

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what will happen if industrial storage container has one input conveyor belt 60 itms per minute and two output conveyor belts 120 per minute where will the items go uh well they'll probably go on the Belt uh I think the way it works it will split it's it's like a splitter right so there's an internal buffer and then the items will go out on the belts will like ask for items each take based on their speed um but this is like a thing that I think you could make an experiment to yourself and try this out what will happen is the container will get drained faster than it will get like added to and I don't think it prioritizes I think it always takes like the bottom one or maybe it always splits between the two I don't know not sure actually

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as October 2020.

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uh why can't I kill my last player I said there for 10 minutes hitting to get my inventory back so if you use god mode you're in a pickle you you need to use um uh as in like the advanced game settings and you have god mode enabl you need to uh use the calculator or something like that because you are invincible and uh there's no way to kill the the character I think we have a temp fix coming but I'm not sure if we actually will have it implemented in time or not but uh that's most likely why

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as October 2022.

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uh how many percent are still missing until the final release I I don't think we can say I actually don't know if if we know if we'll ever know it's close though well I say I said that update 7even too but it's hard to say cuz like we always come up with new things and it's like Fe your creep constantly so it's it's it's it's hard to tell honestly

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as April 2023 and as early as December 2021.

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are you thinking of adding a Vio style Research into the m so people can logic gate out designs before they physically build build them maybe parts of blueprints uh I was like you had me at the half half wait so I I assume you don't mean in the M as like you can unlock this in the map not that like that you use it in the map uh I assume but um I don't know I I think um we have definitely thought about ways to improve um the like planning part of satisfactory for sure um there's there's a bunch of different Avenues we've explored when it comes to that um we were thinking of also doing something reg similar to like The calculator site where like you would actually see things on the map and and you can plot things out um so so we are thinking about that stuff as to like how easy it is to implement and that stuff though it's like and and worth it at this point as well uh but that is definitely something we consider and keep iterating on uh but there's a lot of there's a lot of avenues we've taken where we ended up being like it's just not worth implementing for that aspect so we'll see we'll see

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as January 2021 and as early as December 2020.

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uh when we'll be able to color the pillars again ah good question I I wanted to get a answer to that before today's stream but I didn't get a good uh answer uh it's a little bit in the air I think we want I think we would like to have it before EA um because it's it's legitimately a feature that we did have before update and now it's not there um so it it it really is like a thing like if we have time before e uh and hopefully if it don't have time before ea uh then we'll do it soon after I I know you guys really want that so I I have voed that uh for the team um um but I don't have like a good answer at this moment because I legitim don't know what the state of that is but I I am um I am championing for that to happen

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2023 and as early as September 2023.

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uh can we make custom tapes without using a mod will you make it so tapes auto advance between tracks uh making custom tapes without a mod probably not because of how we bake Assets in the game uh technically I think we could do it but I don't know if we I don't know if we want to spend time doing that when there are a lot of other things uh to do uh

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as April 2023 and as early as November 2022.

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uh would it be possible to have a settings gun to make copy and pasting settings less clicky uh I mean yeah it's potentially yes let's say with my Swedish accent I don't know why I keep switching back and forth so much today uh let us know in the Q side if you have any like specific ideas as to how we we could do that um you can like one way that that speedrunners do it is they typically rebind the copy and paste button to just be like um you know a quicker key or I think somebody also uses like one of the buttons on the mouse you do it that way uh like specifically for pasting cuz like control C is fine like it's a control V that's annoying um so so like there there's ways around that you can map right now to make it less clicky

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as June 2022 and as early as April 2021.

October 10th, 2023 Livestream

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can you make Creature remains dis spawnable by time as I have two nodes near poison gas where the remains block me from building minor onto uh I honestly think a better solution here would to fix the hit detection issue where you can't pick it up I think that's a better solution than to have it so that stuff despawn because I think despawning stuff is annoying in games and I don't think we want to do that honestly so I think it's better to just fix the bug

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2023 and as early as August 2023.

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no there's no correlation between the updates and like whether update 10 won't necessarily be 1.0 it'll be like it can be as many as we want or few as we want so um we should be technically we should be automating the space elevator parts right now because like we we have unlock potential up at 69 yeah exactly um Germans don't want update nine that would be the best update

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as August 2023 and as early as March 2021.

October 3rd, 2023 Livestream

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uh we only have one color that has not changed everything will there ever more planned for p uh wait will there be more planned for people who build for looks I already used the 16 default ones um


I wonder if the reason why we have one I believe is is because of user experience it's a user experience thing uh where if we had more then people might misunderstand how the swatches work when you just have one that's like custom which should never change um then the intention isn't for you to use them as a Swatch like the intention is we used to use that as a the custom color um it might not be super clear I might need to update like the wording maybe a little bit but uh maybe we could have more than one Swatch I think it's a design decision right now not having more than one setting uh it might be um there might be some saving thing where like we own it's like hard limited but um please update on the QSI if you want to see more swatches specifically for the custom color or more or more swatches in general because I think originally we did have a limit on how many swatches we could have in the game and I don't know if that limit is still there it's possible that that it's still there because of the way we instance the meshes in the in the in the game but I think we're using the primitive data structure now for everything so it might not be an issue but um let us know in the giveaway side uh what you prefer and we'll see what we can do but I I think there's a limit right now as to how many swatches we have be nice to have a name swatches that's another thing I think that's just a UI thing um and or safe structure or something and it might be that like that is so much work for something that's like you don't gain too much from so like you might not be super high prioritized but please let us know in the Q website so we can look into that because I've heard people ask about that

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as March 2023 and as early as November 2021.

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is crab all still on Ice How likely is it to come into the game or when do you have a uh like when you really finally decide for it I think it's still on Ice yes uh I haven't actually talked about that with the the production crew yet um I'm not sure I don't I don't know if it will make it and actually to be honest uh we will probably address this in a video at some point talk about this because I think this is like one of the like we've said we've tried to be very like upfront with you guys as to like what we plan to do and what actually will come to the game and uh sometimes our planning just falls short because of we don't have time or for other reasons and we've been quite upfront with you guys that's like when we will and we won't do stuff I think the crab boss has been one of those things where we were really sure for a long time that we were going to add that um but also at the same time now that we're looking at it and like figuring out like what 1.0 really needs um it's like do we do we live up to the promise of like a less than one second clip from my one of our trailers to add something to the game um or do we focus on other things so that's sort of the discussion that's happening with the crowd boss in particular I think it would be cool to have it in the game but I wonder how much it adds I think also one thing that is good to know is that when we started making satisfactory I think we had a bigger end goal with like the creatures and the combat era game and like the survival aspect of the game and that's we've been working on this in Early Access we sort of realized that this isn't the core pillar of the game really it's like especially when we were doing the the weapons and the creature changes for for update six and five or something or six or seven we've also realized that like people are really interested too much in in that aspect it's like it's it's cool that it's refreshing but if we if we wanted to actually make a huge difference we need to actually take a huge check back and rework how the creatures will work and that's not really interesting for us I think it's more interesting for us to work on Factory stuff than combat stuff and rather make you know and we tried to make combat more like diverse rather than like you know more involved I think the crab boss is one of those things where we had one Vision how we wanted to come back to be in the game and we had an idea of what we wanted a crab boss to be and how that would work in the game and I don't know if it really aligns with how we see the game right now so that's why the crab boss has been on ice for a while because we sort of realized that like maybe this wasn't what's important for the game um but I think it would be cool to have it and I think I don't think I think that's why we haven't scrapped it at this point because we did scrap a couple of other creatures that we were going to do that we haven't unveiled at all actually um but we decided that like it's better to do put focus on other things with the game rather than that element because there weren't really that many people that were super into when we updated the creatures and stuff like that and the combat um so that's why that's the state of the crab boss at least I'll address this more properly when we know more on this topic because I think uh I think it's a bit like one thing that's always been super important for us when we were working on this game in Early Access is that we are very upfront that's like what we do and don't and what we plan like what we would like but not what we can do and I think they're crab boss the fact that it was in a trailer sort of signifies that like this is going to be in the final game at some point and now we're sort of potentially stepping back on that one aspect and hopefully you guys will understand why and I might be feel a bit frustrating that we have been talking about this for so long saying like there was going to be a crab boss in the game and then suddenly at the end when we're closer closing into 1.0 we're like we're not sure if that's gonna be a thing um so uh I'm not sure if there's a good solution here that everywhere everybody wins but that's that's the that's the rationale behind it at least like I said I'll probably talk more about that in an upcoming video where we can actually um I think flesh out this topic a little bit more but that's the state of things right now at least

This question may have been asked previously at least 45 other times, as recently as August 2023 and as early as March 2019.

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uh will there be any aesthetic type items from the awesome shop in the future SM benches chairs and bins I think this is the same case as with the rounded Foundation pieces is like if we have time we'll do that stuff for sure but uh that's that depends on if we have time or not

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as December 2022 and as early as September 2021.

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will there be half half width walls to match half foundations I don't know I have brought it up a couple of times uh recently now um so we have it on like a list of nice to haves but uh yeah keep uplo that on a qway site

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2023 and as early as October 2022.

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uh currently to make curved roads we have to do little tricks to make that happen is there anything planned to make curving foundations for making roads easier I think that goes back to the question I have before with like the um it's a similar answer to that question with like curb foundations and stuff like that we don't have current currently don't have plans to add that um but if we have time to do it we'll do it

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as December 2022 and as early as October 2020.

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uh will the game eventually feature Workshop support for mods I don't think we will but it's not impossible I think that the reason why we wouldn't want to do that is because we have the game on Epic as well and we don't want to play favorites so um I believe epic has a version of Workshop as well like they have their own like mod I can't remember what it's called but they have their own thing uh and I think the The Annoying Thing for our mod creators is that they would need to like re-upload the same mods into different storefronts or two different like places and the way that it works right now with the mod manager I think we're quite um we quite like the way this is handled at the moment and I think it's better for the community overall that it's managed this way that's not to say that we won't do either um I think this is still a little bit Up For Debate internally as well what we want to do but um I think a lot of people have been using the model manager I think a lot of people really like the mon manager I think the the open development of the mod manager and SLR and uh sorry the s what's it called the the mod injector thing um SNL no uh I I think that just the modern community in general have been amazing and uh we definitely want to support those people uh to the best of our ability um so but we'll see what what the like situation will be like once the game is out fully

This question may have been asked previously at least 17 other times, as recently as January 2023 and as early as May 2020.

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uh are you planning on making procedure Genera mass for satisfactory no we don't um there's a whole video on this topic if you search for things six things we never add a factory and procedural generation was one of those things we realized early on that we did want to do because we wanted to hand sculpt The Experience more

This question may have been asked previously at least 23 other times, as recently as June 2023 and as early as June 2018.

September 29th, 2023 Video

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going to add Factory maintenance no

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as February 2019.

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survival elements no green energy no

This question may have been asked previously at least 9 other times, as recently as December 2021 and as early as February 2019.

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terraforming new golf

This question may have been asked previously at least 9 other times, as recently as February 2023 and as early as August 2020.

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terraforming new golf

This question may have been asked previously at least 24 other times, as recently as August 2023 and as early as August 2018.

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what happens in the future since there are a handful of buildings that are not symmetrical will we ever be able to flip buildings like in Captain of industry we don't currently have plans for that and I don't really have a good reason as to why we just don't have plans to do that because it entails a lot of work that we don't feel really adds too much to the game at the moment so and it's it's not just a thing that we can just like whip out and have it working there's actually a lot of work involved in making sure that works fine so uh kudos to them for doing it but um at the moment we don't plan to do it what is a bug that you

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as January 2023 and as early as October 2020.

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wise will there ever be Mark 3 or mark IV fluid pipes no because we're sort of at the limit with Mark's Mark II actually even with Mark II it doesn't fully fully fully work there's a couple of like edge cases where sometimes you can get a little bit less than 600 like you you can't always expect to get a full like 600 um and out of the pipes and this is based on like all a bunch of factors like frame rate and stuff like that and we we hope to fix that stuff for my two pipes so that they will be fully 600. I don't think you need to worry too much about this unless you're optimizing like perfectly 100 using utilizing pipes but in the future this shouldn't be an issue and but the the addition of a Mark 3 and 4 is right out that's not happening are you planning to add a logic system and

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as February 2023 and as early as May 2021.

September 26th, 2023 Livestream

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are there any plans for a factory monitor screen where you can see the efficiency of how full buffers Etc are of buildings we would like to think but I don't know if if we actually have planning to implement it it's it's a little bit more complicated than we initially thought when we started implementing this and I know I know there's a mod that does something similar but I think what people are asking for is like more complex with like the whole Factory setup um and uh we haven't really had time to dive into that and it's not currently planned but if there are enough uploads on the QA side I'm sure we'll take that into consideration

This question may have been asked previously at least 15 other times, as recently as April 2023 and as early as December 2019.

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well Aspire for Coast uh get Revisited with resources in mind yes it will at some point

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as February 2023 and as early as June 2022.

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wait you guys are getting paid why didn't you guys put Subs on the twitch for Revenue so we don't want to have to deal with that because like we don't really need you know the extra revenue from from twitch or whatever and I don't know it's always fell a bit icky doing that stuff like having like the um it's the same on the YouTube like we we don't um did I set this in the right direction no I did not we don't um put any ads or anything on the video or something like that because we don't really need to and uh if we did we would have to I don't know it feels icky maybe it's not icky like at the end of the day we are a corporation trying to like we are we're all living in a society and we live in a capitalistic society and uh huh but I feel like uh to me because I don't think you guys are getting ads on Twitch so like the fact that we can have a stream that is focused on like because the point of the stream is to be able to engage with you guys and be able to showcase our game I guess and um so be able to do that without ads and like I think it's worth um not having to put up with uh the subs and stuff like that you're not a very convincing corporate I mean I mean it's it's like a balancing act right like is well you could be super money sucking and like trying to like every Avenue where we can get money we would try and get it you know and like we would advertise our YouTube We would advertise a twitch and all that stuff um but like at the end of the day where does it make sense to do that um where do we align on like the whole like corporate structure and blah blah blah so like I don't know me and Jace have never we never liked that idea of dealing with that stuff and um yeah that's so we're not doing it potentially uh what was what was I doing what's this 240. 240. 240 divided by 640 right right I'm seeing that right now some weird looking bald guy talking about nothing but that's an ad we are serving you okay there's no middleman here

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as May 2023 and as early as January 2021.

September 19th, 2023 Livestream

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uh will there be some kind of teleportation in the game be it the player or items I feel like you guys have already figured that out with hypertube cannons and like the way you can set up teleportation with the Cannons and like that so do we really need it

This question may have been asked previously at least 10 other times, as recently as September 2022 and as early as April 2021.

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sanctum 3 confirmed it was oh yes don't totally confirm 100.

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as January 2023 and as early as March 2018.

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how many theoretical hours of question is planned for the final release what do you mean how many questions oh questing uh uh I don't know I don't think too much honestly the store the idea with the story for the game isn't that it's supposed to be like a huge thing it's supposed to be like a it's a thing you can do on the side it's like the story mode and satisfactory is more of a side chick than anything like the your main chick is your your factory building like the fact that so many people can't so many hours of this game without there being a story I think it's the main giveaway here that story mode shouldn't take away too much from that I actually have no idea how many hours though like how much time is spent on doing store related stuff

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as September 2021 and as early as February 2019.

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trailer for trucks sugar cube probably not because of the nature of vehicles in our game and adding more of that I feel like wouldn't be a good choice of our time right now but who knows put it on the kiwisite and and we'll take a look at it

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as March 2022 and as early as August 2020.

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happened to the vods from last month or so so we're not a affiliate or partner and uh when you don't have affiliate or partner on Twitch uh the vods only last for seven days so that's why they're not there well that's changed my bots less is three months about all you affiliate or partner because we're neither I fit like it used to be two weeks and now it's one week that changed for a lot it changed for a while then because it's been two weeks for like the last uh unless you um highlight them which we don't always do and highlights stay forever good sub to Turbo um would be nice to have a vlog section on YouTube so the reason why we don't have that is because I believe it I feel like it clutters the subscription box I think it's more important that people notice notice me senpai's that people notice when we do put out videos uh and not like get used to the fact that like there's gonna be a video every week with just a Vlad and nobody watches the VOD Ka so may if we made like a satisfactory Vibes channel that would be a thing and that's I guess that's debatable uh we could do that I guess

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as May 2023 and as early as July 2021.

September 5th, 2023 Livestream

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what's the chance of adding CSS office doggos to the game for ailerophobia mode uh I guess if somebody does it at the studio so unsure what the chances are

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2023 and as early as February 2022.

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Auto saving isn't going to be approved auto savings always improved like the saving is constantly like optimized that that goes for all optimization of the game it kind of breaks my heart a little bit when people ask that stuff where it's like are you are you guys ever going to optimize the game I'm like bro we optimize it all the time how do you guys not notice so sad


uh it's it's getting better all the time do you not remember like what it used to be like anyways yeah dedicated series that's not the wrong way that's dedicated servers dedicated servers are like the the weird brother in your family that's like everyone's like oh this is dedicated servers don't mind him there's nothing we can do

This question may have been asked previously at least 13 other times, as recently as August 2023 and as early as May 2020.

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um could we get some more smaller lights for staircases or maybe illuminated catwalks or lights in the railings uh same thing there please let us know on the QA site what you want to see specifically I think these are good examples so please post that in a QA site so that team can see it

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as June 2021.

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how big would you estimate the possibility that there are half wide walls that fit half foundations the possibility the possibilities I guess are endless but we don't we don't have any plans for that at the moment unfortunately so I don't know but please upload down the QSI to make sure that we know that you guys want that stuff

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as April 2023 and as early as August 2022.

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will there ever be any way to have lizardogo stay sit follow or some sort of dog house habitat kind of for thing for that if somebody at coffee stain wants to make that that is not planned at all and I don't know if if that is ever a necessity but if someone had coffee stain during their like creative time or when they have time to work on whatever they want I want to implement that then it will probably happen but it will only happen if someone accomplish the same feels like doing it because I don't think we're ever gonna like because the lizard I'll go following you and all that stuff that is already creative time like sort of not planned it's just somebody did it for the shits and giggles um so yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as November 2022 and as early as August 2021.

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and it changes to phase 4 of project assembly no comments uh I don't know that's why

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as January 2023 and as early as January 2023.

August 29th, 2023 Livestream

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is there an ETA on update 8 um I'll probably talk about that in this week's video I don't have an answer at this very moment uh I hope I'll be a little bit more informed at the end of the week essentially

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2023 and as early as June 2023.

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well the game support direct storage now if it will support direct storage I don't know if we find that it's suitable for our game then maybe because that's not that's not always I I see this a lot by the way it's it's like really hard to comment on this but like it's uh epic has like and this is the same thing with I think this is mostly Nvidia um but like there are so many different Technologies when it comes to computer rendering and apis and some for some reason some of these Technologies get like a lift in the in the public eye um with like for some people's people for some reason some people find certain aspects of these Technologies and like uh algorithms or techniques very interesting and they get like a little bit of like um um like they get free marketing essentially um some like most techniques they use for for computer Graphics specifically are not suitable for everything there's a ton of ways you can do the same thing in different ways and um it doesn't always solve like there's no one solution solves everything I know a lot of people think that if you just have dlss it will solve a lot of problems with games uh and that's not really true and um for some reason epic have been very good at this and also Nvidia uh to like make it sound super people get super hyped to hear that like games support dlss even though there might not be a significant difference for most people anyways um so like but it's fine to ask like if we're going to support specific technology or whatever it is I'm not on that stuff but it's really hard to say what like this is the case for Unreal Engine fives as well we're like there's a lot of cool stuff in real land in five there's a lot of cool techniques but it's not always suitable for uh all games and and like for instance nanite is is like not not every game is going to take advantage of that um um um so uh uh I don't remember what my point of this was but uh yeah if it makes sense for our game then we'll probably support it um we typically don't just like go and like what's the latest thing let's Implement that um it depends in some cases you can even get worse performance with like the LSS uh but nobody talks about that because it really depends like that's the thing anyways

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as May 2023 and as early as April 2022.

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why is there no conveyor attachment to biomass burners to begin with I have 10 of them in emergency I'm feeding them in this huge pain can't this be automated so there's a whole point in that we don't want them to be automated because we do want you to to progress like all the Power Solutions in the game have caveats and the caveat for biomass generators is that they're manually Fed so we don't want them to be automated uh it would it wouldn't serve the purpose they wouldn't they wouldn't serve their purpose in the game if we did

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as February 2023 and as early as October 2020.

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will there ever be more power plants more anything more maybe not anything green but other energy sources uh potentially yes but I don't know like can be yes planned no is is the answer I think uh we can have more power plants I think but we don't have anything planned at the moment no plans for new power plants but we can add more of course but I don't know if we are going to

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as February 2023 and as early as August 2021.

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you think we'll get more decorative items in the future I don't know honestly it would be cool though because I feel like we could always add more decorative stuff um but I think that the answer is always like what is there anything specific you guys want to see uh please let us know on the QA side if you want to see anything specific

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2022 and as early as August 2022.

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thank you do them play on The Hub computer oh that's right we could have played I was actually thinking about that before I was thinking of playing um what's it called the uh package thingy game minigame that we have in the hub let's just like do the entire stream just playing that that would be funny what's your high score I don't remember I haven't played it since uh we launched it I did get three stars on all the levels I think at least I think I can't remember that was from like um uh that was last year's fixmest right if I'm not mistaken it's been a while since I was in the game of the year before was it that long ago maybe it was

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as May 2022 and as early as August 2020.

August 22nd, 2023 Livestream

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uh don't have anything planned for Gamescom I don't so nobody cops and studios are going to Gamescom I think but I might be wrong actually because it might be there might be some coffee Stingers there I'm not there uh uh obviously I actually don't know maybe we're there maybe we're not um but there's no public like there's no there's no like Meetup or anything like that if if there are there it's probably just a couple of people going if that's the case I don't know but uh no plans no major plans for Gamescom this year I say that in last year we had like a huge reveal I think it was a ghost Sim that was revealed at Gamescom last year maybe I don't know they don't tell me um so yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2022.

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and the reason devstream you discussed updating the vehicle system for trains will train AI gets smarter with alternate route options so uh we would like to do something like that but um we don't know if we have time at the moment so same thing there like everything goes to update 8 right now uh we would like to do that but we'll see if we get time for it

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as May 2023 and as early as March 2022.

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will there be energy sources like I don't even know what this is photovoltaic or wind power wind power no definitely not I don't even know what the other one is uh solar power nope um no like green energy is planned and the reason for that is because we've tried that when we were prototyping the game and when you have like the interesting thing with power in our game how we feel it is that there's always like something you need to deal with you know so we call we have to deal with water and that whole process and with the fuel it's like producing the fuel with nuclear it's handling the the waste for nuclear so like we don't want power to be free in the game and when you just have like wind power and when it's all by like placement of wind power you it's like you get it for free geothermal generators are sort of our answer to that uh they're a bit weird albeit and they're like there's only a limited amount of them um we probably will rebalance a little bit how they work because not a lot of people using them um and even then they have like this cyclical like they they don't have constant energy so you want to use like power storages and stuff like that anyways wind power and that stuff is isn't interesting to us because we don't feel like it adds any interesting challenges to the game but uh water power like turbines on on like we need to place them on like waterfalls and stuff like that could be interesting because then there's not too many places we can do that um question is how much does it actually add to the game because when you're at the point when you can use water power like what are you gonna it's like it's it's gonna be a similar problem geothermal I think like I don't know how many people are actually going to use it more than it's being English just a cool thing um so that's the that's the that's the reason why we won't add power like that

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2021 and as early as August 2020.

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will there be upgrades to machines like Mark II and Mark 3 no because if we do upgrade some machines we feel like we would want them to sort of look different and not just be like it's just a better machine because like that's what overclocking is for it's it's like you can almost see overclock as a Mark II in Mark III


um so we don't want to go down that route because it means more work for us if we want to add like more buildings and we feel like it doesn't won't really add too much we'll just move the goal posts because it's like why not a Mark III why not Mark four why not Mark five on a mark six keep going um so it's not really something we want to pursue

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as February 2023 and as early as November 2020.

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possible updates to the map including buildings foundations that are similar to the interactive map but not so extensive oh the map as in like the in-game map uh that's something that we want to do I think but it comes down to like if we have time for it or not it's a cool idea we would love to like you mentioned here like something similar but not ass in depth uh it would be cool if you can see like your factory on the map is somehow and like that kind of stuff so that is something we would like to do but don't know if we'll have time for it essentially

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as July 2022 and as early as April 2021.

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uh would it be possible to dismantle crash sites now what do we do that's something that I think we would like to have but no news if we can or not I'll vote that on the keyway side if that's something you really want to say

This question may have been asked previously at least 9 other times, as recently as October 2022 and as early as March 2021.

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for us to have uh 3K or more hours in the game can the notes be random changed when you make a new game that's something that we would like to do I think but uh it's it comes down at like if with time production wise I think it's a cool way to like refresh the game so we'll see we'll see

This question may have been asked previously at least 8 other times, as recently as February 2023 and as early as October 2020.

July 4th, 2023 Livestream

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um I saw someone on Twitter actually asked us this if we're still planning to go on twitchcon that plan is still to go to twitchcon we are keeping an eye out on the situation being the riots or not the riots the protesting and stuff like that and you know we don't wanna do something if we we're not safe but it seems like it's fine right now um yeah we'll we'll have to just keep keep an eye on that I think yeah I think it's sort of like a bit weird at the moment because I mean like it could very well be that we we decide not decide not to go I guess uh last minute but we really won't know until we can sort of keep an eye on things yeah so so this but right now like as things are we're still looking to going there's a lot of other people that are uh so uh we'll see what happens we'll see what happens but keep an eye out on our socials and stuff like that you know to make sure you're up to date because it sucks if like people travel to meet us uh and then we don't go yeah yeah exactly

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as May 2023 and as early as May 2023.

June 27th, 2023 Livestream

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longer have it lifts for trains longer Bell placing a lot of these things are sort of just suggestions for the game uh and I think it's okay to ask these questions but I think the the important thing to understand is that um so we've got the QA site you can leave your suggestions there as well as bugs and stuff like that and that like asking for like new features on the stream all we can kind of do is like acknowledge your question right but I can't like say hey yeah yeah I'll I'll go tell the team the community manager will go tell the team now to to make this feature it doesn't work that way like the only way new features will get through is that if your requests get to the team and the best way to get that to the team is um uh through the QA site you can still you can still put them here because there's there's like a another benefit here is that like if a lot of people in chat request the same thing then like then we can go to the team and be like hey a lot of people are requesting this thing right so that that can be useful in that sense but if a lot of people are requesting on the QA side as well the same message it gets across yeah so just uh letting you know so you can just consider the best way to get your ideas to the team um but the QA State definitely is the best way to go I personally don't mind I don't mind if people ask questions here about like features it's just I can't give a satisfying answer and then so I think of you guys and I'm like oh maybe it doesn't feel good to get like a really you know crappy answer which is just like go to the QA site or I guess that sounds cool but I can't do anything with it you know

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2023 and as early as September 2021.

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how feasible is it for satisfactory to be multi-threaded uh so it is it is multi-threaded um but I guess what you're asking is like can you multi-thread just the factory right um and that that's the hard part I'm not really sure I I'm not familiar enough with the system to know how feasible it is but I can tell you now that the programmers on the programming team are much more capable than I am uh and if they haven't immediately found a way to make that multi-threaded um I would I would be hard-pressed to think that there's a way to do it or at least not a way that either is very hard to do or comes with its own downsides right that maybe make it not feasible but yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as October 2022 and as early as August 2020.

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when are multiplayer bugs going to be addressed is that something that's even going to make it into 1.0 so I think the the first thing is the framing of the question doesn't make sense when are multiplayer bugs going to be addressed there are so many different kinds of bugs that can happen some of them are things that we need to fix in the game so and some of them like some connection issues are things that have nothing to do with our game at all and they can be affected by your your just local network settings your firewall things like that I actually have done so much so much support tech support stuff directly with people over email and DMs and so many more I've helped so many people with multiplayer issues and I would say over 50 of the issues are are like they're they're not they're not they're nothing to do with us there's nothing we can do about them like I've had people with um they've hard-coded host files to redirect epic um for whatever reason and now they're not getting any traffic when playing multiplayer right I've obviously had um like router issues people who haven't like added things to firewalls so like it's really hard if you saw like what when are multiplayer bugs gonna be fixed it's like which bugs are we talking about not only that um it can differ again if you're on dedicated server or single player but the the short answer the question is multiplayer bugs in general are going to be fixed um and they are fixed all the time we address them on with almost every update um now sometimes more things might be added uh and maybe we don't fix the the bug that you're having but we do fix them um but yeah there's going to be a lot of time and effort that will go into that stuff um going forward but I think some of it is is a bit of a lost cause um at the moment when we're changing the game a lot because if we're going to be making changes to the game that's just going to break multiplayer even if we fixed it before so it's a matter of prioritization I've made a whole video on this um of how we prioritize bugs because if we go and try and fix every single bug that every single person has it will just break the second we touch the game again and then we have to do all of that again so it's it's really hard to answer the question because there's so many layers to it it's like there are bugs that aren't our responsibility there are bugs that have been fixed before but broke again there will be bugs in multiplayer with new features that we add that we can't fix now because we haven't added the features um but the team works on bugs multiplayer bugs they do that's all we can that's all we can say really and so if that's going to make it into 1.0 it's it's made it already um the game is infinitely more stable in multiplayer now than it would have been if we hadn't done any of the multiplayer bug fixes that we've done this entire time so we're working on it

This question may have been asked previously at least 24 other times, as recently as October 2022 and as early as March 2020.

June 20th, 2023 Livestream

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yes Mike's lore plays the sound of Chainsaw that's pretty funny don't forget we forgot to mention this but if you are running into issues the best place to report this kind of stuff is on our QA site uh not only can you post you know rad new bugs that you run into but you can also upvote you know feedback or any issues that other people are running into so for instance if you are having performance issues it's a great place to let us know of your hardware and like what kind of average FPS you're getting you know call give us as much information as possible um so so like get part be part of the discussion so so to help us out to like figure out like what's going on and like give us you know if it's something specific to a factory or you know if if you're getting the same performance if you're running in like a new save file you know that kind of information is really important for us and if you have a safe file that where you feel like you are running the performance issues you know you can also upload that not upload it to the QSI but you can give us a link in the keyword side to where we can get it oh yes

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2022 and as early as November 2021.

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Mercy Spirit usage soon uh no not soon but the plan is to have all that stuff every all the items as a like working item uh working work in progress their plan for to be part of the 1.0 release and uh I won't talk too much about that other than it's gonna be part of that one point

This question may have been asked previously at least 10 other times, as recently as May 2021 and as early as February 2020.

June 2nd, 2023 Video

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plus for the game code and then we also use blueprint when interfacing with the UI and the design team blueprints that is light code but it's a visual coding language so you drag lines between boxes basically and it's easy to use for our designers and the UI thing to to get things going so a typical day for me

This question may have been asked previously at least 9 other times, as recently as January 2023 and as early as March 2018.

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so the strangers bugged when I was helping Jace with programming we had a vehicle bug on our test level we have like it's a flat level and we have a little ramp and some other stuff around the level so when you would drive the vehicle off the ramp in a specific way jumping out than a vehicle is disappear when you looked around like on the map and where's the vehicle and on this level we had a portal just the designers were testing some things out and when you looked at the portal and went to it you saw the vehicle like group coming out to the work portal so that was a pretty funny bug uh we did track it down to some wonkiness with the math with the with the suspension physics those were causing the the bounce of the vehicles the bounce is like what the vehicle is colliding with so the physics went wrong and the bonds started to grow like this until it touched the portal and entered it yeah because it was a divide by zero with a force that's what it was and so so one of the forces so the forces caused the vehicle to scale infinitely large yeah uh and then it touched the portal and then came back on the portal with reset physics yes

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2019 and as early as February 2019.

May 30th, 2023 Video

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since there will be a since we'll be able to have decent use for liquid biofuel and we can destroy the gas blowers can we get a building that uses the gas to produce liquid biofuel like LPG so for these kind of things we have the keyway site the Kiwi side is the best place to like request new things um you know so go to the Curious side and upload that stuff if you want to see that specifically you know these kind of things like what people want to see may change a little bit depending on like you know when we post videos and say like hey you're going to be able to destroy gas pillars and then people are like oh but what about um so so for some reason it's good for some things it's good if you wait until the update is out if we're posting things on the QA but if you want to see something like this then go ahead and post it go for it we can't stop you I dare you to do it yeah yeah we can't yeah but we won't do it yeah yeah don't don't give me the ideas

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as July 2022 and as early as May 2021.

May 23rd, 2023 Livestream

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uh have you tested ue4 saves on the ue5 build and seen improve uh FPS improvements um we have tested yeah we've tested both safes that were before and then we made an update uh for update God damn it's so confusing when when I read those out loud um I'm not sure what this what the state of performance is actually um I've played I played on my saves and I haven't noticed a significant change um I haven't noticed anything so but these are anecdotal evidence like which are the best kind of evidence um so I don't know I don't know what the state is actually but the the general like feel like the general idea we had was when we're working on this stuff is like you probably won't see too big of a difference or you might even see worse performance in this update because we are switching to like a new engine version but in the future we set it set ourselves up so that we have now possibility to like grow with the new engine and like update it um so like there are a lot of possibilities now that weren't available to us in unrealand and four but are now in five uh so in the future we can get bigger improvements uh hopefully that's a long oh man he's really gopherd that's a long that's a long lizard doggo holy nailed it it's perfect no bad 10 out of 10. it's like we're it's like we're there oh no wait what no


oh I have to take a picture of this I'll post this on Twitter later sad after all that is a perfect example of what game development is like right there put so much effort and time into that just just sit down hey look how sad this looks guys oh fudge fudge yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as May 2023 and as early as September 2020.

May 16th, 2023 Livestream

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how many Easter eggs are not found yet so I whoa pin weird pin just pinned nothing all right anyways um I'm not sure actually how many Easter eggs are not found anymore because we did a video a while ago where we're like this one Easter egg that people didn't find and then like two two days after that they're like oh I found it um so uh I don't know like I haven't checked the week in a while actually if they're if they're keep still updating that for the all the Easter eggs and whatnot but there's also probably a lot of Easter eggs that I don't know about that may or may not have been discovered so I don't know maybe every Easter egg is discovered or maybe there's like one Easter egg that no one's discovered yet I don't know we'll have to see

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as November 2020.

May 9th, 2023 Livestream

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and we're planning to add a twitch integration where chat could spawn items and things so I love that idea I think the the there is a mod I think that somebody made I don't know if it was publicly made or not but uh there was a mod that somebody made where you could spawn like mobs uh into the game and I personally love that I think it's it's so much fun there's also like the one that Andrew has where like it's it makes you like rotate I think Taco has that as well where like it'll make you force rotate around 360 Degrees randomly and then like it will deconstruct something um that one's so mean but uh I love the like that uh I wish we could do more like that but it's it's always like a you know do we do that or do we do you know whatever cool feature that that we have in store you know it's always like a planning thing um and it's it's always sort of it's difficult to uh to be like yeah but the twitch thing though yeah but the other thing though like yeah yeah yeah justifying you know adding stuff like that yeah I think people are interested but yeah we're just more interested in like other things for the game we have a huge list of things we want to implement so like yeah and we'll probably never get through it all yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as September 2022 and as early as June 2022.

May 2nd, 2023 Livestream

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uh we just want to go to volunteer to translate the game so you go to I think it's the Discord is the the like onboarding part right yeah the current procedure is you go to Discord and you uh DM uh one of the mods or even us and they can help you from there express interest that's pretty much it no actually well there's a ticket thing right we have a ticket thing on Discord now you can create tickets oh yeah that's how you do you go yeah yeah the instructions are on the Discord it's like the tldr here like you go to our Discord uh and then if you check the welcome uh Channel there's information how to get into there


essentially I think it's welcome yeah at summer the information somewhere yeah first test is to find how to do it it's like uh you gotta pass the test before we give you access to the translation step the first step is to just get into the Discord because a lot of people yeah yeah exactly

This question may have been asked previously at least 8 other times, as recently as September 2022 and as early as February 2019.

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would love videos of Hannah doing design work on maps yeah I think I think Hannah's work is like one of the most uh visually interesting ones to watch because like I remember we did that that stream way back when and people really enjoyed it um I don't know I think yeah I mean more so than like programming and things like that who knows but um it's it's also just really difficult I think that the trickiest thing with that kind of thing is how do we keep things under wraps and not leak anything while doing it right so like even when we did that stream with Hannah a few weeks back um you know like you don't have to crop the scream a bunch and make sure that certain elements weren't going to pop into the screen while he was uh doing that um because even though we weren't showing anything that could leak it's like our asset Library you know might might showcase something that we don't really want to be showcased we don't want to reveal like motorcycles yeah yeah exactly or golf balls yeah yeah we're fishing golf ball yeah more check marks but that's an actual thing though oh yeah yeah yeah that's actually coming yeah that's coming thank you

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as June 2021 and as early as September 2020.

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about new areas actually no no new areas we're set on the ones we have on the map and we won't change that we're going to finish that we barely have time to finish the areas that exist on the map right now from 1.0

This question may have been asked previously at least 13 other times, as recently as December 2021 and as early as September 2020.

April 25th, 2023 Livestream

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Bean Saddles yeah that's what we need to bring back the bean saddles for those of you who don't know um one of our programs actually I believe it was Stefan who is currently the the CEO of coffee safe Studios I believe it was him he programmed a saddle item that you could uh attach to Big beans and your your yeah it was my dad exactly um you could attach to Big beans and then the Pioneer would like grab onto the beam just like and then you would just run around and you could sort of control the main and it was really really goofy looking uh not entirely not entirely sure why we got rid of it I mean it's kind of fun you know I like it's not better than any other you know like I think vehicles are better traversal options than they are it would just be a fun goofy thing that you could do if you wanted like Dino Riders yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2021 and as early as November 2020.

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uh plant any plans for underwater stuff like anything at all gameplay uh no plans no plans for underwater stuff um one of the reasons is uh again so like with a lot of game stuff if you offer a specific feature you need to support it and you need to justify its existence right um and right now if we offer any underwater stuff we then need to support underwater stuff which means we need to craft an entire world for underwater stuff and I don't know if you've noticed but we haven't even finished crafting the main world yet so uh saying that we're gonna do more underwater stuff would likely require that kind of work and so we're just kind of not touching it right now yeah so there's no plans for it at this stage as far as I know


main World side World confirm we're not done with the main world so we're not gonna have a side world I don't want underwater stuff just to be able to dive why if there's nothing underwater just because it's cool to dive but see the thing is if we give you even the dive mechanic right then that that's that suggests that we hear me within this that suggests that we support the act of diving and exploring underwater that's what it communicates to the player right and and then it's like well then we need to support and justify it right I don't know does that that's that's what I think in my brain underwater crates okay there's a good reason there's a good reason or or maybe some other solution for the crates vanilla bean is especially good yeah that's what subnautica is for it's true I have said that before you know it's like I've done the whole uh what is it like a missile is not is is precisely where it is so they're not where it's not or whatever you know a game is only what it is and it's not what it's not um and our game is not an underwater game but there are games that are underwater games now maybe so you can build underwater hmm I mean request it suggest it suggest on the QSI I think there's Arguments for and against you can already build underwater just use foundations to force yourself under I remember an old time um way back when when I was programming on satisfactory uh I remember there being a um this energy thing when you were swimming in the water and if you were in the water for too long your energy ran out I think you just drowned uh foreign

This question may have been asked previously at least 8 other times, as recently as December 2021 and as early as February 2019.

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the volcano biome I don't think we're adding any new biomes at this stage I'm pretty sure that biomes have kind of been set I don't think we're adding like the latest biome that we've done is Spire Coast right which you know was technically there before but it was actually reworked into a real a real biome

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as June 2022 and as early as February 2019.

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why doesn't the coffee spill out of the coffee cup the reason is because it's not coffee I said it it's not it's not coffee it is a viscous um uh material that is between solid and liquid um it is also magnetic it is ferromagnetic is that a word is a ferromagnetic viscous material substance that is held into the into the cup into the mug yes it is a non-Newtonian fluid that is held into the Cup by a large magnet at the bottom that's why


I mean there's enough coffee in the material to legally call it coffee all right it's like some grains kind of put in there there's gonna be heavy cup yeah foreign fluid ferromagnetic yes a word excellent thank you I mean of course it is


furry fluid can we get a coffee machine in the hub that'd be cool what if like what if the coffee cup right you could sip it like there's like there's like five sips or something and it gives you a bit of Health maybe movement speed right and then it's empty and every time you go back to the hub you can refill it wouldn't that be fun I think I ought to be sick yeah you got like a temporary like uh you're like oh man I got a big jump coming up and then you it's and then you have you have your Blade Runners on at the same time I think that'd be fun coffee stands for a complete organic geez voice crack going through puberty right now complete organic fuel for everyday energy yeah


This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as May 2021.

March 28th, 2023 Livestream

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change the snooze statues nobody wants that

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2021 and as early as May 2021.

March 21st, 2023 Livestream

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can we have zoopable buildings like zooping Constructors or assemblers or refiners no that is a conscious design decision we made not to allow you to Zoop uh buildings like that um I'm trying to think if there is a video on this topic this it's been a while since we talked about this actually why the reasoning was so I don't remember all the the details as to why we decided not to do it that way but there's a video that Jace made when we announced zooping if you find that video that explanation is in there

This question may have been asked previously at least 10 other times, as recently as June 2022 and as early as December 2020.

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any updates on an engine switch so this is something that we've talked about before in the past uh I don't mind talking about it again actually because I mean it is it is interesting but uh so the game at the moment runs on under 114 and there is an Unreal Engine five and uh it is technically possible for us to switch using Unreal Engine 5. um but there's there's a lot of reasons why I mean there's a lot of reasons why we don't want to do that but also a bunch of reasons why it would be good to do that um first of all first of all you dog is losing his um first of all we don't necessarily get um nanite and Loom and all that stuff out of the box uh the game is not built for that in mind and um so so that's one thing if we were to move Zone run into five another really big problem with unrealm 5 is that the physics engine that they that we're using currently is deprecating unreal and five so we would need to like implement all the physics in the game from scratch and that is no that is no small thing that's no small feature um the one thing though with doing that though is it is kind of like tempting though because the the the new engine the physics engine that only identify uses I mean is should be better than the one we have right now and it would also fix a bunch of stuff potentially that we wanted to fix in the future anyways and that's specifically related to to Vehicles so the way Vehicles work in the game right now is a little bit weird and we believe that if we were to move to chaos they would actually fix a lot of that stuff but that would also mean that we would need to re-implement all the vehicle physics from scratch and start from not from scratch but ish so yeah yeah the dog is losing his right now I don't know what's going on um full doggo alert dog dog always warning us not to move to Oregon engine five um but there's there's a bunch of other tools too it's not not just the physics there's a bunch of other tools in order to identify that would be really interesting but uh we even we've been sort of dabbling in with thought of moving for a long time and it is a huge project to do that so I yeah we will see what happens essentially whether we do it or not uh we have been investigating and sort of working on that at the sidelines while we're also working on other things and um whether we do a migration or not is still sort of yeah we'll we'll see what happens save for after the release like if we do it it should it's good if we do it before release honestly um because we the the thing that would kind of rule like if if we do the switch to 105 and it and like the game sort of feels different you know it's kind of weird to do that after we release the game already uh uh but at the same time it might also be the case where a lot of the the like are how we work with the game like our our regular you know day-to-day life like working on the stuff like a lot of stuff would probably break and we don't know what will break um so like the whole process of working in the game will also change I think quite drastically um so yeah if you want to join five I guess we're just going to need to make an entirely unsatisfactory but I think like if if we do the switch don't random five I think we would like to do it before 1.0 is is my take on it um but we will see I I think if we do the switch we'll probably announce it in some way and talk about it publicly because I don't think um like I think here me explaining what the because like what the difference is for you like if we do a switch it's not necessarily that everyone would notice honestly um


so so yeah that it is what it is and and but also if no one knows this then maybe there's no point in explaining it but it what if the game is already on Android and five huh and you guys did just didn't know huh huh you ever thought of that anyways a lot of woof Saints is my daughter distracting it would 115 physics my gall fusible yes that is the one thing that's stopping us from making golf that's why it's never happening when roughly would would have wow she's so vocal today I don't think she's ever been this vocal before uh when roughly would you have a no-go decision to make the switch that's a good question actually um sometime before 1.0 I guess if we do it with enough time for us to fix like all the issues that I would cost because if we do make a switch there's going to be a ton of bugs that like didn't exist in the game before the switch probably uh most likely better Vulcan supportive switch uh that's a maybe possible say breaks as well maybe uh no because the the the safe system that that's in the game that's completely custom made by us so so like that would not change at all actually I mean unless there's the system that changes that depends on like something with the safe system but they wouldn't break the save files they would just break like that thing and that's in the past it's been fairly easy to fix those kind of issues um we might end up in situations with a little bit like awkward like if you guys remember there was a time when one of the foundation pieces was incorrectly uh had an incorrect origin so like we had to rotate it which meant that if you've built with that incorrectly Rose headed piece when we fixed it it would rotate back I know that totals save file was kind of ruined by that because he was in that awkward in between time when he was using the new the old like the the broke quote-unquote incorrect rotation and then we switched it and then we had migration code for it but I think he managed to be like in this perfect spot where he was building between or after one of the migration periods anyways um I I don't think say false Arc to I wouldn't be too worried about that for if we did make an engine change but there's also a lot of assumptions you know making making that kind of change


um because it is a huge there's a lot of code uh in the game

This question may have been asked previously at least 27 other times, as recently as February 2023 and as early as May 2020.

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how clunky will my save file be if I change the every last Flora on the map uh it probably rendering wise they would be pretty good actually uh it's the it's the save load times that would be affected by that mostly

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as July 2021 and as early as September 2020.

March 14th, 2023 Livestream

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this isn't a question but this is something I just want to comment on I feel like update is going to be update 1.0 is not updated is his own thing

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as January 2023 and as early as December 2022.

March 7th, 2023 Livestream

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do you have any plans to improve replayability randomizing map creating etc for the final release of the game uh right now I don't think there are plans for it now this is going to be kind of weird right because like most people here have played the game for hundreds of hours or many people have played for hundreds of hours maybe even thousands of hours um and so whilst one could imagine that there could be better replayability features in the game we also think that the game actually is fairly replayable uh there's a lot of there's a lot of game time in here and so um I actually challenged the question of whether or not we need more replayability since like or not that we need it or not but it's like how big of a concern is replayability not maybe not really that big since people routinely play hundreds of hours of our game uh and and maybe our attention should be focused Elsewhere on other design problems having said that though uh randomizing nodes and things like that could be really sick I think may may be doable as a game mode who knows um it's definitely something that has been considered it's it's feedback that has been heard and um like my opinions here of like maybe we don't need it is not me mimicking uh things other people have said that's just like my actual just genuine personal opinion um and that there is probably interest in in having that happen in the game so it could happen who knows but I just I just challenged the question a little bit like how big of a problem is replayability really um you can kind of argue that there is a lot of replayability in the same sort of like when you say replayability you think like oh start from scratch again but I feel like you are kind of doing that constantly when you're like refactoring Factory builds if because you kind of need to in a lot of cases or you know you're building sort of the same if you build like one steel factory and like now I got all the basic steel and then you're like but then I want to make Parts out of that stuff then oftentimes you make a new steel factory you know like so you kind of like re replaying the game by itself and if we were to randomize the nodes how much replayability does that offer right so like let's say for example where I would normally get some oil it's now in a different place on the map yeah so I run the oil to where I want it to be because that's the end of the randomization uh that's that's all it made me do is I ran it from one place to another place and then now the game is the same as it was before I guess I guess the the difference is that like you have to solve a different type of logistic problem if like you have say that if you randomize all the nodes and then all the oil notes are on one side of the map and then all the coal is like in a completely different that creates like a bigger Logistics problem than what we've designed for you know yeah so like I guess that adds a little bit of replayability in that sense but also at the same time you know how much actual like replayability does it actually yeah exactly trains I mean that's exactly what I'm yeah I mean because because y'all like in the game as it is right now you'll solve those logistical issues anyway yeah um so if we move the nodes around maybe you would have to solve them an extra time but you would solve it in the same way it would just be it would it would kind of be the same thing I don't know I don't know just my thoughts just my thoughts yeah I am a sucker for randomization though in general me too me too uh and like I mean I I think I think there's probably more a little bit more value if we could randomize the location of the nodes and have them like appear in really funky places you'd be like well okay there's oil notice on top of this mountain uh you know like I mean stuff like that could be kind of fun as like a game mode yeah but yeah I don't know what's possible in the game uh and I don't know what the rest of the team kind of impedance on that yeah it's kind of fun if like you randomize and you get like you start off like here's a great starting area but there's a uranium node that's going to kill you every time I try to pull them through it yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as May 2021 and as early as May 2020.

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wouldn't it be better for fix it to send additional resources up the space elevator rather than for scrap in the sink so there's an important distinguished meant no it's important to distinguish that Fixit doesn't need the the stuff the parts that you're putting in the sink uh the the stuff you put in the sink those are for research there's like they don't actually use the parts but the parts you do set up in the space elevator that goes into project assembly those are used for something exactly and the other thing is with the stuff that gets put in the sink for research gets ground grounded up right because to get the atoms so it's you can't use it anymore right otherwise you can't get that information obviously I mean we all know that right yeah but then the other thing is like with the space elevator uh there's only so much room up there right and then like if they need to transport stuff like that's like Fuel and fuel costs are honestly ridiculous these days so we can't just put everything up there right it's going to cost fix it way too much money thank you that's the official answer uh foreign

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as March 2021 and as early as June 2020.

February 28th, 2023 Livestream

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here's okay I think this is this question is always interesting when people ask it is it bad if you mod satisfactory no that's it that's the tweet I we I actually get this question surprisingly often or like people often ask us like what do you think about mods and stuff like that uh I I don't know like where the sentiments that game devs reject mods or like our anti-mod so whatever or like if maybe there isn't one maybe just like made up that people think that way but uh but we're super pro mods we're super pro the the modding community that we have we think they're making doing amazing things and we are trying to support them as much as we can the game doesn't have official mod support but that's something that we really hope we can have it someday some point and I mean we kind of do have mods support in the sense that like we are trying to be you know as helpful and like trying to do as much as we can for people making mods for the game so I can understand it from a game Dead perspective if you're making like a competitive game where mods can where you're cheating essentially that's a huge problem um but like when it comes to like the longevity of the game or even when people are making features that we wanted to to make and like try like it's it's super awesome because I would get can confirm like whether or not we were right on our assumptions that like this was good or not and for those people that want that ability to to do X or Y they can install the mod so I I don't know like we're I don't know where I don't know why people game like I don't know why that the idea that game does don't like mods I don't know where that's coming from I I would per if I made my own game and somebody modded it I would be super stoked about that uh uh so yeah is it is it bad if you mod satisfactory no keep going in fact check out the modding Discord and see if if you know someone can help you out or or if you need help or anything like that mods are making some amazing things

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as July 2021.

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what do we do when the space elevator is complete you go up to the food cart and grab a burger well if it's Tuesday there's also lizard dog hot dogs

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as April 2021 and as early as February 2021.

February 21st, 2023 Livestream

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but um this question which I think I've answered a couple weeks ago maybe is CSS floating Slash playing with another game or concept um and the answer for the most part I believe is no I think I've I think I've heard of some people have come up with some ideas but that's just like naturally what game developers will do and maybe they've documented some of their ideas but I don't think that like we're gonna I mean yeah right now we're focused on satisfactory we can't really be thinking about another game uh and I think that and this is my personal opinion but I think regardless of what we do whenever we wrap up with satisfactory or move on or whatever whatever that looks like whenever that is um I hope that the process of thinking of a new game happens at that time and not before it because I think there's a lot of people who have a lot of input and a lot of creativity who aren't spending that on uh coming with new games right now and who would be we would be it would be bad for us if we didn't take advantage of everyone's creativity when they could focus on coming up with new ideas rather than get like three people to come up with new ideas while everyone else is busy working on the game I don't think that's like the way we get to the best possible next project and it's it's also not how coffee stand has historically everywhere not that we're the same company necessarily as we were before but like when it comes to like sanctum Goat Simulator that was like part of everyone was coming up with random things and goat simulator happened and then we satisfactory everyone was coming up with random things and satisfactory happened and I think you know I think that process is really really good so I hope we're not coming up with ideas now that we will pre-approve to make after satisfactory I'm assuming we'll have another like game Jammy massive sort of brainstorming process together we'll see what happens yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as February 2023 and as early as March 2018.

February 14th, 2023 Livestream

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can we tame or pet other fauna then lizard doggo like a bean or an elite Stinger yeah wouldn't it be sick if you could tame an elite Stinger to follow you around and help fight that would be so cool that would be scary I feel like if I did that I wouldn't know you know I I'd be paranoid thinking like is it actually tamed or like will it change it could just stab you in the back in a second yeah like how am I supposed to know yeah make a whole mob get a spitter a hug a stinger and a lizard doggo the like stable it's like your Pokemon lineup I mean yeah tame a beam yeah exactly for sure that'd be sick though I would like to be able to do that we need to bring back the saddle for the beam out of context I love that comment we need to bring back the saddle yeah the manta oh that'd be cool actually just air traversal there it is there it is

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2020 and as early as March 2019.

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uh why does gas marks stop working when in truck because all the equipment are unequipped when you enter Vehicles because there's some kind of reason for that there's like some issue is that is that a design uh reason or is it uh is it technical no it's a technical reason as far as I know really yeah it's been like that since forever because when you if you have equipment equipped while you're in vehicles it messes up with like the player controller and stuff like that I'm pretty sure


make sure to let people know on the QA site but I think this is something that's been it is super known yeah yeah I'm pretty sure it's really known yeah but uh always you could still let people know the QA site let them know maybe the solution to fixing attachments when the hyper tube yeah so that's an actual similar thing with like the vehicles right because they get real like we detach the attachments on you when you're in the hypertube for some reason and that's why they're floating next to you right because they're still they're still on you but they're not equipped so the mesh is still there it's strange

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as May 2022 and as early as January 2020.

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can you tell us when your plan on uh giving us a day for update 8 no the date for update but a date for when you will give you a date for when we'll announce a date for when we'll announce a date for update 8. uh no but for real though um it is fairly soon that we can start dropping some more information I would say probably nothing in the next couple weeks maybe y'all will get more information we can't I can't say that you will for sure but I'm pretty sure that within the month you can say that we're kind of in pre-production of making sort of the the stuff that we do at least you know for the content that we put out we're sort of in that pre-production stage right now where we're planning what kind of content we're gonna put out and how we're gonna announce things Etc we've sort of mixed it up a little bit between updates you know like with update six for instance we dropped everything from the get-go with update seven I think we did a little bit differently so that's kind of we're in the face right now where we're planning sort of how we drop information and announcements and stuff like that so I mean that's that's a thing I guess yep

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as January 2023 and as early as December 2022.

February 7th, 2023 Livestream

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damn it my question disappeared oh my name's Smith my question to speak will we be able to sleep I don't think so I think I think we're gonna address the thing where people are like complaining about the the night stuff by just having a game mode where you don't need it or something like that I thought I thought I thought night mode has gotten much better I feel like it has I don't see as many people complain about it but I definitely see some mention maybe they just go tired of coming yeah what do you guys think is night mode still too dark or hard to plan or one if it's too much two if it's okay wait can I do a poll no because we're not affiliate oh one day twitch Senpai will notice us one if what I say one if if it's too dark too if it's not too dark and any other number if you're illiterate that's too bad chat it's a lot of people insomnia mode yeah we never sleep but there's still some ones in there yeah maybe maybe we can make it a thing who knows make it a make it a game mode or something an option just for those people who don't like the night time wait when that mode has gotten better but it would be nice to get lights are earlier interesting

This question may have been asked previously at least 11 other times, as recently as January 2023 and as early as August 2020.

January 17th, 2023 Livestream

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um flannel Pioneer skin is a must that's such a good idea that is such a good idea

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as November 2022 and as early as February 2019.

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QE Department hiring I want to change jobs what's QE do you mean QA I'm not sure if we are or not you can go to our website jobs check out what jobs are available within coffee stain at our studio coffee Stone Studios but also at the other coffee stain Studios like coffee stay north or whatever you can you can also send in open applications if you want yes Community manager position available soon true

This question may have been asked previously at least 8 other times, as recently as January 2023 and as early as February 2019.

December 20th, 2022 Livestream

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uh other plans to reduce more cause and effect to the game so I um I feel like there should be consequences for abusing this pretty little planet yeah right so uh there was like I know in the very beginning of satisfactory there was the intention that um you know like if you build like a lot of stuff it will affect the environment and that might screw with things maybe create like bigger monsters or whatever and then we ended up scrapping that very early I think just to sort of simplify the game I think that the interest for that is probably one where most people are probably like yeah that would be cool but I think it's also something where we I think it's gotten to a point where it's also something that's just not as important as other things like it's one it's it's a cool feature but there's a lot of features that would just be cool but what is the game what do we think the game absolutely needs to get to 1.0 and I'm not sure if we think that environment stuff um matters uh for a 1.0 release uh yeah that's kind of where I think it lies right now

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as November 2020 and as early as September 2020.

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have you guys ever pondered about taming and breeding the mobs yeah I think a lot of people like the idea of like like of like farming and then like could even be breeding with like animals who knows um but I don't really know where that fits in our plans for what we need for 1.0 or not

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as May 2021 and as early as September 2020.

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could there be some uh creative or cheats most likely so with in Update 7 we've added the ability to support game modes and with that came uh like passive mode or the retaliation mode where uh creatures won't attack you unless you attack them first or the default mode where they're you know aggressive creatures are aggressive um and that's the groundwork for Creative for uh game modes in the future and I think a creative mode is a very obvious one and I'm 99 sure that that's something that's going to come but it's it's something that we don't we we haven't wanted to work on um through the majority of development because we don't we don't necessarily want to encourage everyone to easily go into creative mode I know some people go get mods anyway and they can get something like that and that's fine if you go and jump through those Hoops to do that but we don't want to just give people a button to turn on creative mode if they're frustrated with the normal mode because we want you to be frustrated with the normal mode if it's frustrating so that you can tell us so that we can make it less frustrating you know what I mean so if we give creative mode too early we may miss out on a lot of feedback and I know that maybe comes at the cost of maybe the fun for some people so like who knows maybe it's a good decision maybe it's not but that's just the justification yeah but uh creative mode is is an obvious uh an obvious game mode I think that should be added personally

This question may have been asked previously at least 24 other times, as recently as February 2022 and as early as August 2018.

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will there be a way to make use of post 780 parts per minute for MK3 miners so that's something that we will address at some point yeah we will address that at some point that's my understanding yeah um any plans over 1200 Min per minute belt or Miner uh probably not so as I was saying before we get Precision issues as the number of uh units in the through port throughput or like that are being generated or sunk or or even fluids right when these numbers as these numbers increase we actually like mathematically and not just mathematically but like they're just technical issues and like limitations that start to uh cause issues and so I think that if anything if anything uh there might end up being a point in time where we scale down everything just so that we we don't have to deal with that technical limitation so much anymore and you guys can have more Precision but like in a relative sense right so it will still essentially be the same game it's just like list numbers um and then so if I take your question then like is there going to be a 1200 per minute belt or is there going to be a foster belt uh uh maybe if we can get around these technical issues that could possibly be floating Point Precision issues yeah so it is floating Point Precision issues that's one part of it but it's also like the other issue is also like um the way now I don't know this I'm trying to think of this if I can get this correct but it's also a matter of like when you're how many how many items gets processed per frame right now if if we if if there's like if you're you've got items zipping through and in one frame they're supposed to be like six items that go into a building because maybe I don't know you have a low frame rate or there's a spike in at this one moment or if if the uh the the belt is so obscenely quick that that happens accounting for all of these different like movements within the factory uh in the factory tick can be really tough uh I think I think you can only actually do the way it is you can only do like one at a time or something like that and then I think we have to then simulate frames to make up for it if there's like a one long frame I don't know all this like weird so it's it's not just the floating Point position issue which I think is there as well but it's also like how do you handle if there's a lag Spike or if there's just low FPS and there's a lot of uh um items that get you know produced or sunk into a building how do we handle that on conveyor belts or split or merged how do we handle that like completely accurately right because you guys you guys will know if there's like a one percent sway you will notice it in your factory won't you you will like your power will go out or you know buildings will be like backed up like you will know it it so it really needs to be really really really precise like 100 of the time otherwise you will feel it in your factory and that's that's a very hard issue to solve especially on like computers where frame rates can be variable and all that kind of stuff so Update 7 was a huge Improvement on your lag and lag spikes that's good to hear the math yeah it's a it's a combination of like math and just like like algorithmic logic kind of you know it's like how how do we handle it how do we handle it what do we do there should have been 10 items that went into this building what do we do how do we calculate that

This question may have been asked previously at least 25 other times, as recently as November 2022 and as early as September 2020.

December 13th, 2022 Livestream

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well Paradise Island stay I don't know there was a chance there's a chance that it would stay I don't know what the decision was on that I don't know if there is a decision I'm gonna write this down I want to figure it out I'm gonna know will Paradise Island stay or no I'm gonna follow it up give us the option to destroy the island with explosive that's probably not gonna happen why is Paradise Island half out of the player Zone I don't know Lumen it's just always been like that it's just just has I I don't know and so for those who don't know uh the thought of getting rid of Paradise Island is because I think it's because like we don't know if we have time in the planning for it to dress it properly and and rework it or whatever I believe that was the plan and so we're like thinking of just cutting it if we can't actually make it proper but I don't know a lot of people might be attached to Paradise Island and want it to be there and if that's the case like what do we do in that case all right some people might have built there

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as November 2022 and as early as October 2022.

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is they're going to eventually be a reason to automate this planet like an end goal in mind yes there is going to be an end goal uh so there's the plan is that there's going to be a story I recently learned a little bit more about how the story is going to play out too which is interesting but I can't say anything um and yeah that's gonna be there's gonna be like an end goal and the game is a game that you can you can finish the game

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as November 2020 and as early as June 2018.

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I played this game a while ago but never installed it as I'm waiting on control support how is it doing uh there's probably been I think there's been no progress in control of support and I'm still not entirely sure on what the official stance is going to be on controller support uh I think if we could click our fingers and have control support we would want it um for the longest time we did have control support in the very beginning and I think to some degree there is some control of support but there's not a lot of thought that's gone into it um but we didn't want to do it because we thought the game is changing a lot a lot of things are being added we don't really want to keep revisiting control support every single time we do something because we want to focus on getting the design of the game done and getting the features of the game that that are needed in um but then now at the stage I'm not really sure where we stand like I I don't know if the planner right now is well when all that's done we'll get the control support in or not uh I think if we can have control support of course we would want it there's so many good reasons uh you know some people just like control support but also for accessibility reasons controllers can be really good for people too and so it would be great if we can do that but it all comes down to uh you know the planning and prioritizing features and I'm not sure what what the you know the plans or the intention of the team is uh on the on the front do people play it on Steam decks okay I'm not sure does people who hit plays satisfaction steam deck does anyone play Satisfaction on Steam deck you do I do okay that's pretty good

This question may have been asked previously at least 11 other times, as recently as July 2022 and as early as February 2019.

December 6th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Is there more work going to be done on Vehicles?

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as August 2022 and as early as September 2020.

November 29th, 2022 Livestream

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any tier 9 or 10 plans before 1.0 um you'll have to wait and see that's that's something that I know the answer to that I can't say who knows maybe we're done with tier eight maybe we have other ideas maybe who knows

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as September 2022 and as early as August 2021.

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any new vehicles uh there's no new vehicles planned as far as I know

This question may have been asked previously at least 9 other times, as recently as October 2022 and as early as August 2020.

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be adding PVP or whenever adding PVP oh boy oh boy I would never want to work on a PVP game never scared Jason yeah I don't want Simon to hurt me I say the wrong thing he's gonna come to my window at night while I'm sleeping and he's gonna be like we didn't release that information yet Jace I'm like sorry Simon sorry

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as June 2021 and as early as February 2019.

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is it possible that we might get more new building pieces I assume so I actually don't know what the decision is on that but probably

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as May 2022 and as early as February 2022.

November 22nd, 2022 Livestream

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the passenger drone for aerial Pioneer Transportation only be implemented for crossing large section of the map in late game uh I mean this is something that a lot of people have wanted in some shape and for reasons we've not done it so I'm not sure exactly what those reasons are super late game to hop around the world maybe it's a good idea maybe like fast travel as opposed to flying across the map yeah but then we have the streaming issues yeah yeah exactly yeah but that's why like if it was fast travel then they'd have to be like a loading screen and yeah that's true yeah that's true that's that's more doable yeah I don't know but QA site most of these things guys uh it's cool to Theory crafted with you guys but just know that you have to go to the QA site if it's not there it doesn't exist I mean it's true yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 16 other times, as recently as February 2022 and as early as March 2019.

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coffee or vending machine that uses tickets well those are expensive coffees holy yeah yeah I sunk like nuclear waste for this coffee plutonium I don't know if I want that coffee a knock or two Traders I guess that's true

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as March 2022 and as early as February 2021.

November 1st, 2022 Livestream

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adding fluid trucks no you have to package them if you want to use tricks for that stuff

This question may have been asked previously at least 8 other times, as recently as March 2022 and as early as August 2020.

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hypertube gear glitch no no one is working on that because it's not high prior there's a bunch of a lot more like there's a lot of bigger fish to fry than fixing you know that there's a an inventory issue on hyper tubes as weird as it looks

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as October 2022 and as early as March 2021.

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we ever get that fancy water you showed up yes eventually that's like the last thing on a lot of uh a lot of the tiles that we posted in the the updated map changes like the last thing we need to do there is to change the water to be that new like the new water system that we've implemented um that's sort of the only thing that's left

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2022 and as early as June 2022.

October 25th, 2022 Livestream

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experimental branch on DeForest now look I don't know if that's possible I've seen some people claim that you can do it if you have if you own the game on Epic which interesting um but yeah I don't know

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2022 and as early as March 2021.

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whether we are satisfactory oh sorry I read that wrong I read it as in Swedish so it's like cheese I'm like what do you mean cheese why would we add cheeses that is actually uh vinyl so maybe maybe for 1.0 maybe it'd be like a special edition kind of thingy we might do something like that I don't know that's that's something we definitely thought about doing but I don't know if we'll actually we'll do it but that would be cool I think um because part of the reason why we haven't put out the soundtrack yet is actually twofold but one of the major reasons is because we haven't finished the soundtrack so like there's still more music coming to the game um so yeah when we release the game and we finalize it then maybe we'll be finally able to put out the the soundtrack for it would be dope would be dope biggest teaser months new music coming I feel like we've said that since the launch of the game though I had a wrap that's definitely a thing

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as August 2022 and as early as September 2020.

October 18th, 2022 Livestream

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will never be a lizard cattle no I don't think so

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as June 2021 and as early as September 2020.

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Rockets are the planets no no I can't even finish this one

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2020 and as early as February 2019.

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you guys wanted to release DLC I actually don't know if you want to sounds like a lot of work

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as March 2022 and as early as June 2021.

October 4th, 2022 Livestream

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the rebound Scout for update seven um good question actually that's a good question no I don't think so uh maybe I don't know it this goes this goes back this goes back into like a little bit of like we're we're sort of trying to figure out when we can release it and what we can do in that time and you know if we feel like it's it doesn't make sense to to uh to release it at a certain point in time then you know maybe we'll be able to do more if we delay it or whatever and it's also something we're trying to figure out like or maybe it's more important for us to get this next update out so that we can work on the next thing so that's also something that we're trying to figure out so it's our I like we haven't fully decided yet you know actually what goes into this update and the rebalancing is one of those things where maybe now but also maybe later down the line uh so it's it's I don't think it will be a huge rebalance in update seven but I might be wrong because development is a fleeting thing so maybe we'll have time for it or maybe we won't but I doubt it at the moment uh let's say yes

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as September 2022 and as early as May 2022.

September 27th, 2022 Livestream

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volume slider for trains aren't they under uh uh something we've added volume sliders for the Boombox though by the way so the Boombox will have a volume slider I think in the next patch the trains aren't there it's trains are still exception is it on the keyword side I think it is because I think I've seen that trains volume uh surprisingly difficult to find it actually

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as July 2022 and as early as March 2022.

September 13th, 2022 Livestream

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the epic version compatible to play with steam yes for sure

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as March 2020.

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like to be able to limit mac storage yeah we've heard that um i'll put that on the keyword site

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as June 2022 and as early as May 2021.

September 6th, 2022 Livestream

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foundation yeah same thing requested on the q a side if you want to see half foundations

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as July 2021 and as early as March 2021.

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let's see the lego thing what did happen to the lego thing when is there uh maybe it didn't happen because i haven't heard of it quick recap uh lego nerdist made a really cool satisfactory lego piece uh with the constructor and the way that it works when you put it out i'm going to post it on chat here real quick so when you post when you make like on the lego ideas website uh you can have people vote on it and then um if it reaches like 10 000 votes then it's put in the lap of like the reviewers for lego to look at it and be like you know what maybe we will make a lego piece out of this and it did reach 10 000 votes and i don't know when the review period is it's still yeah yeah it's it's i don't know when the review period is because you only have like two or three review periods a year or something like that or maybe just maybe it's just one if you started may i don't know i don't know what the state of this is um i don't know if they actually like say like no it will never be a lego thing or whatever maybe they'll make a youtube video with like top 10 lego pieces we'll never make number one satisfactory lego off said it's cough stain we're never doing it maybe lego would do that i don't know so yeah i don't know the state of that actually there was another lego piece which was the train uh by the way you can still vote for that one highly recommend you do because it's really cool um hit the old support button on the train one it's really cool i think they haven't i think they also made this um so there's like a video or something with this actually working or maybe these are pictures actually very cool um so that also exists so please how about that that's really cool i would also love to see that one but yeah don't know the state of things in the world of lego satisfactory lego will it be a thing we will never know yeah you can't you can always buy the pieces uh is there because i assume there's like a way to download like the like which pieces do you need for this or something and you can download the model or something you can figure out where do they go or something but what do i know i'm just a stupid community manager


yeah yeah exactly like there's it's also like a really complex lego piece so uh yeah i don't know would be cool but yeah lego in satisfactory when lego no no no no that if lego won't put says if lego won't put out a satisfactory lego piece we're not putting a lego in our game what are you talking about uh they scratch our back we scratched their back you know that's not that's in productive packer it's not lego what are you talking about all right anyways i think uh we're probably gonna need to wrap up soon actually


because short stream today essentially tldr short stream is what i'm trying i hope like a release of satisfactory fix it wind farm that would be mean that would be so mean can't even play this in the game but we have it at lego

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as June 2022 and as early as May 2022.

August 30th, 2022 Livestream

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stands for passive mode another thing that's in the backlog is having we would like to have it so you can have different modes in the game so and i don't know exactly what that would entail i think one of the natural ones are like having maybe passive mode maybe having like uh or peaceful mode having um uh creative mode uh you know stuff like that maybe there's like a hardcore do do like no health regen like enemies are something i don't know we'll see what happens with that but there are some ideas for like some some some different game modes in the future

This question may have been asked previously at least 11 other times, as recently as June 2022 and as early as August 2020.

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will the game end if we complete the story or can we play afterwards pretty sure this is my guess but pretty sure you're gonna be able to play the game afterwards i think story is gonna be it's not gonna be like take the stage so to speak i think when we add story to the game it's going to be like a like a side thing it's not going to be the game isn't going to be like the pacing of the game is going to be controlled by the story i think the story more so is going to be like a like a yes a side side chick the store is going to be a side chick for the game okay like you because like i think the ambition is you're gonna be able to play the game without playing the story at all and you're still gonna sort of get the experience that you're getting today yeah you can ignore the story i'm pretty sure that's that's what we're still so here's here's why i'm like hesitating on that is because we've been changing internally a lot about like how how the story works and like how it plays into the game we've been going through so many iterations of like what the story is and how the story plays into the game so you know it's still pending pending to change but i think i think that's still our stance that like you can completely ignore the story if you want to

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2021 and as early as August 2021.

August 23rd, 2022 Livestream

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what's for dinner you know what's for dinner chat tell them what's for dinner there's only one answer let's do sudoku oh there is a no there's like sudoku i never i never learned how to do this doko thingy oh actually i wish we should seen that burgers that's right there's only one answer two that's for burgers i actually had burgers every tuesday pretty much during vacation after i got uh not while i was sick because i couldn't eat while i was sick but uh when i got back i got i got me some burgers yes

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as June 2022 and as early as May 2022.

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why not a gog version why not a ichio version why not a what other stores are they i don't know it's too much work is the answer uh maintaining another storefront why not a new grounds version yeah that's a good question that is a good question make it all in flash you

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as October 2021.

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train lights when this is this is the real question okay yeah when honest hey get get to it developers what are you doing what's going on with development can't even have uh train honks back wait does train honks not work pretty sure the train honks work pretty sure not 100 sure but pretty sure

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as July 2022 and as early as May 2022.

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picking up a laser dog i'm putting in inventory that's legal illegal

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as February 2022 and as early as May 2021.

July 12th, 2022 Livestream

Q&A: Why can't I flip a light and aim it up?

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as February 2022 and as early as May 2021.

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explore a meeting no no the fish machine the fish minigun that's what i want

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2022 and as early as August 2021.

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we get to the food cart in 1.0


This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as February 2022 and as early as September 2020.

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can't believe there's no goatsim easter egg in satisfactory there is i it's i find it so fascinating when people say that like there's no goats in this easter egg in satisfactory how can you miss it it's right there for the longest time it wasn't even on the wiki you've started off a live stream look exactly like we want a better one no you only get one that's it you get one shitty one where some place that's very obvious okay it's yeah it's very clear

This question may have been asked previously at least 10 other times, as recently as February 2022 and as early as February 2019.

July 5th, 2022 Livestream

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why do ada voice sound uh voice sounds like a seattle right light rail announcement because uh ada is a vocaloid so it's not a real person uh probably probably probably why i guess uh seattle light rail uses a vocaloid for their announcements i guess

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as December 2019.

Q&A: Any chance to copy & paste whole Buildings?

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2022 and as early as March 2022.

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are you ever planning to do hosts dedicated servers at golf state no no plans for that there are a lot of service providers uh some better than others so please do your research uh there's definitely there's definitely a couple of uh pretty scummy suburbs writers uh out there so please do yours please do your research on which server writer you use because sometimes we legit feel like they're scamming people but um yeah we probably will never host our own build your own not so hard we're making a game yeah like we haven't there's enough time spent on just making the game build a data center you won't exactly we won't

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as October 2021 and as early as November 2020.

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a harvester vehicle could be cool here it is up on the huey side if you want to see that but no plants

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as December 2021 and as early as April 2021.

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how do you balance the nodes i have no idea actually mark has like a huge spreadsheet of of like uh everything in the game um and yeah i don't know how he works his magic but it seems to make sense so far you

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as June 2021 and as early as December 2020.

June 28th, 2022 Livestream

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plan the dedicated server will fully support multi-threading technically dedicated already support multi-threading it's the fact that like the game can't be more threaded than the game is you know like you can't you can't just add more threads uh to a game and expect it to run faster like sometimes it can actually get worse the more thread it gets so we have we have made the game as threaded as it can be there are i think there's some bug on like linux dedicated servers where it doesn't actually use any more thread than it already like allocated so it's only running on one thread which is with that is a bug but i think we solve that um but if you're noticing that like oh it's using a bunch of threads it's not using every thread then you know you're running as many threads as you can right now essentially

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as November 2021.

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yes will experimental update six say work when updates has come yet yes it will

This question may have been asked previously at least 8 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as September 2019.

Q&A: Will there ever be a real Arachnophobia Mode instead of cats & scary sounds?

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as March 2021 and as early as March 2019.

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any plans to make vehicles carry more than one player no probably not

This question may have been asked previously at least 12 other times, as recently as March 2022 and as early as August 2020.

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there's new additions to the ost and update six right uh yes i wanna say yes but i'm not sure there probably will be later down the line for like when we're back from vacation there might be more osd updates actually i'm not sure i feel like we have some songs that we haven't put in the game yet but i i don't know i heard some funky music that i hadn't heard before my other me i am pretty sure there is new music um in update 6. um but you know the music is based on like where you are in the planet so might be like if you're not hearing anything new it might be that you need to go somewhere else

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as April 2022 and as early as March 2020.

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can we hang belts from the ceiling would be cool but not at the moment

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as November 2020.

Q&A: When are we getting Tier 9?

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as October 2021 and as early as August 2020.

June 7th, 2022 Livestream

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what recipes you're looking for rebalance if any oh there's a lot i don't i don't think we have time enough to go through it on the stream uh i also don't know because mark decided that but i know there's a bunch of recipes uh we later down the line probably want to do like a rebalancing pass don't worry about it now okay chill but at some point we're probably gonna need to rebalance a bunch of later stuff

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as May 2022 and as early as May 2022.

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may i ask if any work ongoing on mods or dedicated services that backlog so i don't hate to break it to you we have we have we don't work on mods at all we modding is completely commun uh community driven um so we have no say in that whatsoever um i think i think we want to have official mod support eventually but it will still be community that will have to maintain that i have to maintain it will maintain that um but i i'm pretty sure they they are working that really like they you know they can't do this full time i i think most of them don't work full-time and this is this is like we didn't think we were going to have one support at all for satisfactory until we had an official one so the fact that modding has come so far has already is insane to us uh as to like the latest on like dedicated server mod support you're gonna have to join the modding community discord to get news on that um so yes

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as November 2020.

May 24th, 2022 Livestream

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any weapons no only new ammo types

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as May 2021.

May 17th, 2022 Livestream

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fixing quarter pipes we can concrete yeah same thing they're up within the keyway site uh i think we just ran out of time to be able to add that for all the foundation types

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as February 2022 and as early as November 2021.

May 10th, 2022 Livestream

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will building on the map always oh yeah that's another good question i saw it before as well um there's like a couple of places on the map where there's like holes um do you know how much we're gonna be able to like fix those spots for this update or is that like further down the line i mean some some of them are there by design and some of them are not there by design ideally yeah but like like there's a lot of people that for example built like underneath the cliffs in this mountain uh yeah if you're still there somehow after everything that's gonna get up um that was not never intended to be a space where you can build so uh those those those kinds of holes will be filled up because those are bugs but there's like in there in grass fields like there's a big sort of like hole like through the train and that one's there to say i'm sure people will find a way to still manage to get underneath the map i mean you can still do i think you can always do the thing where if you place a hyper tube entrance and you get that tube to like clip into the environment yeah you can always get through it that way yeah you dirty cheaters i can't believe it uh all right all right

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as May 2022 and as early as March 2022.

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what is your favorite biome so far boy i mean my favorite biome is always the latest one because like i i i can see myself improving every time with like how how i build things or just like sometimes i have this thing where i i don't necessarily like something for what it is but for what it could be if that makes sense uh when i see like the potential in a place or or like oh like all these things that i sort of still have in my mind layered on top of it that changes things too but like i mean i really like how this spider coast turned out i'm really proud of it um i'm i mean northern forest's the same thing like i don't know like it's it's all cool it's yep we talked a little bit about this before too like when we were comparing the different clips here and between the the uh rocky desert and the uh spider coaster you just tilt the camera to the left here not tilt wait it's roll whatever no it's not roll whatever um how like the cliffs the way we're doing clips now looks different compared to how we used to do them and they're like ah do we go back and look at the uh change all the clips again but then once we do that we're going to change it again pan is not the term i'm looking for chat by the way i see a lot of people say there's a lot of a lot of terms that people always use like pan and stuff like that where it's actually not correct i can't remember the actual term whatever um no it's not swivel there's there's a fancy diagram for like filming um


i cannot remember everyone just uses pan like just pan left i was like all right that's pen exactly the movement is part of it too uh so yeah we just never never stop working on the game i guess no yeah that's the that's the risk too right like you're never really done uh you just have to decide you're done at some point and then that's that's your limit because you could always always make something prettier like there's a lot of work i'm doing on the sparrow coast that i'm i know that i can i can improve it and i can make it better but kind of like we talked about earlier like that that 20 improvement would take me the same time as working on this entire area like again right it's just not worth the amount of time and effort for the the small amount of gain even though i know it's possible it's not uh there's other sacrifices too like doing not for sparkles means that suddenly sparkles is gonna be so beyond quality-wise the rest of the map that the rest of the map is gonna kind of suck in comparison right that's something that you also have to keep in mind like we don't have time to upgrade every single area to the same exact level we just have to kind of keep it uh the moment you like improve something above and beyond the rest you kind of start needing to improve the rest as well so you shoot yourself in the foot again it's like like eternal improvement cycles right uh because you want to sort of equalize the level of quality across the entire map and like i i'm absolutely already pushing that and shooting myself in the foot with that with this kind of stuff because like also because like i've learned so much ever since i started working that like you know everything i do like i want it i want it to be better and i want things to be nicer but not i shouldn't always do that right you have to keep things consistent too yeah stop getting better hannah yeah yeah yeah it's like oh no before i uh go mad with power you know or we just work on the game forever i guess that's a big problem

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as February 2019.

May 3rd, 2022 Livestream

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can we get an empty hand slot so we don't have to unequip something every time uh let let us pl there's there is a qa i think there's a keyword post on that on the qr site upload that uh and let the developers and me know if you want that or not i'm assuming you're for it since you're asking for it here so i guess that's a that's a plus one

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as December 2021 and as early as May 2020.

April 19th, 2022 Livestream

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what about a shared notepad in game where people can share simple notes um yeah i think that would be pretty cool um i like i've always felt like some sort of collaborative tool would be useful in the game um i like it when people use signs for that uh sort of when like they have like checklists and stuff like that i think that's pretty cool it's not really what they're asking but i think i think my dad texted you on facebook dude did he yeah oh i must have bad connection because uh it didn't pop up yeah his dad texted me and i told my dad to text you interesting what a weird uh can't your dad just come into the room and be like not

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as June 2021 and as early as February 2021.

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good question um do you have any future plans of deeper or galactic dlc wise so another game that we don't make uh we don't make the baroque galactic that is published by a publishing arm who is also not us so we have uh we actually have nothing to do with deep rock

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as February 2020.

April 12th, 2022 Livestream

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eu merch status update great question i have no idea i'm gonna do another i'll do another check in and i'll uh hopefully give you guys an update next week sorry i actually have no idea what's been happening there yeah we've been sleeping with other

This question may have been asked previously at least 17 other times, as recently as October 2021 and as early as September 2020.

March 29th, 2022 Livestream

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will we ever be able to equip all the equipment at once i don't think we'll be able to equip all equipment at once because it kind of breaks sorry i was asking yeah so no i don't know if we'll ever make it so that you can equip everything at once because it was sort of goes against some of the design principles that we have for the equipment system but we do want to make some changes to the equivalent system we're not quite happy with it how it works right now uh the fact that you can't equip the hover pack and the hazmat suit at the same time is a it's a pretty big oversight on our part and we will sort of we we are looking into solutions as it has to like fix that if that means that we'll add a new body slot or that we completely revamp the equipment system and make it different i can't say for sure because we haven't made any decisions yet so we will see we'll see

This question may have been asked previously at least 18 other times, as recently as February 2022 and as early as May 2020.

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will be a two-way switch for hyper tubes a two-way switch as in like a splitter kind of situation or we can like pick which direction to go uh if so then probably not because we would need to change how the hypertube system works uh


i mean it's possible let us know on the q a side if you want that if you really want that

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2022 and as early as June 2021.

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and then reverse function and belts like we did with lifts i would like that too the reason why i don't i think the reason why we didn't add it was because it was like a sort of a late tier addition to the lifts um we it was like not part of the update five release even it was like during experimental we added it um and sometimes we add things to like kind of try them out as well like sometimes some features don't like stick with some people um so i think i think that is a pretty good addition to the belts in general though so please upload there okay with cooler side let give it a little vote on the q website to make sure that uh we see it would be dandy

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as November 2021.

March 8th, 2022 Livestream

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how to talk about a upcoming easter do a themed events um i don't think there's gonna be an easter event guys i think um because when we do these events they're sort of like they're never really planned like there's there's not really a producer going hey we need to make a seasonal event for this thing it's more like them asking like do you guys want to do a seasonal event and if people are too busy with like other things that we're working on um then it's kind of hard to like justify us doing anything um so uh and that's the same the same goes for like a halloween event you know like it it's a lot of development time that that goes into making just fix it fix mess um so maybe we're like kind of setting us up poorly when like oh we have one season when we wanted more but you know it's it's it really is like a out of interest from people at coffee stain whether we do the events or not um so yeah but since easter is coming up very soon and we have actually not talked about it at all i'm doubting that doubting that that will happen honestly unless we just like last second decide but i don't know

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as February 2022 and as early as January 2022.

March 1st, 2022 Livestream

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any plans for extreme weather that affects productivity it affects productivity never i don't that's that's part of like the video we put out a couple of weeks ago on a youtube channel like something that we don't want to ever add to the game is like any kind of maintenance aspect of the game um you know we already have fog exactly like uh remember how much worse the fog was by the way you guys in the past you guys have it good right now with the fog okay i'm just saying um what was i talking about yeah so so weather effects is something that we always wanted to add to the game i think is really cool and i think we always felt that it was really cool we've had ideas in the past where like oh what if you know the more factories you put out in the the map it like rains acid rain or something like that and you have to maintain your factories but it's like a cool idea and concept but i don't think we like that and that's kind of like abandoned that idea um so uh we've been uh kind of like kind of putting our foot down and saying like no we're not gonna add that kind of stuff but weather effects could be cool in general for the game by itself just having like rain and stuff like that i think that would be really nice it's a nice little detail and it's something that we always wanted but it's it always gets like pushed because there's always like something more you know crucial to the game or whatever like it's it's kind of hard sometimes when you're working on games like this where you want to add so much polish to it but like it's hard to like define like where is the polish you know because the weather system is a huge task you know working on and making so um so uh it's like it's a tricky balance there as to like what we would need to do minimum for it to be worth the hassle of doing it especially when we have so many else cool things everyone implements

This question may have been asked previously at least 19 other times, as recently as February 2022 and as early as August 2018.

February 22nd, 2022 Livestream

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increase object limit when so uh never we can actually say that for sure because the object limit isn't something that we've set this is not something that we can control either because it's something that is part of the engine um and you know the engine isn't really intended to be used the way we use it um it's it has to do with how the memory is managed uh in the engine and like you can sort of up that limit using config files and that's been possible ever since day one but uh the problem is that like there's no there's like you're kind of like losing out on safeguards when you do that so like a lot of weird things can happen memory wise if you start you know changing that number uh because that is a theoretical limit um so like there's been people reporting that like they've had their save files corrupted or you know like weird stuff happening factory logic not working the way they should um so it is always recommended that we don't change that we are however working on improving the game so we don't have to use as many game objects now a game object isn't the same as like an object that you place in the world it has a memory object specifically so like if you place a constructor for instance it used to be that a constructor was like maybe 16 different game objects and now it's like down to eight and i think there's plans to improve that as well and like maybe not specific for the constructor but like for a lot of different things we are constantly working on improving the memory footprint of the game and uh i believe recently we've been working a lot on like the environment to like kind of get down the memory footprint on that and like how we manage loading the environment and stuff like that um so um but we can't really change the the like the u object limit the unreal object limit uh that's set by the engine

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as August 2021.

February 15th, 2022 Livestream

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yeah you should give a new date for update six chase a new date yeah somebody says fourth of may among other things okay but we're about to get the grand scoop right now from chase live on stream uh all right here it is guys we have decided that we're gonna go with a sunday release april 3rd april third sunday release that way we've got the entire week to like take care of any bugs yeah we're gonna work weekend that weekend but it'll be worth it yeah but then we've got five more days straight to fix any issues that might pop up yeah and that's a good one because that one isn't on the uh the wiki yet too close april 1st look we would never joke about this we need to we need to just make adjustments where you know where it's needed you know so

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as December 2021 and as early as September 2020.

February 8th, 2022 Livestream

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what did you guys think about valheim it's uh it's pretty good i it's pretty great it's not i don't play those kind of games very often so like me personally it's not i played it a few times but it's good a lot of people love it it seems i have played in a long time i played it when it launched and it was fun i played it a lot though when it launched i no sorry i played it a lot before humble brag i played it a lot before it launched because because before it was cool yeah before we because we were play testing and like you know doing that kind of stuff and i played a lot back like i played a lot before back then because it was a fun game like it's fun building um but uh and then it launched and i played with a bunch of people and then i just like but i've played this so much already but i haven't played it since uh i haven't checked out the expansion and stuff so might be cool

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2021 and as early as May 2021.

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did you consider docker support for dedicated service yes docker support is is common um we we have we had to shift uh like work load a little bit um so we were unable to work on dedicated servers uh for a little bit but we are like as soon as we can sort of get those resources back if you will it always sounds shitty when you talk about people as resources but i mean that's how it is sometimes like not that the resources i mean that that's how you talk about it anyway once those people can work on dedicated service again then docker images is like the thing we're gonna be working towards so we haven't uh skipped it we're just like we have delayed it in in regular fashion

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as January 2022 and as early as August 2021.

January 25th, 2022 Livestream

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official coffee when um that's not something we've actually tried to do i there's a lot of youtubers that do like their own coffee brand yeah i don't know what's up with that yeah we'll see we'll chuck it on the pile me and jace have a bigger one though


that we really want to do and every time we bring it up they're always like oh yeah maybe not but we're gonna do it anyway yeah we need to get that ball right yeah for sure every time we say that and then we tell people they don't take it seriously but we're like no actually we're serious but that's every meeting who could do mmm oh dad's got a juicy one coming here no no no no no no

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2020 and as early as February 2020.

January 18th, 2022 Livestream

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why is mac supported four and not six or eight i'm not asking for more but four seems low especially considering the 128 event so i mean i i mean you know it could be whatever but we have to sort of then balance the game so that it works for that many people right so we we if we officially support eight then in all of our design and everything that we do and the technical side of things everything we do must then maintain that so like i i i'm yeah so like i think when we go with four then that's just kind of the line that we drew so that when it comes to balancing when it comes to technical stuff we know what we're aiming for yes

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as March 2021 and as early as March 2019.

December 14th, 2021 Livestream

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where's the mug the mug is like um we ran into some complications with uh due to kovid um and um yeah unfortunately like most of our merch situation got a big setback because of that um so i think that's that's the tl dr i don't know the specifics about it but that's that's a bummer thing about it so yes

This question may have been asked previously at least 21 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as February 2021.

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kfc console release when kfc console has been discontinued right or am i thinking of something else i think they dropped that joke kfc console unfortunately am i wrong no it hasn't even been released yet wait is it going to be released kfc console is only 24 fps oh 240 fps oh geez wait i'm confused has it released or won't release like what is the state of this this is a real question okay i'm just gonna ignore chat now i need to know this uh it's not released okay good to know good to know is it gonna be released nobody knows

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as May 2021 and as early as January 2021.

Q&A: Rideable Spiders?

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as May 2021 and as early as August 2020.

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can we get a mobile satisfactory oh god all right micro transactions just confirmed you guys it uh sorry it's just rolling in here uh-huh uh-huh all right this just in micro transactions are coming so we can make the mobile port of the game

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as September 2020 and as early as March 2019.

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are taking an intern to the coffee stain no not that i know of sometimes we do but usually when we're taking interns it's like if we want to hire someone or like an internship should lead to a job i think is the approach so we're kind of cautious about like hiring interns not even interns to make your coffee no that's that's a waste for everyone really

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as March 2018.

December 7th, 2021 Livestream

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fixmas is my favorite time of the year there's been discussions about more events like this and so would be more likely post launch we have talked about other events um we said last year that we were going to look into more events look how well that went uh we will always have fixmes at least i don't think like i think the problem mainly is that we we're quite ambitious uh the people that work at coffee stain are really ambitious we always want to do a lot of things but it always ends up that i think a lot of that ambition goes into the major updates that we've made so far and i don't know like we've always wanted to do more events we have support for more events in the like the the seasonal system that we use to like trigger this kind of stuff that is support for many more events uh stuff like that so there's always the possibility for more events and i think it's going to be like if we get around to doing something then we'll do it but right now there's no talk of anything else but i guess that's because we're so still kind of wrapping up fixmas because we haven't finished fixmas even so it's not impossible but you never know

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as July 2021 and as early as December 2020.

November 30th, 2021 Livestream

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well the atoms disappear when fixmas ends uh so the i think so it's gonna be similar to last year right pretty much the same same deal i believe the recipes disappear but the items stay around so if you manufacture stuff the manufactured items will still stick around but you can't like make new you can't produce these items like anymore so you need to stock up on these items yeah they'll last you till next winter i mean some people did do that yeah and it still lasted so

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as December 2020 and as early as December 2020.

November 23rd, 2021 Livestream

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how do you make the video camera movements in your trailer uh it depends which ones you're talking about but we can do some cinematic camera stuff uh uh and record the um the uh like animations for the camera we use this unreal engine sequencer so we can do a lot of advanced stuff in a real engine that you guys don't have access to unfortunately because you need to use the engine you can't it doesn't work that way um but we're hoping oh did you get it nice yeah putting it in the chat but we're hoping in the future we can improve uh photo mode so you guys can do more stuff like that i know there's a mod for um like cinematic movements and stuff like that you can kind of create a little sequence um i hope we can do something like that in the future hopefully so yeah what do we do now jace

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as November 2020.

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some fixmas we don't have any news and fixmas really we are trying to do it but we will probably announce it more than we when we know what we're doing with it yep um but you know we have we have people that have gotten together to prepare stuff for fixmas so we'll see to what extent we can do things yeah we'll let you know as soon as we know yes paintball went

This question may have been asked previously at least 12 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as December 2020.

November 16th, 2021 Livestream

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is there a height build limits the skybox yeah there's a big old kill sphere until the game breaks yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as February 2019 and as early as June 2018.

November 9th, 2021 Livestream

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will there be an option to set a grid map wide so you can pave the world and have them meet up properly it's not impossible that that's added at some point um i think we've talked about this for a long time doing that uh but we we haven't figured out like a good way to do it um so it's possible that it might happen soon or not um we'll see we'll see

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as June 2021 and as early as January 2021.

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mod's still broken i think mods are still broken yes uh we have we we don't really like keep track of that too much it's kind of like the modern community kind of doing their thing we're trying to help them out as much as we can but um it's like their responsibility to fix it um so yeah still work but not for long so hopefully soon trademark hopefully before update 5 hits early access fingers crossed

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as September 2021 and as early as June 2021.

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when is the ea release um we don't we're gonna i guess i should have said that before too as well we are in we're gonna like announce or say when that happens pretty soon i think we don't know exactly um like we're still waiting on like a few things to come together before we we feel confident in saying like here's the date um but we're hoping it will be we can say that date soon um so yeah but uh hopefully soon maybe this week we'll we'll announce the date maybe maybe next week we'll see like soonish um usually historically it's always been like around a month of experimental testing um so we just gotta we have to feel confident that we feel that we're gonna have a stable enough version of it by whatever date we say you know so um that's the most important thing so we're not gonna release it if we don't feel confident that we'll meet it right and at the same time you we know we feel confident at the same time you guys will

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as November 2021 and as early as October 2021.

October 26th, 2021 Update 5 Launch Stream and Patch Notes Video

Q&A: Dedicated Servers?

This question may have been asked previously at least 59 other times, as recently as October 2021 and as early as February 2019.

October 19th, 2021 Livestream

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i miss it jason i know you can't say but do a cartwheel if you can confirm sweet signs in update 5. the problem here is i can't cartwheel of course so like it doesn't matter it doesn't matter like whatever i do it wouldn't be considered a cartwheel anyway even if i was trying as hard as i could to confirm it if it was true was it was it confirmed or or like confirmed it the other way either way right oh okay so i could try cartwheels i can confirm one way or the other if science is coming in update 5. uh yeah by falling by falling or something yeah um somersault is acceptable oh yeah somersault still counts harder if you fall flat though right is it harder because like a somersault is like a flip isn't it like a is it like a backflip or something no that's a backflip somersault is just like jumping and turning your body or something i don't know just i don't know the specifics of somersaulting because i'm no summer saltist but uh i'm pretty sure somersaulting is just like if you just roll like you do some kind of role or talk and it's like a it's like a combination of like words right oh is that like a roll oh you like roll on the ground yeah forward roll on the floor or any roll because you can do a forward somersault in the air you can do a forward somersault on ground like were you rolling


i'm i think because i think it's just a generic term for like rolling in somewhere it's very solid yeah just do it just do it all right yeah yeah do a kickflip but you can actually do it yeah i did a kickflip yesterday i did two kick flips yesterday oh that's a great place man no that actually is a flex either okay clicks are hard they are really hard yeah they're it's really difficult like people that i know have been skating for a long time still can't do kick flips yeah they're they're they're hard yeah what the hell are we talking about we just stole that should we yeah this whole stream is just one big stall for update five that's that's all it is that's all i've ever been

This question may have been asked previously at least 22 other times, as recently as October 2021 and as early as June 2020.

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yeah somebody asked if there's gonna be like a story in the patchwork video as last time i guess you guys are gonna have to uh wait and see next week

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2021 and as early as August 2021.

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oh state of golf 1 392 only eight more to go is that true let's see here game and switch yeah okay oh eight more to go oh wow look at that let me see if i can bring it up on uh

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as October 2021 and as early as May 2021.

October 12th, 2021 Livestream

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well truck lights finally work in update five truck lights work in update four okay they just like they're weird okay uh so uh yeah hopefully they worked when i've tested it but i mean never counts when i tested


This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as June 2021 and as early as May 2021.

October 5th, 2021 Livestream

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we'll be able to paint vehicles at some point maybe i mean we used to be able to do that once upon a time maybe that'll be a thing at some point in the future yeah a long time ago i don't know i don't know if we ever did on a released version of the game actually i'm not sure when that changed but uh yeah you could paint vehicles speaking of like release stuff

This question may have been asked previously at least 9 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as August 2020.

Q&A: Radar Tower change?

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as September 2021 and as early as December 2020.

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server hosting on linux so yeah uh we we don't have like we haven't officially said that we're gonna like support linux but we have been considering like we're when we're looking into server dedicated servers we have had that at the back of our mind so like it's not like linux is going to be like uh like we have to think about that sort of beforehand but we are focusing on windows first uh to get that rolling that's the priority but yeah the person who's working on the dedicated servers has been working a lot with uh linux as well and like we've actually even tested you know we like we have some level of them you know that we can test on yeah the servers uh and yeah he's had he's had linux ones running and people have connected to it so that's a thing

This question may have been asked previously at least 11 other times, as recently as September 2021 and as early as March 2019.

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will engine upgrade be part of update five for ea yes uh engine upgrade won't come to ea until update five comes to ea so they will come at the same time engine upgrade is like kind of the appetizer for update 5 if you will um for experimental people but those two will come at the same time we didn't have enough time to like move over like put engine upgrade on the experimental branch test it work on that fix the issues and then move it over to ea like it's a huge process and then start working on update firefox method like we're going to do it in one one sweep instead

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2021.

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i thought cooperstain studios released valheim no uh coffee saying publishing released valentine it it is it is confusing though i won't like publicly shame anyone for coming for confusing like the different companies within coffee stain a coffee saying group uh but we're working on satisfactory so we're not doing anything related to yeah to uh vol volhem volhem i think yes yeah yeah iron gator the ones developing that game yes iron gate yes


oh no i'm never gonna be able to see that look at that name again without thinking about that now i can't wait i just didn't wanna play some wallham

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as February 2021.

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i think that's uh japanese practice time i'm pretty sure that's uchu space yes so uh is it gonna be that you can go to space uh no you cannot go to space we're not gonna we're not gonna add the ability to go to space didn't need the english to answer bam gotcha

This question may have been asked previously at least 10 other times, as recently as March 2021 and as early as February 2019.

September 28th, 2021 Livestream

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where did the name zouk come from the name came from uh was it mark was just like zoop he just said that when he went to build using it yeah he just and then we were like we'll call it zooping it was from when we made update 4 and we added like this sort of functionality for ladders and when mark were building ladders he would say like zoop and then he stuck with that name and then that's that's what we're going with

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2021.

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when delete can control toggle in case you missed click yeah a lot of people have um requested that so that's just so that like um


you know if uh when you're when you're mass dismantling you can deselect things yeah you know yeah so a lot of people requested that i think that's something that will end up happening at some point yeah i was going to do it at some point and then i was put on other things and never then i never got back to it so i'm pretty sure once we have like time for it we're gonna do that

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as September 2020.

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um will you add a harder mode at some point with more expensive recipes i think we've talked about that maybe when we do add game modes in the future yeah i think a more hardcore mode whatever that might mean maybe means expensive recipes maybe there are other things that we could do with it i think that makes sense yeah because like i hear her i've heard both like people wanting to like half recipes for some reason like they're producing half as much yeah which is bonkers to me but you do you fam just underclock 50 yeah yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as March 2021 and as early as August 2020.

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when new music i i i don't know what the we have added music since update four i think it's like new tracks coming in i don't know if there's gonna be more but maybe so uh we'll see i don't think there's any music coming up like five though no i don't i don't think so i don't heard anything about number

This question may have been asked previously at least 11 other times, as recently as July 2021 and as early as August 2020.

September 21st, 2021 Livestream

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uh will there be new tears tier 9 to 10 and update five maybe there will be maybe who knows who knows well i know i bet who else knows it's no no i didn't because i didn't hear what you said uh will there be uh tiers nine and ten update five maybe interesting

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as January 2021.

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jason smith hot tub stream man we should do one we should actually do a hot tub stream next time i don't know man it feels like that train has sailed


i don't know man i got some ideas what the was that expression my brain the train yeah train has failed that took me a while to realize oh my brain was just like what the you just say oh yes wind powered trains ah yes oh dude ah man i just spoiled update six oh god oh my god sailing god why did you tell them that sailing was coming ah geez dude ah yeah we we sort of pivoted slightly we kind of feel that sailing is necessary for us it's necessary for a game too yeah a necessary addition to the game is sailing we heard you you're on the golf thing so how about we meet halfway and do sailing instead yeah we thought that was a good uh a good compromise yep can we fish though no fishing only sailing oh no no aquatic stuff only sailing no boats yeah no boat only sail that's pretty good yeah no golf only sale ocean golf oh sure that sounds like an educational game like ocean goal yeah like join in turpa and his ocean golf adventure or something like that learn all about like aquatic stuff while playing golf or something i don't know kids will watch anything

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as June 2021 and as early as May 2021.

September 14th, 2021 Livestream

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is satisfactory called factory game in the project code for unreal yes um i heard i've heard yes exactly it is uh correct i've heard that it is quite hard to change it and a lot of tools i use show the true name of application called color factor game yeah so we called it factory game and you're right it is hard to change which is why we haven't changed it i don't know if or when we ever will um the longer we we go into this the harder it gets changing the name um but like this is a this is a somewhat common problem for unreal engine games specifically i know that like arc is still called shooter game which is like the name of the template project in unreal engine when you like when you boot up unreal engine you can pick like if you want like a clean template like if you want a clean project with nothing in it or if you want like a template project with like some base functionality in it and uh one of them is called shooter game which is like a first person shooter like it's it's it's unreal tournaments like in a small like yeah segmented like thing yeah i think i think i don't talk was sangdom called furious i can't remember now that you mention it that because i know i know that it was called like i know that the the the code classes and stuff were sg yeah and i don't know if it was sanctum game or shooter game that's a good question and i get the feeling that when they started making the project they probably didn't know the game was called sanctum that's my assumption stargate you're right it is stargate game very good coffee stain got the license thing for that make a game for it yeah and i'm pretty sure like factory game is also based on that template uh with the first person shooter thing maybe i feel like most first-person games in a real engine usually based on that but i don't know yeah but we call it factory game because we didn't want to call it shooter game because it's confusing and it's not a shooter game yeah it's a factory game it is yeah uh sure glad yeah i'm sure glad we couldn't didn't call it factorio 3d game when we started that project well that would have been weird yeah whoops

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2021 and as early as December 2020.

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some people asking about recipes and stuff uh you know if we have recipe changes in the works we'll we'll do a video on them um yeah we'll release that information before update 5 comes out

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as September 2021 and as early as May 2021.

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the collision signalling updates uh to trains expecting update vive that is something that you know maybe will maybe we are focusing our attention on other things you'll have to wait and see

This question may have been asked previously at least 32 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as May 2020.

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will there be any fixes for multiplayer's sync issues life forces trees being cut i'm not sure exactly what multiplayer fixes will be done but we always do work on them and with every major update there's always a whole host of like bug fixes uh from all areas of the game right so uh i don't know exactly if the the bugs that you're experiencing uh or that you're talking about here those specifically have been fixed but there's no doubt in my mind that a lot of bugs will have been fixed um so yeah hopefully hopefully it does take care of the ones that you're running into yeah it has to be a party pooper but i don't think we're going to be able to have time to fix that particular issue um because that's a huge system overall i guess okay but we we we sort of maybe we'll make like a some kind of like half solution or something i don't know but that's a huge uh problem this exists in there for a long time we kind of need to redo the whole like foliage system so that's not something we have time to do for this update he thinks it's but for the record um it's mostly just a visual issue sort of like on the server and everything still works the way it's supposed to so like if you run into that issue um like you can still pick up stuff sometimes if if it's correct unless something is really weird which also can be the case but like for the most part i think a lot of people are used to it by now too like where you just run around like hope to pick up foliage sometimes sometimes you get it sometimes you don't

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2021 and as early as November 2020.

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will the bottom left island peninsula be included in the map is it not included yeah is it not no not on the map on the map no on that the uh the update map there's there's nothing on it oh okay as in like there's no changes to that area yeah no changes yeah yeah that's probably what they're talking about yeah yeah is that the uh that's where that like kills fear is right or the kill yeah pretty sure you die if you try to go there in real life too if you go there you die if you die and satisfactory you die in real life

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as May 2021 and as early as April 2021.

September 7th, 2021 Livestream

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foundations with holes vip or dream uh go to the qa side and upload that and maybe if it gets enough votes maybe it will be vip but if if not then it's gonna be a dream i guess or something

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as August 2020.

August 31st, 2021 Livestream

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yeah paul's still looking like a reasonable timeline yeah yeah i think we're it looks like we're still gonna release the game in in fall so any any time starting from tomorrow and three months from now yeah yeah december counts as fall right i'm pretty sure with global warming all that just actually trust me man trust me okay yeah yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 15 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as February 2021.

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what am i getting a story mode that's happening at one point oh so that's still a bit 1.0 snitch i have no freaking clue we've written to 2022 on our steam page but uh i don't know how all the all the plans kind of point towards 2022 but uh you never know yeah you never know

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as July 2021 and as early as May 2021.

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um did you ever say if dlss was coming we have said that um we would require to upgrade the engine at some point to be able to do that uh and and maybe we'll do that so it's possible that dlss can come to the game at some point um i'd say it's likely if if if that works that is like it's they say that it's plug and play with that uh like the functionality of that we'll see okay we'll see it just works right yep

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as June 2021 and as early as February 2021.

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we'll join any community students do you mean will we join community streams we've joined them in the past i was there all day even oh hanging out in the chat you mean yeah yeah yeah we do that we're there all the time lately i've been mostly been lurking because i've been so busy or at least yeah i'm speaking for my sake at least but i i almost every day i have a a satisfactory stream running in the background i see ya

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as January 2021.

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but are you guys ever moving back into the new headquarters uh i mean we are going to like sort of once the regulations in sweden's like decrease no like get like get lifted that is that is technically in the plans yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as July 2021 and as early as November 2020.

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uh housing type items for the pioneers i don't know um it would definitely be pretty good like i think internal like decorations and stuff like that could be cool i think like sofas and beds could be fun just play sims or just play sims good point pretty sure that game exists you know what terrible idea yeah yeah kidding it's much better game though oh no wait uh uh uh i'm fired oh god oh god oh god oh runescape in runescape you can uh you can you can make a boxing ring a boxing ring this is specifically you can and so

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as July 2021 and as early as June 2020.

August 24th, 2021 Livestream

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will trains collide with land or just other trains i think


if i had to guess i think trains are going to behave sort of similar to how they did with land before um but they will collide with other trains i uh first i'm guessing um i think the thing we want to get in is collision without the trains and like signaling so that you have you know you need to manage your your training lines in a different way i don't think we care too much about like clipping with the environment like it's a similar thing with like conveyor belts like that if we need to fix the clipping issues with the trails uh the trains in in the terrain with the trains train lines then why aren't we fixing it for the conveyor belts you know so and the conveyor belts are like kind of an active choice that we don't want to like overdo or limit like what you can do with the game so like if clipping annoys you then you won't clip you know you won't build your factory's clipping and if you don't mind clipping um and also you get like a little bit more freedom then clipping is is enabled sort of or available to you um so i think that's sort of the approach that we're going to take with trains as well no i can't say for sure because we haven't reached that point where we've made a decision on that because we need to work on it first but so yeah that's that's i think that's my take on that as right now there will be train signals yes at some point there will be train signals

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as July 2021 and as early as June 2021.

August 17th, 2021 Livestream

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uh from dev to dev how do the calculations work so that all factories keep running if they're not actively loaded are you calculating every item constantly no it's like the the factories have their own tick like thread uh if i'm not incorrect um yeah they have their own like factory thread that runs at its own speed and stuff so that kind of stuff isn't they're they're not like tied to the map that's loaded so all the stuff that's being built is like built on a different level to the rest of the map yeah like all the logic of all the factory buildings are always running i mean um yeah at the same time and that's how the calculations are done and then sometimes you see their visual representation when you walk closer yep you can check off another mansplaining there actually i think you explained it that more correctly than i did because i i said that that they're actually on a different level but they're not on a different level it's just a different different thread yeah i mean yeah they are like that they are okay i mean they are on a different they're on the like the the the the persistent levels i mean it's that's that is true

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as February 2019 and as early as August 2018.

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is there official name for the confusing creature the balloon on legs creature yes there is it's called the whale penguin space wait i can't ever bean tick tim yeah tim the whale space tick bean


penguin whale thing giraffe tick bean tim whale giraffe oh it actually oh it's referred to in the awesome show as the confusing creature i didn't know that oh really yeah this is something that wait we have we have an actual name for it then mr bean yeah space giraffe tick whale penguin thing whatever yeah it's official there's a reference to this there's probably 17 references if marv wrote this um we just armed at the same time well we have so much in common we have so much in common we have nothing to say we have nothing to talk about there's so much in common emotes discord about says steve that's hilarious who who i need to see who who added that uh emoji where's the emote on this chord yeah yeah i need to see who added that was that you just do you remember no i think so yeah let's have steve that's pretty funny you're out of that i'm checking emoji it was reckless he just drops that and like leaves that's so funny though

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2020 and as early as March 2019.

August 10th, 2021 Livestream

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is update five bigger than update four that's a really hard question answer you know we get asked that question each time and it's hard to sort of answer if it's gonna be bigger or not uh i also don't know if it matters or if it's bigger or not do ever does every update have to be bigger than the one before you know does it have to be

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as August 2021 and as early as June 2021.

August 3rd, 2021 Livestream

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will the game be adapted for 21.9 monitors i don't know uh if you want that though make sure that you uh either upvote existing suggestions or make the suggestion yourself if it's not there on our qa site questions on there you are there you are

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as November 2020 and as early as September 2020.

July 20th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: When are you adding Battle Royale event?

This question may have been asked previously at least 8 other times, as recently as July 2021 and as early as February 2020.

July 13th, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Will the Quantum Computer or Superposition Oscillator come in Update 5?

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as May 2021 and as early as April 2021.

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when we have fences for ramps i don't know i don't know hopefully soon

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as May 2021 and as early as November 2020.

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uh when do we get a map updating for us so i can actually play the game without having uh without keep having in mind my instructors might disappear and stuff uh well so the reality is you're playing an early access game so you know that's that's probably that's likely gonna happen you know sometime soon when we do do the map update um but that's probably not gonna be the last time we do a map update right so this is kind of like you know uh something you're gonna have to just kind of deal with with the fact that we're in early access however um hopefully the plan is hopefully in the next few weeks uh i will be able to release some information about the world update um and with it i would like to try and just give some sort of like map with some like hotspots of regions that have been modified so that people can sort of uh plan ahead right but the thing is you know the game is designed so that you can build wherever you want so it's it's just likely that there are people out there that have just built in the hot spots of where we've made massive um modifications we've had it before where people have factories that end up being inside a mountain or underground and that's likely just going to happen again but hopefully with with um you know releasing that information when i do um with a map and some hotspots we can mitigate that kind of damage to give people some time to try and move their factories to a different location um but that's that's always going to be a pain like even moving like like what if your factory is in a hot spot right you're gonna have to move the whole thing it's gonna be a pain no matter what but it is it is kind of the nature of early access and we don't want to you know we're striving for a good 1.0 game and we don't want to be like well you know the world would look better if we made it like this but we you know it may scrub some factories so we're not going to do it you know we don't want to do that we do have to put the game first at the end of the day and that doesn't mean some people are going to get kind of screwed over by it to be honest when uh the world does change you know just some safe spots we can move yeah yeah yeah we'll do that sometime soon before like well before the update so that you'll have a lot of time to move things if you want to move things but no doubt they're gonna be no doubt the world is gonna change on top of your factories some of y'all uh a lot of work is gonna be taking place in the northern forest we have talked about that but yeah i i would like to i'll talk to hannah in the future and when we when we do release a video we'll try and release something that um will be as helpful as possible to uh ensure that people can safely move their factories

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as July 2021 and as early as March 2021.

July 6th, 2021 Livestream

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i feel like this is probably the decision before so i apologize repeat question but is there a possibility of altering the terrain in certain circumstances for example is there a way to make tunnels no so you can't really deform the terrain that's not really a thing that's possible now and i don't really see if that's going to be a thing in the future

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2020 and as early as August 2020.

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uh what does the object limit uh refer to exactly one constructor because one object so this is the the confusing thing with the object limit it refers to you object which is not like a physical object or a game object an unreal engine it's an unreal an engine object which is like way programming languages try to like obfuscate how memory works is by referring to massive object you may have heard the term like object oriented languages where they try to like simplify it but how you how you can think of of code um and it's it's essentially a memory object and no one constructor does not equal one object one constructor is could be many objects i don't know the exact number um and they also vary from object to object like maybe you know maybe a beacon is like three objects or maybe two objects or one i don't know exactly and then another constructor could be many objects so uh it's really hard to like to to to to know but something that we sort of tell folks is that like the the number of people that actually hit this object limit is so so few yes like you shouldn't have to worry about it there's unless you're really building some super crazy stuff you really really should not worry about it um and so like you shouldn't have to like don't don't let the object limit impact the way that you play the game unless or do if you want to but you shouldn't need to like you should see a better play as you normally want to yeah and you know we do things on our end to reduce the uh the overhead or the impact that uh objects have on the objective as well yeah so and also the amount of people that hit that object limit that are playing the game vanilla is even smaller uh most people that hit it are using mods to like build way faster and stuff like that and build like humongous things like place i'm thinking i'm talking like placing down like you know half a million foundation blocks and stuff like that um

This question may have been asked previously at least 11 other times, as recently as June 2021 and as early as August 2020.

June 29th, 2021 Livestream

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equipment hotkey when uh i'll put that on the qr side if you want that i don't know exactly what that entails but it sounds good oh you mean on the hot bar maybe that's uh that would be sweet it would be really nice yeah so you could just press like one two three or four or five or whatever that would be really nice yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as September 2020 and as early as March 2019.

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um directx 12 support we tried to uh and uh didn't go so well um but it's not impossible we'll try again maybe in the future

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as November 2020.

June 15th, 2021 Livestream

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somebody asked if we've checked out unreal engine five we have checked that unreal engine five uh yeah it's it's cool we can't really say whether or not we're gonna be able to use it for satisfactory uh because the uh unreal engine five is not production already and it's still in like early access um and even though like nanite and lumen are very cool technology they also have limitations to them uh that makes it kind of hard to like at this point at least being able to say like yeah that's something that we definitely want to use in the future and uh who knows like once once they're actually done with unreal engine 5 maybe we will be done with satisfactory i don't know i don't know what the production plan is for unreal engine 5 currently um but yeah a lot of people have asked us about this of like yo yo nanite looks so cool you should use that in satisfactory and it's not that simple like just upgrading to that engine version might just cause so many issues for us that it's not worth it and it's it's like a discussion we have every single time when there's a new unreal engine version even the minor ones whether or not it's worth upgrading because it it creates a lot of issues um so it really has to like outweigh the benefits wait did i say that right the the benefits really have to outweigh the all the work and the issues that it causes because like we put so much work into the current systems and the way that we implemented stuff so it's like it's not maybe sometimes worth throwing that away just because there's a new cool guy in town or whatever um let's upgrade to unreal five forehead so we have checked it out though we are checking it out and we're all very interested in it but we can't see whether or not we're gonna be able to use it before satisfactory yet so stop asking about that nominating

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as June 2021 and as early as June 2021.

June 8th, 2021 Livestream

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one dollar toilet paper dlc coming soon coming soon guys it's it's one toilet wait i always get this wrong it's one dollar toilet flush dlc right uh yeah toilet flush toilet flush not paper exactly you already have paper you have the coupons you can wipe on those yeah exactly

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as June 2021 and as early as August 2020.

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what's your favorite mod i haven't used mods in a long time so i actually haven't checked out uh it's been a while since since i played with mods honestly because i i've been making a lot of trailer stuff and i can't use the mod manager for that because it breaks our dev build potentially so i'm but uh maybe we should i'm just gonna try out some more i gotta check it out

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as April 2021 and as early as July 2020.

June 1st, 2021 Livestream

Q&A: Petting Doggo?

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2020 and as early as March 2019.

May 25th, 2021 Livestream

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how many dollars are there total in the world so here's how that system works i don't think if we've hannah has actually explained this to me it's actually no i think there's on the map there's like a bunch of spawn points and on each spawn point we designate like how many can spawn at the same time so like a spawn point can have like something between you know one and five or whatever or any number really but we we've probably not spawned more than like maybe three or four or something like that and once a spawn point has like spawn lizard doggos it won't spawn any new ones until you like get close to that spawn point again so there is a theoretical number of like min max amount of lizard doggos that can exist at the same time because if you like run to a spawn point and grab a little doggo and run back with it that spawn like that spawn point one spawn new ones i believe um so there's a there's the first person to reach the theoretical maximum of lizard doggos in one pen i'll buy you a coffee cup hell yeah on me yeah so so help us find out what that maximum number is and then find the doggers yeah challenge accepted i like it we'll buy you the more coffee mug yeah wait oh okay bye you owe me a pizza juice do i owe you a pizza now do you still love me i don't know i i've lost track like 16 times all right you still have me then i know you or me whatever pretty sure whatever yeah 90 doggos in one pen there's a lot of doggos that's a lot of doggos maybe hannah can figure it out i'm pretty sure she can maybe hannah has better things to do no does she maybe she does i fix the trees am i right i fix the floating rocks nobody cares about that the amount of dog was on the map yeah that's that's what we need to figure out right now it's the drake meme yeah let's spend a week on this

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as March 2019.

May 18th, 2021 Livestream

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any ideas how many tears would be at the end of the development uh i don't personally know i don't think we've decided fully maybe mark has but he doesn't there's like uh yeah there's a a tentative answer i think yeah it may change there's no point in thinking that that's actually set or not uh but the the number of tiers isn't like the limit of like how much more content we're gonna add to the game because if at some point we're gonna need to like at some point we're like we're gonna want to add more content but we're still like we're not gonna add more t here so we're gonna like spread it out more in the current tiers um so don't y'all shouldn't feel that like oh just because we won't add more tears just won't mean that there won't be more content to the game that's definitely not the case or buildings or you know stuff like that yeah that was like a sort of a thing that we had to address a lot before update 4 came out is uh like more tiers it's like it's not like you need more tiers to add more content yeah or you need to have more tiers to have more complexity or you need to have more tiers to have more you know gamepl are a progression thing that uh yeah but you know you can still have it more tiers just mean more space parts or space elevator parts and i don't know how much you guys love making those yeah it's my favorite part of the game 1 000 jet propulsion engine thingamajigs yeah modular yeah i saw i i saw the tier like you know after tier 7 and 8 like the the ones that you put in there uh i saw those and i just sort of knocked out and was like forget about that somebody posted on a reddit like before update three i believe where they showcase like here's what it looked like when you unlocked tier vii before uh and it was like five super computers like it it was something super lame compared to like yeah 5 000 space poopies or whatever space poopies yeah it's hardcore

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as December 2020 and as early as June 2020.

May 11th, 2021 Livestream

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did you know about the multiplayer bug so i can't join a game or find it we we aware of it uh we're trying to solve it we don't we don't really know why it's happening uh but we are gonna push some kind of fix for that on ea soon this week hopefully um that might fix it for some people but it might not for everyone still trying to figure out what the hell is going on

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as May 2021.

May 4th, 2021 Livestream

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make refineries smaller we're not going to change any sizes of the buildings i don't think we're ever going to do that honestly if you uh if you feel like a building is too small or too big we're probably not going to reduce sizes although famous last words i guess but i don't think we've ever done that so far so i guess that's interesting

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2020 and as early as August 2020.

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and then he has new wall types doors windows foundations etc uh we are gonna do that too i don't know exactly what we planned but we are gonna revamp uh some of the uh decorations in the game

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as November 2020.

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every thoughts about having npcs and probably some raider yeah and our thoughts is that we probably don't want it we want it to feel very like you're alone on that planet and it's very like isolated so uh there's gonna be like no i actually don't know

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as February 2019.

April 27th, 2021 Livestream

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uh can chainsaw use liquid in the future potentially we the reason why chainsaw only uses like solid biofuel up until now is because the that has that has made sense when you unlock or like rather when we intended to unlock the chainsaw and then further down the line it made sense like maybe to have other fuel and we haven't had that in the game because we haven't solved we haven't had support to like change fuels uh for the equipment and that's something that we're probably gonna do in the future i don't know exactly when that will happen um but that's why we haven't had in the game i'm pretty sure we're gonna have it at some point like turbo fuel and chainsaw or you know liquid biofuel which like what else do you use that for um so yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2021 and as early as October 2020.

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uh are the blade runners gonna fit our feet properly soon uh i don't yeah what the well they fit your feet right in first person but they don't fit in third person that's the problem when you're in hypertubes and stuff like that i think we're gonna solve that eventually it's just like it's just a such a non-issue really like it's not game breaking anyway uh that's why we've kept it so far kept it it sounds like we're we're gonna keep it that's why we haven't fixed it yet you know

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2021 and as early as February 2021.

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any chance we'll get individual respawn points for multiplayer i'm not sure what that means individual respawn points you mean you don't spawn in the hub why would you want that

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2020 and as early as September 2020.

April 20th, 2021 Livestream

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any changes of the coloring system yes there's going to be some changes in the color system i don't know exactly what those changes are going to be that's something that is uh most likely going to change or one thing that i am i think is going to change maybe it will check my answer is like declining more and more um i think there's some issues with the coloring system that we've been putting off um such as not being to like paint vehicles and stuff like that so i think there's gonna be somewhat of an overhaul of the coloring system and the fact that we're like using srgb uh or not wait are we using linear rgb in the game or not i can't remember whatever the the color values in game aren't linear i think or they are linear wait which one is the common one hsl yeah yeah but that's not the thing i'm talking about right now because you can even if you if you if you're like in a uh if you're like on the internet you're like look up a color and you see like oh that's a nice color and you try to match it uh in the game it will still not be correct and that's because the in-game color picker is is using srgb which isn't a linear color space but most applications use color like linear color space even if you have the same hex it will not like match uh that's just because we picked one of them so we're probably gonna change that as well because i think a lot of people are confused by that uh i think a lot of people don't even realize it um and yeah we do we do use hl hsl in the color picker but that's not what i'm talking about right now um but that's something we probably will also change at some point this is like ui that probably is is like in the backlog of things uh we just haven't been prioritized well enough so we'll probably happen in alignment with the coloring system

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2021 and as early as March 2021.

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it's part of that is there a road map publicly no there's not and we talked we talked a bunch of times why we don't have that the tl dr is because we we want to be as reflect uh we want to like react as quickly as possible to community feedback uh we change our minds all the time even when we're developing things so we don't want to lock ourselves into a path and be like ah this is bad um this is also kind of why we're not like telling you guys you know everything we're working on because we need to manage expectations a bit in that regard because if we tell you guys like oh we're gonna we're gonna implement a big robot that's gonna blow the whole game up and make your computer become uh alive like and we start working on that and we're like we can't do that then it's going to be a bummer for everyone


so so we can't do that uh maybe i shouldn't have talked about that specific thing because that's something we are working on leaked yep exactly um first dlc confirmed [ __ ] the whole like terminator future is is because of satisfactory you hate to see it that we're we're uh what's the name of that company cyber truck cybertron what's the name of the company in terminator skynet that whoops it wasn't even close oh wait is skying at the computer what's the name of the company cyber no cyberdyne is perfect dark wait or am i mixing those two up cyberdyne tech or do they have the same name maybe wait perfect dark cyber cyber dine wait this is the real okay hold on you guys we need to actually we need to look into the cyberdyne systems is that the name in the uh okay my question here is what what is the name of the company that you fight against in perfect dark is that cyberdyne or is cyberdyne terminator or are they do they have the same name cyber datadine oh that's true oh that's what i'm thinking of oh so hype for the perfect art reveal by the way i can't wait for that i'm gonna have to get an xbox i guess um sorry what were we talking about cyberdyne and skynet are from terminated cool there was it was data dying i was thinking of very similar

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as April 2021 and as early as March 2020.

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will we get mark ii power storage in the future i don't know i don't think so

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2021 and as early as February 2021.

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when you add in story 1.0 don't know when that will happen

This question may have been asked previously at least 16 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as February 2019.

April 6th, 2021 Livestream

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so wind power mark when no


um what is the what is the reasoning why we don't want to add wind wind power or solar power or stuff like that uh i think both of those have the problem where that you can effectively even if you make a system around it that kind of checks for uh certain restrictions that you can just build them everywhere of course they would still effectively be limitless in in this game i think uh and we don't really want that for power like you could just build a giant solar panel field and not have to worry about the power at all which kind of defeats the point of the power system where it's supposed to be a pain in your butt every now and then and you're supposed to want to fix it and make it all run smoothly and i feel that that those kind of power supplies would take away from it because they don't have enough limitations that we can effectively uh contain the balancing off gotcha remember we we also brought up like water turbines yeah i think those will be more in the realm of what the the geysers now do yeah and right now the guys have the issue where some people actually brought this up where they feel kind of what kind of they're super weak for when you get them the amount of power that you get from them uh so we might change it as well but for the yeah water turbines i would be more interested in them because you would have to place them potentially on fast flowing rivers or waterfalls which are a limited resource so to say in the world which is more interesting in my opinion because it kind of gets you around like you can't just pop them down anywhere you actually have to find a waterfall we get up a cliff to get to the waterfall place them there connecting to your factory i think it's a more interesting way to approach power with a bit of a challenge like that than just to give a building that just produces it out of thin air gotcha free power when do we get free power

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as August 2020.

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um and yes april 13th is still the uh the date for when we expect uh update four to hit early access next week this time oh my god actually six right that is the time i think it's six hour time yeah i always forget but it's six it's always the same time ever every time and i always forget anyways 5 p.m gmt

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as March 2021 and as early as February 2021.

March 30th, 2021 Livestream

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what's the feature you wanna add to this so i personally really wanna improve the build modes uh i there are there are a lot i think we talked about this last week as well there are a few um there are a few things that really annoy me when you're building and i think there are somewhat easy to fix and they will improve building immensely so i would love to to improve some of those things first and foremost and maybe like a global grid situation but also like how you place you know um mergers and splitters i think that's one of the like places mergers and splitters uh not the fact that they don't clip on foundations when you're dragging them i'm already placed um conveyor belts and stuff like that i think that's really annoying uh stuff like you know the what are they called the the pipe connector thingies i can't remember what they're called that they rotate too i think they rotate too freely i want them to be able to clip snap it a bit better the snapping system we have for the guidelines thing when the green lines show up when you hold control that's a prototype that's not done at all um that's a prototype i made and then we're like alright i just put in the game whatever it works pipe junction thank you uh i want i want better clipping and like snapping with that so if you're if you're one of those people that like builds very methodically it just makes it so much easier to build because i think the addition of the the hover pack makes things so much better in the game i think the hover pack is like one of the best items in the game right now um so improving the the build modes would make the game a ton better imo god i love the hover pack i know it's so good right

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as March 2021 and as early as March 2019.

March 23rd, 2021 Livestream

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will this be the last update before 1.0 no the we still have update 5 slated at some point i don't know how many updates we'll do after that um or even how many updates come in between that because we've kind of we went down the path of like doing like a smaller update uh which we call the fluid update uh in between three and four um and we kind of like that approach too um maybe we'll just like change and just rename all the updates to just number updates but we'll see we'll see

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2021 and as early as February 2021.

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um multiple foundation placing instead of one by one uh maybe in the future we haven't uh looked into that yet or maybe mark hasn't just hadn't made a decision yet but we haven't implemented anything yet

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as January 2021 and as early as March 2020.

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um any mods you want to add to vanilla at some stage i'm sure there are mods that i'm sure there are things that we already thought about that there's a mod for currently um and um look guys like we worked in this game for a long time and uh we've had the opportunity to think about this game a lot so drones for instance was something that we've like thought about before we we released this game okay uh and it's been our like backlog since then um and and and obviously when when there's a mod for something that we've like thought about but not like released that's a good sign that like this is probably good feature to implement um so uh so yeah that be like it do lights is another thing lights was actually implemented in the game uh before it was it was out if you remember the stream me and jace did where we played the old version of the game that had lights that version had lights so it's been in the game since then and and at that point lights weren't that good for the game they didn't run that well um and that's why we didn't release the game with lights uh but now we're at the point where we feel confident with our solution for lights there's still i think a little bit tweaking left to do with the lights but we as far as i know i it looks pretty good and they work pretty well um also saw the street lights and the alpha screenshots yeah and i think i think people also data mined like the uh the lights out of the game uh so you know this was coming okay and we knew it was coming and it's it's here now so good times were had by all

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as January 2020.

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object limit any chance to display how much is left somehow uh not really the the common misconception about the object limit is that people think that it's like the number of objects that are placed in the world but this is a memory thing so you know placing a foundation has a smaller object you object imprint in memory than placing a constructor has um and it's not simple to explain it because memory in programming is is very complex uh it's not just like a lot of people often like describe it as like it's a it's an array of of of um ones and zeros that's memory no that's not exactly how it works uh because they're there's like memory caches and and setups for how they're loaded and stuff like that but uh the system that handles all that has a limit in unreal engine and uh there's not much we can do about it uh we can optimize for it but there's always going to be a limit um and you can even load a save file that crashes due to the object limit you can you can sometimes load that save file and sometimes you can based on what's going on in the game at that point um so kind of hard to it's it's hard to explain we're optimizing for it um and maybe in the future it will be a bit better but there's all there'll always be like a limit to it

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as November 2020 and as early as September 2020.

March 16th, 2021 Livestream

Mod highlight part 2 Q&A: We broke mods with Update 4, how does the community make them work again?

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as January 2020.

March 9th, 2021 Livestream

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do you uh guys have plans for any other save breaking systems in the future i mean it's it's hard to sort of say if we have plans to i mean i i don't know if we plan to but if we need to then we will yeah um we try to avoid two but yeah i mean like i i asked mark this like many months ago and from memory he was like we don't have any more any plans to do it but like maybe it'll happen yeah you know we are on the quest to get to uh 1.0 after all you know but you want to finish the game so

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as September 2020.

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uh how much uh like what percentage of the update do we know about um what do you reckon i'm thinking like maybe like 70 or something yeah they're still like maybe not because there's like a lot of things i think 70 is a pretty good number though because the stuff that we haven't shown yet isn't like there's some pretty amazing things that we have yeah they're pretty major but they won't like you know i guess i'm like still thinking about pipes because like pipes was a small thing that affected a lot of stuff yeah where these are like you know more things that may affect your save file like or your factories a lot but also maybe not you know what i mean but then they add they add a lot of like yeah they add a lot of stuff but then there's also like a lot of smaller things that are coming that don't work like a video or something you know what i mean yeah there's there's there's like oh i don't know if i i can say it but there's one thing that i discovered when i was uh play test and i was like my god why hasn't this been in the game until now and i'm so happy yeah and it's a very tiny thing but it makes such a huge difference

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as February 2020.

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date for update 4 is march 16th so next week tuesday it's exactly a week from now and it should come out at 5 00 pm gmt is the goal plan

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as February 2021.

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uh have i played dyson super program i haven't played it yet have you played it's not uh no i haven't looks good it looks cool the feedback on it have you seen like when you when i watch people playing they put things down it's all so tasty with the little animations and yeah the feedback is super good it's also very fluent like it looks like i guess most those types of games like compared to satisfactory we're like you want to get from eight from point a to point b it can be like a huge thing whereas in zysosphere you're just like just blast off yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as January 2021 and as early as August 2020.

March 2nd, 2021 Livestream

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how will update 4 changes the lower level lines like motors heavy frames etc so the update 4 will not change anything below tier 7. um so all the previous stuff will be the same pretty much there's going to be some things that unlock in earlier uh tiers uh but we won't change anything like we the thing that we announced is that like in tier seven there's some production uh line changes that breaks your save files currently if you already have like production going for your bauxite and your aluminium and uh battery production i think are the ones so those will change but the previous ones will be unaffected as far as i know

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as January 2021 and as early as January 2021.

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uh will the new update affect alternate recipes uh they won't change i think i'm pretty sure we i i should just ask mark this at this point because i i we had mark on a few weeks ago and i asked this question to him and he said hmm and then we're like all right cool we got that question answered and then since then i just blanked out uh so i'm gonna ask him i'm gonna send a message to him right now just to clarify that but i'm pretty sure alternate recipes won't change for update four


um oh yo yo yo yo yo yo yo i missed it i made it um and uh yeah we won't make any changes to diluted fuel either i'm pretty sure that i remember i remember specifically if we diluted fuel that we're not going to change that that's still the same um but i can't speak for all the alternative recipes but that one i'm i'm like confident all right chase just did

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as January 2021.

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are smart splitters changing in update 4 and no smart splitters are also staying the same

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as November 2020 and as early as October 2020.

Q&A: Are you Community Management with Valheim too?

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as February 2021.

February 26th, 2021 Videos

Q&A: Will we need some kind of pumps to get the gases to a height??,_2021_Instagram_AMA_-_Will_we_need_some_kind_of_pumps_to_get_the_gases_to_a_height.mp4

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as January 2021.

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march 16. we still have questions now you know why does it go to experimental first and basically it's because we want the early access branch to be stable basically that's our stable branch and we do everything we can to make sure that the you know with testing internally to make sure that the game is as stable as possible when we bring it to experimental but we can never really be sure you know there's only like 30 40 of us or something like that and there's a bajillion of you guys and the feedback and the crash reports and all that kind of stuff that we get from you guys in the community um is just on a level that we couldn't get ourselves when testing internally so we put it we always put this stuff out all of our updates out on experimental first we gather as much information and feedback from you guys as possible fix any bugs all that kind of stuff stabilize the game and then once it's stable we bring it over to early access and that's just kind of the procedure that we have you might be wondering then so like okay so when's it gonna be on

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as October 2020.

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soon as we can uh now you might be wondering okay well i'm on early access how do i get on get in on this experimental stuff you know i want i want to fly close to the sun i'm going to live life on the edge right i don't care if it's unstable i want update for the second it drops how do i get experimental i hear you say okay so everyone has access to experimental if you are on the epic version of the game in your epic library you actually will just have two versions of satisfactory there one's experimental one's early access download the experimental one and play if you're on steam and you want access to the experimental version you just find satisfactory in your steam library and you right click on it go to properties select betas there's a drop down box and then choose experimental from the drop down box and that's all it is the game will redownload the experimental version of the game one thing that you should be wary of is your save files whenever changing versions always back up your saves save files from early access to experimental are supported not necessarily the other way around and then also experimental is unstable so you never know what's gonna happen maybe you need to revert but then you can't and you've lost your save files now so back up your saves i'll leave the path to your save files in the description down below back them up before changing branches like that okay uh yeah so

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as November 2020 and as early as October 2020.

February 23rd, 2021 Livestream

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um so are you pack packing the update 4 to an engine upgrade um so yeah um the engine upgrade won't go to early access before update 4 comes to early access so we will keep the engine upgrade on experimental branch as update 4 drops and then we're going to keep working on that until we feel that they both work and the main reason for that is because we there were a few like things that got way better for some people with the engine upgrade but some larger factory lines and stuff like that didn't get better um they got worse um so and that's annoying we don't want to like push the upgrade that can result in some people playing in early access getting a worse experience we would rather fix those issues before we do that and we don't have time to do that before update 4 launches so that's why we're doing it this way

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as February 2021 and as early as February 2021.

February 16th, 2021 Livestream

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are there changes planned for geothermal they seem relatively undervalued yeah they sort of are um they might they might get a change in the future obviously you have to wait and see it's hard to sort of answer questions about like that because you know like i it depends what constitutes a plan you know because we have many plans many things in the backlog and it's like i don't know if that's like i don't i don't even answer the questions like that we have many plans but we also don't like necessarily know what plants we're gonna execute on yeah yeah exactly exactly that's what i'm trying to say here yeah this is a lot of cool there's a lot of ideas that would be cool but like are we gonna actually do it though like that's it's hard to know whoa this got really trippy

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as January 2021 and as early as September 2020.

February 9th, 2021 Livestream

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yeah uh do you have any plans to add ray tracing or dlss we don't really have plans for retracing at the moment um there's yeah i guess the the team doesn't find it to be as important as other things um right now so there's no plan you know it could be a thing but right now there's like more important things especially when it comes to uh optimization yeah it doesn't really add anything new to the game so to speak it just yeah it just helps out some people who have the hardware yeah uh apparently we don't support everyone else and currently we don't support directx 12 which we have to to be able to use the lss right and there is an experimental directx 12 on the experimental brand yeah right now but that doesn't we're trying it you're testing it and it doesn't mean a promise yeah yeah so

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as January 2021 and as early as September 2020.

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what operating system will dedicated service be i i actually don't really know i mean i guess it's going to be windows and i think it's possibly going to be on linux i'm not sure

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as August 2020 and as early as January 2020.

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this is dog a plushie that's something that i just formed nothing yeah what about the lucifer though um yeah so this is actually the discussion that's going on with with behind the scenes and what we're trying to figure out they'll be dog

This question may have been asked previously at least 6 other times, as recently as January 2021 and as early as June 2018.

Q&A: Will there be more emotes?

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as December 2020 and as early as November 2020.

February 2nd, 2021 Livestream

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improvements in vehicles next update i don't know maybe a little bit in multiplayer in terms of lag for update 4 not an experimental uh right now but maybe i'm not quite sure exactly like because we haven't fully tested it fully fully so yeah we don't know how much of an improvement it actually was but we have done something i think

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as December 2020 and as early as December 2019.

January 26th, 2021 Livestream

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how did you come up with the idea of making satisfactory i think factorio was one of the biggest um no things in the beginning yeah the people like when we were um when we were brainstorming our next game a lot of people we all split up and made different games that we could pitch to see what we would like and the people who made satisfactory uh were super obsessed with factorio at that time and that ended up being the best game and so we made that

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as December 2020 and as early as March 2019.

Q&A: Will you tell here the current build limit number considering the Engine Upgrade?

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as January 2021 and as early as September 2020.

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ế quá trình Android free Have you ever tried to Vietnamese companies in the Vietnamese I thought the method has made for you will make all Together the fish in your performance in brother and your performance to city of what a lovely Heart ramires implemented to hurt me warm in the way of doing things must use International or replace live preview wtw avent Natural face when you

This question may have been asked previously at least 7 other times, as recently as January 2021 and as early as March 2019.

January 19th, 2021 Livestream

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any plans to revisit the to-do list for quality of life pass um i would say if there's anything specifically that you think we should change with that make sure to post it on our questions site at um and i think that's the best way to answer that question really is if there's something specific that you want to change i don't know of any specific plans um so yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as January 2021 and as early as October 2020.

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uh can more people ride the same train soon um good question we don't have plans for that right now but maybe if you chuck it on the question site maybe we will take that into consideration you can't even write two people in the same vehicle at all anywhere so

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as November 2020 and as early as August 2020.

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uh can we get a packager that has outputs not stacked oh that's a good that's an interesting question uh drop a comment on that on the questions site uh questions outside of

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as November 2020 and as early as October 2020.

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yet what about via multiplayer vehicle desync yes same thing i've said before with uh there might be a general networking and performance improvement uh in general from the engine update but there are still a lot of optimization plans uh so it's not like it's it's there are plans for it um it's always like this always time is against us you know what i mean like we only have so many hours per day to work on stuff and there's so many things that we want to work on so but we we hear you we know it's an issue

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2020 and as early as September 2020.

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um how are possible are dedicated service in the next updates like um i don't know but it's possible that the lag that you're experiencing right now that might significantly improve with this engine upgrade um i guess we'll have to find out if you know what i mean

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as November 2020 and as early as September 2020.

December 15th, 2020 Livestream

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how this works are there hitting secrets and cameos in the game yeah there's a few uh and i'm sure there are things that people haven't found yet and i'm sure there's going to be more stuff coming once stories and even

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as October 2020 and as early as February 2019.

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does sanctum and satisfactory exist in the same universe i don't know actually i don't think so but i'm not the one writing the story that's hannah um so she's like the only one who knows i guess but uh i don't think so

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2020 and as early as September 2020.

December 8th, 2020 Livestream

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so let's build a constructor is there any info slash lore on the player character there is a story in the game uh with yep so there's lore and everything like that um but it's not in the game at the moment so you don't know what it is i know what it is i also know

This question may have been asked previously at least 4 other times, as recently as November 2020 and as early as May 2020.

November 24th, 2020 Livestream

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click and drag functionality for building is not a thing that we want currently

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as November 2020 and as early as August 2020.

November 10th, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: How come so many Dutch developers?

A transcript is available

Snutt: "How come so many Dutch developers?"

Yeah we have a lot of Dutch people at Coffee Stain

Jace: I don't know why there are so many Dutch...

Snutt: it...

Jace: Yeah.

Snutt: Yeah.


Dutch apparently have...

Jace: We're- how many are we? Like 30 or 35 or something?

I'm not sure, something like that.

Snutt: Yeah.

And there's like how many? Seven Dutch people?

Jace: Seven Dutch people? Umm...

Snutt: Yeah?


Jace: Yeah it's like someth- Five? I thought it

was like five or six or something.

Snutt: Wait wait wait, I can't count.

Jace: Yeah.

Snutt: That's why I'm a programmer.

Jace: They all look the same.

Snutt: Yeah.



Jace: [Laughing]

[Shakes head]


Snutt: all right anyway moving on so uh


Jace: yeah.

Snutt: So do you want to talk a little bit-

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as June 2020 and as early as February 2019.

A transcript is available

that's how it starts destroy all the followers in the game biomes increase performance or decrease because the game is the track what you destroyed i think it does nothing yeah it just disappears yeah because we're tracking that they're either there or not i don't think the way it works is that it's assumed there unless it checks it list that keeps growing when you remove things yeah i'm pretty sure that's how it is so i think it does nothing i don't know i could be wrong yeah i actually don't know i don't remember i'm uncertain right now

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2020 and as early as August 2020.

November 3rd, 2020 Livestream

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Jace: Uh. Will there be DLCs?

Jace: $1 Toilet DLC coming soon.

Snutt: [sniggers]

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as October 2020 and as early as February 2019.

October 13th, 2020 Livestream

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will one of the quality of quality of life uh stuff be turning down the fog so first of all there will be uh and someone else's are they're gonna be quality of life updates uh there will be in 3.5 um i don't know if they're the fog is included there or what we're doing uh because the fog is tight yeah the fog is tied into level like the level design so to speak um i don't know what this currently that's like on uh like in limbo because we're we're not sure whether or not the merging of the world stuff will make it into this update because there are a few dependencies dependencies in the world right now that are tied to the 425 update which is coming a bit after the fluid update a bit confusing uh so i don't think the fog will be updated in this fluid update but it may be updated in the coming update after that uh if that answers the question it's really confusing but we're aware and i think something's gonna happen so

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as September 2020 and as early as May 2020.

October 6th, 2020 Livestream

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what's the fluid update ah it's it's a no big deal it's just the uh coming update that's coming out in a few weeks um it's it's not a major update it's not like as big as like update three or it's not update four essentially but it's a it's like in between it's it's it it's a update that's coming in between um now and update four that will contain an update to fluids uh and you know what that means um i guess you're gonna have to find out i don't care i don't give a there we're gonna release some teasers uh leading up to the release of it and the the update is coming sometime late october early november uh liar a liar hopefully we hope it will be worth

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as September 2020 and as early as September 2020.

September 29th, 2020 Livestream

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you want to make a thing so you can do it um are there any green energy options in the game relative uh news of the game but cold feels bad uh so the thing with green energy is something we've thought about and something that we sort of toss up and oh i'm not sure what we want to do but i think we lean to not doing it but the option is still there and the reason the reason for doing it is because it i don't know it's kind of fun right but the reason to not do it is the point of the game is you work for a company that doesn't give a about the planet and your whole goal is to just exploit the planet at any cost spew carbon up into the air don't care destroy everything cut down every tree kill every creature mine up all the resources yeah um so that is the point of the game that is the story and lore so in order you know if you're gonna invest in green energy it lore wise it doesn't make much sense but if you balance that with fun then maybe it does make sense or maybe it will be a mod like i mean you know video games is escapism right like we we give you this option like you can go and and be as dirty as you want you can roll around in the mud and use coal as much as you go nuclear like do whatever you want and you guys are like no i want to be clean like which is honorable just don't build a factory and don't cut down trees yeah exactly yeah

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as August 2020 and as early as May 2020.

September 8th, 2020 Livestream

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uh can we upload our spider image other than a cat


i mean i think i feel like that's something that could probably be done the the other thing with it is but we have like effects on our cat things but i don't know if that could just automatically be applied to everything but then the other thing is um is just the amount of work in general this is what i feel the amount of work in general for the arachnophobia mode uh we've always wanted to keep it low because wait so the comment is can we upload our own spider image of instead of the cat like you want to replace arachnophobia mode with spiders no no no no oh i don't think that's what they mean maybe not but that's how i read it i thought that was funny yeah so i don't know like i feel like that's going to take an amount of work that maybe isn't necessary but maybe i'm wrong a spider-man is neon cat nice it's like you're walking like in the forest and you're like


yeah yeah just kill me kill me look out

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as March 2019 and as early as August 2018.

September 1st, 2020 Livestream

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oh here's a good question what about the merch very soon very soon um we're like finalizing i feel like we've said this for like two months or something we are finalizing uh merch the unfortunate thing about merch right now is that the coffee cup is going to be delayed uh i can say that right now it's going to be delayed a bit we're going to launch merch before we launch we were planning to launch like our merch store with a bunch of goodies and coffee cup good things but stuff just keeps getting delayed um and we're at that point now we feel like at some we need to release something right we need to get something out there so we're going to do it in like um we're going to roll out merch um throughout the months so like when cups do become available we'll add it to the store uh but yeah merchant some merch is going to be available fairly soon i think

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as March 2020 and as early as February 2020.

July 28th, 2020 Livestream

Q&A: Dedicated Server cost

This question may have been asked previously at least 3 other times, as recently as January 2020 and as early as March 2019.

June 8th, 2020 Livestream

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crop play or any online actually uh okay so will i get a steam key if you've already bought it on epic games you will not um

This question may have been asked previously at least 5 other times, as recently as May 2020 and as early as March 2019.

February 6th, 2019 Livestream

A transcript is available

pipes no release date actually I can't

This question may have been asked previously at least 2 other times, as recently as February 2019 and as early as August 2018.