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June 16th, 2023 Update 8 Bugs and Performance Troubleshooting

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⬇ Save File location ⬇
C:\Users[YOUR USERNAME]\AppData\Local\FactoryGame\Saved\SaveGames

⬇ Hotfix Patch Notes ⬇

⬇ Game User Settings location (delete file to reset settings to default) ⬇
C:\Users[YOUR USERNAME]\AppData\Local\FactoryGame\Saved\Config\Windows\GameUserSettings.ini

⬇ Launch Options info ⬇
Force a different rendering API via launch commands. The launch commands are as follows:
for DirectX 11 (deprecated): -dx11
for DirectX 12: -dx12
for Vulkan: -vulkan

Video of how to set these launch options:

Text information on how to set launch options:

⬇ Links and Info ⬇
Website + FAQ ‣
Community Wiki ‣

⬇ Where to buy Satisfactory ⬇
Steam ‣
Epic ‣
Humble Store ‣

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Heroic Replicas ‣

⬇ Report bugs and make suggestions ⬇

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⬇ Community Managers ⬇
Jace ‣
Snutt ‣

⬇ Editor ⬇
Masonzero Gaming ►

⬇ Timestamps ⬇
0:00 Happy to see people playing Update 8!
0:17 What we're covering today: bugs and troubleshooting
0:48 What we're covering today: updated hardware requirements
1:08 We've got a new wiki!
1:31 How do I access the "Experimental branch"?
2:48 Experimental IS experimental.
3:35 Bugs that have been reported so far
4:57 Our patching schedule & Vacation period
5:22 2 main issues we will focus on today: FPS and GPU crash
5:41 GPU Crash - What is it?
6:42 GPU Crash - What you can try to fix it
8:47 Low FPS and Stuttering - What is happening?
10:41 We are not officially supporting Lumen (Global Illumination)
12:06 Performance Troubleshooting checklist
12:23 ✓ Checklist: Update graphics drivers
12:29 ✓ Checklist: Verify your game files
12:56 ✓ Checklist: Disable TSR, use FXAA or TAA
13:30 ✓ Checklist: Stuck at 2fps? Free up VRAM
14:27 ✓ Checklist: Use TSR "Performance" preset
15:09 ✓ Checklist: Turn off Global Illumination (Lumen)
15:42 ✓ Checklist: Switch your video settings to Lower Quality presets
16:12 ✓ Checklist: D3D12 crashes? Update drivers, or try Vulkan
16:40 ✓ Checklist last resort: Force DirectX 11
17:23 Run Hardware Benchmark feature
17:54 Expanding upon the new minimum hardware requirements
21:10 Outro - Send us your feedback!
21:37 Vamonos - I will miss you all

#Satisfactory is an FPS open-world factory building sim by #CoffeeStain Studios. You play as an engineer on an alien planet as part of the ‘Save The Day’ program - a program whose goal is to construct a massive machine for a mysterious purpose. Conquer nature, build multi-story factories, and automate to satisfaction!

  1. Update 8 Bugs and Performance Troubleshooting

  2. Intro
  3. Reporting bugs

    1. Intro
    2. Some of the bugs

  4. Two other issues to focus on

    1. Intro
    2. Graphics Card crash

      1. Intro
      2. Some things you can do

        1. Intro
        2. Low FPS / constant stuttering

          1. Intro
  5. Specific issues & specific things you can do

    1. Intro
  6. Updated Minimum Hardware Requirements

    1. Intro
    2. Outro
  7. Outro