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June 14th, 2022 Update 6 Release Stream (Experimental)

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Join us as we count down to the release of Update 6 on Experimental! We'll hang out with a couple of folks from Coffee Stain and check out the current state of the game. Update 6 drops somewhere around 5pm CEST.

  1. Intro

  2. Stream Starting Soon
  3. Community Highlights

    1. Outro
  4. Intermission
  5. Special Guest: Mark

    1. Gameplay

      1. Figuring out how the TV works
  6. Special Guest: Tobias & Etienne

    1. Gameplay

    2. Outro

  7. Special Guest: Ben, Dylan, & Simon

    1. Intro
    2. Gameplay

      1. Heading to Spire Coast

      2. Arrived at Spire Coast

    3. Outro

  8. Special Guest: Anna, Torsten, & Hannah

    1. Intro

    2. Gameplay

      1. From Spire Coast to the Dune Desert Mesa

      2. Dune Desert Mesa

    3. Heading back to the Spire Coast

  9. Post-Release

    1. Special Guest: Stefan & Birk

      1. Intro
      2. Gameplay

    2. Outro